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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. shemp

    Twitter has started blocking unregistered users

    Twitter has started blocking unregistered users Well, I'm not going to sign up. So I won't be posting any more links to Twitter. I wouldn't give Elmo the time of day. Hell, if I saw him drowning in a river, I'd throw him a cement block.
  2. J

    Cont: Musk buys Twitter II

    Continued from here. Twitter's ad sales dropped 59% year on year in April according to leaked internal documents. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12160579/Twitter-ad-sales-dropped-59-just-88million-five-weeks-May.html Apologies for the Daily Fail link but it was the first non...
  3. Mike!

    Merged Musk buys Twitter!/ Elon Musk puts Twitter deal on hold....

    "Elon Musk struck a deal on Monday to buy Twitter for roughly $44 billion, in a victory by the world’s richest man to take over the influential social network frequented by world leaders, celebrities and cultural trendsetters." https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/04/25/business/elon-musk-twitter
  4. mortimer

    Strange tweets. Any ideas?

    I run a cleft lip/palate support twitter account. In order to find tweets to retweet using this account, I've set up TweetDeck with a search column that shows any tweet with the terms "cleft", "harelip", or "hairlip". Now, 90% of the tweets have nothing to do with cleft lip/palate issues. Most...
  5. Orphia Nay


    #StarInfoWars has been trending on Twitter this week. http://www.buzzfeed.com/bennyjohnson/star-infowars-is-the-funniest-thing-political-nerds-will-see Check out the link for memes. I seem to recall similar jokes* being made here over the years. *That's what the Empire wants you to...
  6. The_Fire

    Twitter Etiquette?

    Ok, getting involved with twitter over here. Got some things regarding etiquette down, but one thing is bugging me. Now, in real life, my mom taught me that interrupting other peoples, especially those you don't know, private conversation and just start chattering away is rather rude. Even if...
  7. Agatha

    Epic fail by Gillian McKeith

    Gillian McKeith attempts to defend her diploma mill qualifications, and the fur begins to fly.... I particularly like the attempts to pass it all off as a hacked account. http://dlvr.it/2czVm
  8. Eddie Dane

    Twitter, explain it to me

    I thought it was an ego-tripping tool for people with a really, really short attention span. But apparently I have to change my mind, for two reasons. One of my best (and most intelligent) friends is absolutely raving about it. He's a computer programmer and is following the Tweets of some of...
  9. Deetee

    Dr Rachie versus Mercola - we need your votes!

    Vote for Dr Rachael Dunlop in the Shorty Twitter awards for Health. She is currently leading Mercola by a short head ( or in his case, should I say an empty cranium) http://shortyawards.com/category/health ETA - sorry, looks like the voting has finished, and she has done it.
  10. patchbunny

    God Hates Twitter! Oh noes!

    The Westboro Baptist Church is coming to San Francisco Thursday through Friday to protest Twitter, among other organizations. Apparently, all this is because: Yeah. Apparently Twitter isn't using their company to force everyone to read biblical passages. But to continue, :boggled: I'd...
  11. Azrael 5

    Hypnosis via Twitter record!

    Hypnotist plans record trancing(?)via Twitetr and Facebook!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1240428/Hypnotist-Chris-Hughes-plans-world-record-6-000-people-trance-using-Facebook-Twitter.html
  12. R

    AGW: Caribou Barbie is Tweeting

    Sorry if this is a duplicate. Just reported over at CNN, Sarah Palin is all a-twitter about the Copenhagen summit: Source I can't figure which is more embarrassing -- the whole juvenility of it all, or the fact that she can't distinguish between "ions" and (presumably) eons. Please Santa...
  13. B

    JREF 9/11 Links - twitter feed

    JREF 9/11 Links After reading some discussion on the topic, I made my own JREF-only link site debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories. If you know of any specific posts that thoroughly debunk a 9/11 CT, please find it and link to it. The post should be: to the point. a single post and not a...
  14. C

    Twitter Trend Topic #Howgoodsigod

    Currently, the number two trending topic on Twitter is #howgoodisGod I generally glance at these trending topics once every day or two. I just couldn't believe this tag made it as a trending topic. Of course, curiosity demanded that I click on the bloody thing. Predictably I find sarcastic...
  15. B

    AE911Truth's Twitter Feed

    Yep, AE911Truth's got a Twitter feed. Of course I signed up to follow! Here are some lovely nuggets of information: So, yes, in addition to Gage's Sydney vacation at the end of the year, he's adding a nice little tour of Japan as well. Nice work if you can get it.
  16. Galileo

    Is Twitter Part of the NWO?

    Is Twitter Part of the NWO? Anyone notice how just a few months ago, the mass media has been shoving Twitter down our throats? I never even heard of it until two months ago. My hypothesis is that Myspace and Facebook have fallen out of favor with the N.W.O. I am asking for help in finding...
  17. Oliver


    Okay, I'm obviously getting old. What the heck is the fun in "twittering"?
  18. arthwollipot


    Did I mention "Clueless Newbie"? I can't work out how to send a Twitter update from my phone. I've tried sending an SMS to the number provided, but it doesn't appear on the site. The SMS was sent successfully from my phone - I didn't get an error sending. I turn now to the 100% reliable source...
  19. Dicon

    Twittering TAM7

    Prior to TAM6 I started a thread looking for a techy way for people to easily keep up with what was going on outside the regularly scheduled conference. Specifically, what would be the best way to let a group of people know that you're gathering in the lobby in five minutes for a road trip to...
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