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Merchants of Doubt now a Documentary

Skeptic Ginger

Nasty Woman
Feb 14, 2005
They've made a documentary based on the excellent book, Merchants of Doubt which is about marketing science doubt for economic and political gain.

I'm bummed the release is limited, hopefully it will make it to Seattle. But I may just have to buy the DVD and share it with others, maybe at the library or just with our skeptic's group.

Scientific skepticism is healthy. Scientists should always challenge themselves to improve their understanding. Yet this isn't what happens with climate change denial. Skeptics vigorously criticise any evidence that supports man-made global warming and yet embrace any argument, op-ed, blog or study that purports to refute global warming. This website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?
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