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Martial Arts Robots


Aug 3, 2001

Humanoid robots capable of performing somersaults and complex martial arts moves were demonstrated at Asia's largest electronics and computing fair in Tokyo on Saturday.

Visitors to CEATEC 2003 (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) met Morph3, a human-like robot about 30-centimetres tall developed by researchers at the Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan. It can perform back flips and karate moves thanks to 138 pressure sensors, 30 different onboard motors and 14 computer processors.

Another miniature humanoid robot on display was Fujitsu's HOAP-2. This droid has been programmed to perform moves from the Chinese martial art taijiquan, as well as Japanese Sumo wrestling stances.
Many years ago, Isaac Asimov wrote a little essay on robotics explaining how the SciFi film version of powerful, dangerous robots was very unlikely, since a robot light enough to move quickly would not be strong, and robot heavy enough to do a lot of damge would be too slow and cumbersom.

It appears the good doctor may have been mistaken. (he freely admitted missing the boat on personal computers.)
Bikewer said:

It appears the good doctor may have been mistaken. (he freely admitted missing the boat on personal computers.)

I wouldn't discount his assumptions just yet. This robot is after all only 30CM tall and I imagine, although he may be graceful, would have a hard time bruising a toddler.
I think the turning point in robotics will be when they invent marital arts robots, such as anatomically correct robot lovers. Then the public will want them.
Pretty soon all the robots will be bitching about which of their styles is the best.
Not my own limerick

shemp said:
I think the turning point in robotics will be when they invent marital arts robots, such as anatomically correct robot lovers. Then the public will want them.
There once was a man named MacLean
Who invented a ****ing machine;
Concave or convex
It could please either sex,
But, oh, what a b@st@rd to clean.
Is anyone else looking at the picture, and picturing the robot doing a sumo walk?
Andonyx said:
Is anyone else looking at the picture, and picturing the robot doing a sumo walk?

It is doing that. :) It is part of a sumotori's repottwwaablahblahiraerare (can never spell that word) called 'shiko'. It happens right before they reach for the salt and toss it.
T'ai Chi said:

It is doing that. :) It is part of a sumotori's repottwwaablahblahiraerare (can never spell that word) called 'shiko'. It happens right before they reach for the salt and toss it.

Duh! I'm an idiot. I totally skipped over the sentence in Zakur's quote where they mention that.

Nevermind, everyone should just ignore me.
The good doctor was of the opinion that "anatomically correct" robots would be inevitable, and would be put to the uses that our dirty little minds envision.

Right now, there's a fellow doing a brisk trade in what he calls "real dolls". The guy is a sculptor, who started out making "garage kit" models.

Realizing the limited monetary reward of such work, he turned to producing a life-size "doll" formed of authentically-weighted material, molded over an articulated-steel frame.

The dolls come in standard sizes, so they can be dressed in off-the shelf clothing. They look pretty good....

Loved the limerick!
Very cool robot. Not knowing anything about mechanical and electrical engineering, is it really that difficult to scale up that little guy to 4-5 foot tall range?
Andonyx said:
I wouldn't discount his assumptions just yet. This robot is after all only 30CM tall and I imagine, although he may be graceful, would have a hard time bruising a toddler.

Here Scroll down to "carbon nanotube muscles". I don't know about you but I welcome our robot masters.
BTox said:
Very cool robot. Not knowing anything about mechanical and electrical engineering, is it really that difficult to scale up that little guy to 4-5 foot tall range?

Depends. Sometimes scaling isn't hard, and other times it's darned near impossible.

I would guess we'll have to wait a few years at least before these things get to person-sized.

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