Every year at the school I work at, some kid or another gathers enough HTML knowledge to build his very own website. And every year just wouldnt be the same if some kid didnt make his very own "I hate this other person" website.
The deans at the school occasionally become swamped with complaints about one student and the website he made. To cite a few incidents, last year a kid thought it'd be interesting to make a website with the "25 hottest and 25 ugliest girls in school". It was the standard amateur Geos**tties quality website with a list of name, descriptions of good and bad traits, and a scanned image from a year book. The website got popular within the school, eventually the mothers of those 25 "ugly" girls threatened to sue the school and the kid who made the site for punitive damages and humiliation. Of course, the site was taken down and "threats to sue the school" remained only threats.
Another funny thing kids liked to do on the internet was send people to Firstname.Lastname.isgay.com. Again, another incident where kids were threatened with court action and the occasional "I'm gonna kick the ◊◊◊◊ out of you".
I think anyone can make any website about any person or subject they want (provided its completely legal). Its a form of self expression and free speech.
I dont know what to think. I got to thinking about this when I saw the JamesRandi.org parody site (which is illegal by the way... and its not that funny...).
Is there anything wrong or damaging about a kid who makes a "25 girls who are ugly" website.
Comments (because I honestly have no idea what to think)?
The deans at the school occasionally become swamped with complaints about one student and the website he made. To cite a few incidents, last year a kid thought it'd be interesting to make a website with the "25 hottest and 25 ugliest girls in school". It was the standard amateur Geos**tties quality website with a list of name, descriptions of good and bad traits, and a scanned image from a year book. The website got popular within the school, eventually the mothers of those 25 "ugly" girls threatened to sue the school and the kid who made the site for punitive damages and humiliation. Of course, the site was taken down and "threats to sue the school" remained only threats.
Another funny thing kids liked to do on the internet was send people to Firstname.Lastname.isgay.com. Again, another incident where kids were threatened with court action and the occasional "I'm gonna kick the ◊◊◊◊ out of you".
I think anyone can make any website about any person or subject they want (provided its completely legal). Its a form of self expression and free speech.
I dont know what to think. I got to thinking about this when I saw the JamesRandi.org parody site (which is illegal by the way... and its not that funny...).
Is there anything wrong or damaging about a kid who makes a "25 girls who are ugly" website.
Comments (because I honestly have no idea what to think)?