Orphia Nay
Penguilicious Spodmaster., Tagger
If you could design a school, what would you want it to be like?
If you could design a school, what would you want it to be like?
What does this even mean? For what ages? For what purpose? And are you talking about physical design, or curriculum, or teacher qualifications, or student-teacher ratios, or what?
As you have astutely observed the question lacks such constants. We might thereby infer an authorial intent of seeking responses that include all, none or more of your own suggestions.
Its not a ******* university essay.
It would be well funded by the government, owned and run by the state. The teachers would be well paid and the classrooms would not be ten-year old temporary buildings. The curriculum, pedagogy and layout would be based on best evidence based understandings. Lunches would be nutritious and free, while catering to diverse dietary needs.
The kids would be indoctrinated into a culture of accepting and embracing diversity and fairness. It would be as PC as all **** with unisex toilets and no uniforms. A right boomer nightmare. And billionaires would pay for it all with their taxes and be happy about it.
And all the teachers could have indepth interviews, with students asking little kids "Are you sure you you know what gender you are"
Have you tried wearing a skirt?
It would be well funded by the government, owned and run by the state. The teachers would be well paid and the classrooms would not be ten-year old temporary buildings. The curriculum, pedagogy and layout would be based on best evidence based understandings. Lunches would be nutritious and free, while catering to diverse dietary needs.
The kids would be indoctrinated into a culture of accepting and embracing diversity and fairness. It would be as PC as all **** with unisex toilets and no uniforms. A right boomer nightmare. And billionaires would pay for it all with their taxes and be happy about it.
It would be well funded by the government, owned and run by the state. The teachers would be well paid and the classrooms would not be ten-year old temporary buildings. The curriculum, pedagogy and layout would be based on best evidence based understandings. Lunches would be nutritious and free, while catering to diverse dietary needs.
The kids would be indoctrinated into a culture of accepting and embracing diversity and fairness. It would be as PC as all **** with unisex toilets and no uniforms. A right boomer nightmare. And billionaires would pay for it all with their taxes and be happy about it.
Walls, windows, roof, floor. Well-insulated as it's difficult to pay attention when it's freezing cold indoors. Chairs and desks, possibly those combo chairs with a desk on it.
It would predominantly consist of big-eye jacks, tuna and cobia over a reef with squirrelfish and rainbow runners. Around the edge would be yellowtail barracuda and a single white-tip reef shark.
Taxation is theft.
It would be well funded by the government, owned and run by the state. The teachers would be well paid and the classrooms would not be ten-year old temporary buildings. The curriculum, pedagogy and layout would be based on best evidence based understandings. Lunches would be nutritious and free, while catering to diverse dietary needs.
The kids would be indoctrinated into a culture of accepting and embracing diversity and fairness. It would be as PC as all **** with unisex toilets and no uniforms. A right boomer nightmare. And billionaires would pay for it all with their taxes and be happy about it.
If you could design a school, what would you want it to be like?
It would be well funded by the government, owned and run by the state. The teachers would be well paid and the classrooms would not be ten-year old temporary buildings. The curriculum, pedagogy and layout would be based on best evidence based understandings. Lunches would be nutritious and free, while catering to diverse dietary needs.
The kids would be indoctrinated into a culture of accepting and embracing diversity and fairness. It would be as PC as all **** with unisex toilets and no uniforms. A right boomer nightmare. And billionaires would pay for it all with their taxes and be happy about it.
Taxation is theft.
Keep religion out of our utopian schools.
I would go for something like the Coursera model, with the best teachers in the world giving video lectures, with autograded quizzes that must be passed at a certain level in order to progress. Kids would not have to attend classes per se, although you would want some group activities to allow for normal socialization--things like art classes or phys ed. Teachers would be more like tutors; available on call to help students who need some assistance with the material, but no longer forced to ride herd over 20-30 rambunctious youngsters at a time.
Taxation is theft.
I think start with the known knowns. The equations leading back to the singularity of the big soundless event. The kids would be deeply fascinated, then add the layers up to the origin of life, Descartes and what he thought.If you could design a school, what would you want it to be like?
Teachers. A building can't be a school without teachers. They are incredibly undervalued.
Totally agree, but would add "quality" to teachers in an ideal scenario.
Nothing better than an excellent teacher for a kids upbringing, nothing worse than a bad one.
Here both get paid the same. Have to love the unions.
As is property.Taxation is theft.
I could go on and on.
But a good place to start might be looking at how schools get paid for.
The town/city property tax model leaves a damned near dystopian level of inequality. Where I live, they carved out the wealthiest chunk of the city some time back as its own tiny "town". Now, that town has the highest income in the immediate area and very good schools. Cross to a block over and the city schools are rated far lower, with many serious problems. When rich people can't form a separate district, they take over schoolboards and whatever other local government they need and slash school spending and taxes to the bone. Then they either send their kids to private school or they prop up the schools in their neighborhood with PTA funding, essentially creating their own funding district.
The current model seems to just deepen class divides and stagnation. And because income, location and race/ethnicity have so much correlation, it's statistically the same groups who end up underserved by schools. Of course money isn't the only problem. We're not going to fix schools by only throwing money at them. But those resources are a baseline for success. The ability to attract and retain good teachers. Simple facilities and resources matter. I worked a bit in a title 1 school that didn't even have working water fountains (among many other serious deficits).