Also, remember I mentioned our Cyberark system which is supposed to manage all of our elevated access permissions and passwords? It's down right now, which is making it difficult to do the New Starter Requests for Monday because that process requires elevation several times.
There are workarounds, but it's hard to describe how badly this affects my (probably) autistic and highly process-dependent brain. I'm literally getting cripplingly confused at every step. Fortunately I have coping strategies in place - I'm referring to my checklist for literally everything.
Finally, does anyone know how to tell Excel 365 to paste only the value when using Ctrl-V? NOTE: I don't want to use Ctrl-Shift-V - that would require changing my muscle memory. I have checked File - Options - Advanced, and none of the options change the default pasting behaviour. I've found one ******** source that says to use a macro (**** that).
No, don't bother. I'm using ******* Notepad instead.