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Congratulations, Mr. President


Penultimate Amazing
Jul 28, 2006
Well, it seems the JREF has a new president, and I have to say I think Phil Plait is a great choice. I've only seem him talk a couple of times and he was, quite frankly, awesome, and I'm sure many people have enjoyed his badastronomy blog. In addition, I think it's nice to have someone with a scientific background at the top. Although we all know it's the argument that matters, not the person making it, that has never stopped Randi's detractors complaining about his lack of a scientific education.

So, congratulations to Dr. Phil Plait and the JREF. Let's see where things go from here.
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There's already another thread about this but I completely agree with you.
Well it should have been me, really.

Apart from the fact that I'm thousands of miles away from Florida, unknown, unqualified and rather dim I would have been a great choice.

However, Phil Plait is an excellent choice or should I say an Amazing choice.

Congratulations Phil.

Plus - We get two new books from Randi.

Win - Win

Phil needs to start learning magic now so he doesn't get fooled by magicians.
First trick, uncuff yourself while hanging upside down over the niagra falls.
Congratulations to Phil Plait on his new job.
Questions for him
1. Will Phil Plait become a member of this forum? If so how often and for what reasons Phil Plait post here?
2. What will happen to Swift? Will it be the same as The blog, or even exist?
3. What changes will Phil Plait make to the forum rules and how the rules are interpreted?
4. Will Darat and Lisa and the mods still have a job in the morning?
5. Any other changes to the forum?
Congrats to Dr. Plaitt, and best wishes to Mr. Randi, especially w.r.t. your current endeavours which you’ll be better able to concentrate on.
I think this was a great choice, Bad Astronomy is one of the few blogs I make a point to read everyday and have been reading since it was pointing out hilarious flaws in tv/movies... also with Dr. Plaitt's large reader base I hope even more become aware of JREF and it's mission. Congratulations Phil.

Oh and.. Phil, it's time to let the beard fully fill in.
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Phil needs to start learning magic now so he doesn't get fooled by magicians.
First trick, uncuff yourself while hanging upside down over the niagra falls.

For those occassions he'll use the clone we call Richard Wiseman
Congratulations to Phil! :D

I can see the conspiracy of balding, bespeckled skeptics is marching along. All that is necessary for Phil's... transformation... to be complete is for him to grow a beard.

One question - which reveals how out of the loop I am - what's going on with Randi?
Congratulations Phil!

MattusMaximus: Randi is now the chairman of the board. He'll be 80 Thursday, so he probably wants to start grooming a replacement now, so the replacement will be ready when Randi finally retires in another 50 years or so. :)

Phil will have advice from competent magicians', so I wouldn't worry about him being fooled.
I, for one, bow down to our new Bad As. overlord. :)

It's good to know that he was willing and able to accept the position. What a catch for the JREF.
There once was a Bad Ast' named Phil
Who tried wrangling cats for a thrill
To improve his decorum
He managed a forum!
More cats, and a salary of nil...
phil DOES grow a beard, but only when there is an eclipse.

This is awesome news. Great for the JREF, great for Randi, great for skeptics and skepticism.

Hail Phil!
Does this mean that I can sell my autographed copy of his book for full retail price??? Phewww. I´m glad I didn´t just throw it out!

I kid, I kid.

I can just imagine Phil´s face when he got the news...


Congrats Phil. I love You in a totally heterosexual way.
Heh, yeah, I agree with congratulating Phil. But Phil knows that. The BA rocks.

But "congratulations, Mr. President" caused me to twitch. Perhaps I read it wrong the first time.
I've updated my sig file with a quote from "The Bad Astronomer". I knew I'd saved it for a reason. Whoda thunk he'd become JREF president?

Here's the original. Note the pink font color he was using at the time. :)

The Bad Astronomer: thanks skinny. And bite me. :-) ( 11/15/02 on Paltalk)
Who is his pick for VEEP? After all, the VP is "only a heartbeat away" and there should be some consideration given to this.

All I can say is -- Mazal Tov, Phil.
Who is his pick for VEEP? After all, the VP is "only a heartbeat away" and there should be some consideration given to this.

All I can say is -- Mazal Tov, Phil.

I understand he is on the lookout for forum members with unmarried, pregnant teenage daughters.
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