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  • Hello there, I'm curious about your avator. I love optical illusions and such and I don't recall seeing it before. Is it original to you or is it a known geometrix concept? Thanks!
    Hi, Paul.

    Was wondering if you still animate Avatars. It's only been 5 or so years since I last changed it (I've been busy) : ) I changed it tonight.
    You were nice enough to have changed it then, so I thought I'd ask. If not, well that is no problem!

    Best Regards,

    Mike (M 9-B)
    Hello, dear Paul. Hope you are well. Remember when we were posting at that woo forum, Freedom Crow's Nest? You left early on, which was a wise move. I stayed for a few years, and left recently because they are literally insane. I may have wasted a lot of time on them, but I have fond memories of the skeptics who posted there, such as you. Kind regards,
    Hi Paulhoff,

    I did hear and I thought I sent you another message after by birthday greeting apologizing for acting so flippantly before I knew about your wife, but I don't see it.

    I'm very sorry to hear about the death of your wife. From what I have read, she was a special lady and I wish I had met her.

    You have my heartfelt condolences and if there is anything I can do, please let me know. You have been very kind to me over the years.

    Best regards,
    Hi Paulhoff!

    I'm sorry to not have responded quickly to your kind best wishes. I haven't been to the forum in a while. I guess I spend too much time on Facebook and have neglected JREF.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes and I do miss exchanging posts with you. I hope all is well.
    I have no idea why anyone would want to be friends with a cantankerous old fart, but I won’t question your sanity.
    Hello fellow JREF member who joined 2 May 05 same as me! We've been missing you in the predict who posts next thread!
    No, I did add it, or so I thought. But I now notice I did not. I just reloaded it so let me know if you see it blink. Initially, it told me that the upload failed, but it seems to be blinking for me.

    Now, if only I had a Santa hat... ;)
    Problem is, I can't attach it to a PM, owing to size, and it is on my computer, not the web. I'll do some hunting and see if I can remember where I got it, and give you a link.
    Paul, I have an animated gif that is slightly too large for an avatar, and also slightly too large to use as an attachment. I think it would be suitable for a challenge being given to Jerome da Gnome for a new avatar. Do you have the capability of making it small enough to fit? If so I can email it to you. It's a 100kb animated gif of Marvin the Martian disintegrating himself with his gun.
    Hi Paulhoff,

    I love your hypercube!! Can I download one of them from somewhere?

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