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Bill Barr and his October Surprise


Penultimate Amazing
Feb 19, 2004
Puget Sound
This thread is intended for all things Bill Barr, his rank corruption, and the October drop from Durham that Barr has (essentially) promised.

We've had corrupt AGs. But I don't recall seeing anything vaguely like this.

Donald Ayer was Deputy AG under Bush 1. He worked with Barr. His interview on CNN today wasn't hugely revealing. But hearing it from Ayer is chilling. I'll post a link later.
This thread is intended for all things Bill Barr, his rank corruption, and the October drop from Durham that Barr has (essentially) promised.

We've had corrupt AGs. But I don't recall seeing anything vaguely like this.

Donald Ayer was Deputy AG under Bush 1. He worked with Barr. His interview on CNN today wasn't hugely revealing. But hearing it from Ayer is chilling. I'll post a link later.

What the hell does Barr need Trump for? He was already AG once. He can't need the job. You would think someone at his age and general physical condition would care about his legacy. Most public figures who are one half rack of pork ribs away from shuffling loose the mortal coil would be trying to secure their place in history. He must know that historians will never forgive him.
Wasn't there talk that the bar association might remove Barr's credentials? Was that just wishful thinking, or was any action actually taken?

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What the hell does Barr need Trump for? He was already AG once. He can't need the job. You would think someone at his age and general physical condition would care about his legacy. Most public figures who are one half rack of pork ribs away from shuffling loose the mortal coil would be trying to secure their place in history. He must know that historians will never forgive him.

He'll probably be mentioned a lot more though...

He also comes across as a particularly smug git so he probably thinks he's being very clever...
What the hell does Barr need Trump for? He was already AG once. He can't need the job. You would think someone at his age and general physical condition would care about his legacy. Most public figures who are one half rack of pork ribs away from shuffling loose the mortal coil would be trying to secure their place in history. He must know that historians will never forgive him.

Barr and the other right-wing crowds see Trump as a tool to advance their agenda. Trump turned over the selection of federal judges to the right-wing Federalist Society. He has promoted tax cuts for the wealthiest, and cuts in environmental regulations, workplace protections and other laws that serve most Americans, and has worked to dismantle large sections of the U.S. government. They don't serve Trump; Trump serves them.

Barr wants to turn the U.S. into a Christian theocracy. He has said so himself.
Given the push by Q and Don Jr. to paint Biden as a pedophile, my guess is an attempt to make a connection between Epstein/Ghislane and Biden come October.

And there will be some doctored tape of Biden been incredibly racist to Blacks and Hispanics.
Barr should say he's going to announce the results of Durham's investigation after November 3rd because he doesn't want to influence the election. Then Trump and Barr should hint at what they've discovered, tease the Deep State corruption we all know took place. Liberals will complain, which makes it even better. "Hey, we're not going to say what Obama/BIDEN did out of respect for the integrity of our elections -- unlike you guys who have the latest elite journalist expose or former model/current heifer accusing Trump of assault."
I don't think so. It's going to be a non-event. Nothing with Dunham's "investigation" has moved the needle so far.

I took the 'stige to mean this *thread* should be a fun one to watch. I guess he's waiting to pounce with, "BDS!!"
I cannot believe the stupidity of Barr's comment on the lockdown and slavery:

You know, putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders, is like house arrest. It’s — you know, other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.

He is also making no secret of his support of Trump and his willingness to interfere in legal cases to further Trump's political agenda. He's so far up Trump's rectum it would take a colonoscopy to find him and remove him.
Universal draft? You don't have to stay home instead you are forcefully rounded up and sent off somewhere to be maimed or killed.
And that, unlike "the" covid lockdown, was federal.

They cherry-pick federalism. This cherry is inconvenient at the moment.
Is he wrong?
Yes, yes he is.
What intrusion on civil liberties has been greater than the lockdown?
Ummm.... lets see....
- Japanese WW2 internment camps (and its sequel... Trump locking kids in cages)
- Tuskegee experiments
- Widespread voter suppression of minorities
- Torture of prisoners in the aftermath of 9/11
- Unequal treatment of minorities by law enforcement, often leading to death

Yes, a lockdown does limit people's activities. But unlike many of the above examples, 1) it actually has a valid purpose and benefit to society, and 2) its effects were relatively minor (and could often be mitigated), compared to the ones above that caused significant injury or death.
Yes, yes he is.

Ummm.... lets see....
- Japanese WW2 internment camps (and its sequel... Trump locking kids in cages)
- Tuskegee experiments
- Widespread voter suppression of minorities
- Torture of prisoners in the aftermath of 9/11
- Unequal treatment of minorities by law enforcement, often leading to death

Yes, a lockdown does limit people's activities. But unlike many of the above examples, 1) it actually has a valid purpose and benefit to society, and 2) its effects were relatively minor (and could often be mitigated), compared to the ones above that caused significant injury or death.

The property seized and literal acts of genocide against native Americans is WAY worse too.

It isn't a short list of violations of civil liberties. Oh, but so many of these are violations of RIGHTS, so, you know, we're being dramatic.
Biden was right: if you vote for an Administration that equates quarantine with slavery, you might not be quite true to your African American roots.
Is he wrong? What intrusion on civil liberties has been greater than the lockdown?

Within a millisecond I come up with the internment of *Americans* of Japanese ancestry during WW2. They were crammed into camps out in the desert for over 3 years.
Is he wrong? What intrusion on civil liberties has been greater than the lockdown?

In addition to those already mentioned by others, the right for those of the same sex to marry comes to mind which was illegal until recently. The lockdown was only temporary and had the purpose of saving lives. The ban on same sex marriage was not temporary and had no purpose except to pander to religious bigotry.
What the hell does Barr need Trump for? He was already AG once. He can't need the job. You would think someone at his age and general physical condition would care about his legacy. Most public figures who are one half rack of pork ribs away from shuffling loose the mortal coil would be trying to secure their place in history. He must know that historians will never forgive him.
Barr has already hinted he doesn't care about his legacy, which makes for some chilling reading:

“Everything is gauged by politics,” he continued. “And, as I said, that’s antithetical to how the department runs, and any attorney general in this period is going to end up losing a lot of political capital, and I realize that and that’s one of the reasons that I was ultimately persuaded, that maybe I should take it on because I think that [at] my stage in life it really doesn’t make any difference.”

"I am at the end of my career," Barr, 69, said.

"Everyone dies, and I am not, you know, I don't believe in the Homeric idea that, you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know?" he added.
The Hill: Barr brushes off critics of his reputation: 'Everyone dies'
Is he wrong? What intrusion on civil liberties has been greater than the lockdown?
Seriously? You're trying to defend an idiot comparing restrictions on movement during a pandemic with chattel slaver?
In addition to those already mentioned by others, the right for those of the same sex to marry comes to mind which was illegal until recently. The lockdown was only temporary and had the purpose of saving lives. The ban on same sex marriage was not temporary and had no purpose except to pander to religious bigotry.
The right of people of different ethnicities to marry too.
AG Barr has been almost comically partisan but I only noticed how bad he was in the past year.

Speech at the Federalist Society said:
Unfortunately through the past few years we have seen these conflicts take on an entirely new character. Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called ‘The Resistance’ and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his administration. The fact of the matter is: that in waging a scorched earth, no holds-barred war of resistance against this administration, it is the left that is engaged in the systemic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law.

Lol what. :rolleyes:
AG Barr has been almost comically partisan but I only noticed how bad he was in the past year.

Lol what. :rolleyes:

Don't forget his recent urging of federal prosecutors to charge any protestors after a hypothetical Trump reelection with attempting to overthrow the government.
I suspect the root of his 'problem' is that he's a rabid, religious nutcase.

A worthy successor to the previous LP party presidential candidate.

If you think of him as Badnarik with a few extra IQ points and a law degree then a lot of this makes way more sense.
Within a millisecond I come up with the internment of *Americans* of Japanese ancestry during WW2. They were crammed into camps out in the desert for over 3 years.

Dramatic much? They weren't camps as much as they were war-time hospitality suites. I heard they had great schools.
Is he wrong? What intrusion on civil liberties has been greater than the lockdown?

He is not wrong. This is in fact the largest intrusion on the civil liberties of straight white people with sufficient means to avoid the draft and other unpleasantries since their property was stolen at the end of slavery.
I took the 'stige to mean this *thread* should be a fun one to watch. I guess he's waiting to pounce with, "BDS!!"

No need to pounce. But I meant the whole burrito: The surprise, how it plays out, the reactions in this thread, etc. The whole business taken all together, should a fun one to watch.
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