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911Blogger - Fading Away?

Orphia Nay

Penguilicious Spodmaster., Tagger
May 2, 2005
On the main page of 911Blogger the stories garner very few comments these days.

Currently, the story with the most comments has just 12 comments, and those are mostly about how few truthers there are posting replies to another story on the web. :)

Truthers, do you post at 911Blogger?

If not, why not?

Is this lack of comment a sign that 9/11 Truth is declining?
The whole 9/11 thing is declining in interest.

If the trend continues I don't think I will still be posting in 40 years time.


D'oh! You'll have to find another hobby. Blowing up rocks with Vegemite perhaps?:duck:
What's a Truther?

Didn't we go through this before where we decided you're only Truther who doesn't know.



There's more, but you'll have to find the original post for these or you can check out the conspiracy cite www.truther.org. Good luck Truthers. Change the world and make us free.
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911Blogger is practicing heavy-handed censorship.

When you sign up, you automatically get a status where your contributions must be accepted by an admin before they appear. If you don't toe the party line, your contributions are doomed.

If you have shown you're an obedient little Twoofy, always saying "wonderful, Mr. Jones" and "thank you, Mr. Ryan" and "more, more, Mr. Keogh" they might promote you such that you can post comments without delayed approval. But woe unto you if you dare to voice criticsm more than once!! Remember the responses to the Millette study (also here) or Kevin Ryan's sell-out to terrorists? Those were the most recent that generated debate with almost 100 comments. The critical participants there have since been silenced.
If you compare new pages with old pages then you will find that the old pages have more comments. However not all forums are reducing in size. abovetopsecret is still a bigger forum than Randi.org
If you compare new pages with old pages then you will find that the old pages have more comments. However not all forums are reducing in size. abovetopsecret is still a bigger forum than Randi.org

Yes, but ATS and the JREF cover all sorts of topics. 911Blogger is devoted solely to the 9/11 Truth movement.
Actually I was invited to post there a few years ago. Then I learned they had a "screening" policy where they had to approve posts and comments before they appeared. Told them no thank you. I understand it was due to the CIT/P4T gang internet behavior. They don't want no-plane silliness to tarnish their image.

So I imagine a lot of truthers simply stay away these days because they can't express their opinions freely.
Actually I was invited to post there a few years ago. Then I learned they had a "screening" policy where they had to approve posts and comments before they appeared. Told them no thank you. I understand it was due to the CIT/P4T gang internet behavior. They don't want no-plane silliness to tarnish their image.

So I imagine a lot of truthers simply stay away these days because they can't express their opinions freely.

That, and they can't agree on a cohesive story.
The whole 9/11 thing is declining in interest.

Which is a shame because the most important discussion the public needed to have about 9/11 never happened - and it had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories.
Which is a shame because the most important discussion the public needed to have about 9/11 never happened - and it had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories.
I haven't a clue what you refer to.

My own concern about the 9/11 discussion is that it has focused strongly on the big 4 (or 5) technical issues and given little effort into discussing the actions of the US Government and it's agencies. Label them "MIHOP", "LIHOP" or "LIHOOI" is you wish.

The classic example being AE911 truth which premises an alleged (alleged because I don't accept that they are genuine) -- an alleged need for a "new investigation" premised on a claim of demolition at WTC. And they started that initiative in 2007 by which time no honest person could accept CD at WTC as a viable hypothesis.

So I think the socio-political side of 9/11 conspiracies has been neglected whilst the false claims in the technical arena have taken all the focused energy.

The cynic in me says this is exactly what a Government would want. People concentrating on false technical claims which therefore will go no-where. Meanwhile no call for inquiry into political actions. That is a guaranteed "all parties' winning strategy which few politicians could resist.

So what is the aspect you think needs public discussion but "had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories."?
Which is a shame because the most important discussion the public needed to have about 9/11 never happened - and it had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories.

What would this discussion be about?
I haven't a clue what you refer to.

My own concern about the 9/11 discussion is that it has focused strongly on the big 4 (or 5) technical issues and given little effort into discussing the actions of the US Government and it's agencies. Label them "MIHOP", "LIHOP" or "LIHOOI" is you wish.

The classic example being AE911 truth which premises an alleged (alleged because I don't accept that they are genuine) -- an alleged need for a "new investigation" premised on a claim of demolition at WTC. And they started that initiative in 2007 by which time no honest person could accept CD at WTC as a viable hypothesis.

So I think the socio-political side of 9/11 conspiracies has been neglected whilst the false claims in the technical arena have taken all the focused energy.

The cynic in me says this is exactly what a Government would want. People concentrating on false technical claims which therefore will go no-where. Meanwhile no call for inquiry into political actions. That is a guaranteed "all parties' winning strategy which few politicians could resist.

So what is the aspect you think needs public discussion but "had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories."?

The motive. Why did 19 men hijack planes and fly them into buildings? I know what I think; but that would be a discussion for the politics forum.
The motive. Why did 19 men hijack planes and fly them into buildings? I know what I think; but that would be a discussion for the politics forum.

I'd be interested in a discussion about that, if you'd like to explain further. Could you please start a thread in the General Politics forum, rather than let this thread get derailed? Thanks.

To re-rail, I've assumed for a long while that 911Blogger was the hub of 9/11 Truth news. If it's been superceded, by what?
To re-rail, I've assumed for a long while that 911Blogger was the hub of 9/11 Truth news. If it's been superceded, by what?

Used to be the Loose Change forum was Twoofer Central now they're lucky to get 3 posts a week. Funny, they also had a policy of ruthlessly stifling dissent. Doesn't seem like a healthy tactic does it?

The motive. Why did 19 men hijack planes and fly them into buildings? I know what I think; but that would be a discussion for the politics forum.
I don't see how that topic qualifies as "had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories."

Remember also that the reason for this sub forum being established was to keep all the 9/11 discussion in one place and away from other 'normal' business.
I don't see how that topic qualifies as "had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories."

Remember also that the reason for this sub forum being established was to keep all the 9/11 discussion in one place and away from other 'normal' business.

I don't see how it does, unless one is suggesting the hijackers were agents of the US government/Mossad.

As I'm sure you're aware, a public discussion would extend beyond the realm of this particular internet forum.

I will follow Orphia Nay's suggestion when I have the time to put something substantive together. It's not a subject that can be tackled flippantly.
Don't pretend you don't know what I mean.

Do you post at 911Blogger?

If not, why not?

Is this lack of comment a sign that 9/11 Truth is declining?

I know exactly what you mean. You mean to categorize and label anyone who expresses skepticism over the state issued account. It's a transparent and cowardly tactic.

Now to your more specific questions. Yes, I've posted over there. No, it's not as busy as it used to be, but so what? Aidan Monaghan(sp)'s contributions alone make the site worthwhile. Can you put up a so-called debunker who has tracked down more research than Aidan?
I know exactly what you mean. You mean to categorize and label anyone who expresses skepticism over the state issued account. It's a transparent and cowardly tactic.

Now to your more specific questions. Yes, I've posted over there. No, it's not as busy as it used to be, but so what? Aidan Monaghan(sp)'s contributions alone make the site worthwhile. Can you put up a so-called debunker who has tracked down more research than Aidan?

Can you put up a so-called truther who has dodged more questions than Red?
I know exactly what you mean. You mean to categorize and label anyone who expresses skepticism over the state issued account. It's a transparent and cowardly tactic.

Now to your more specific questions. Yes, I've posted over there. No, it's not as busy as it used to be, but so what? Aidan Monaghan(sp)'s contributions alone make the site worthwhile. Can you put up a so-called debunker who has tracked down more research than Aidan?
Aidan Monaghan? Where is his book? He is a truth-NAZI, you can't post your ideas at his blog, they are banned. He acts like a NAZI, is he? Does he believe in Bigfoot and Chemtrails?

Aidan Monaghan, he has produced a lot of woo on 911. Please be specific, which is his greatest article, and please produce what about 911 official story is wrong? Go ahead, be specific, something you have never done before.
On the main page of 911Blogger the stories garner very few comments these days.

Currently, the story with the most comments has just 12 comments, and those are mostly about how few truthers there are posting replies to another story on the web. :)

Truthers, do you post at 911Blogger?

If not, why not?

Is this lack of comment a sign that 9/11 Truth is declining?

Probably a big sign it is declining. The conspiracy theories have been incredibly repetitious and I know in my case I no longer have an interest in discussing 9/11 conspiracies. I had them repeated to me enough that it's gotten old and frankly I'm no longer patient with the discussions, so I'm moving on.

I wish 911blogger luck but beyond it's net presence it hasn't changed a thing in my personal affairs, nor has it made any impact in the kind of work I do now that I'm employed with an architecture firm. Clearly, the movement, whatever name it wants to go by... hasn't achieved its goals, not by a long shot. The conspiracy theory about this stuff however will persist even if only in a zombie state.
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Aidan Monaghan? Where is his book? He is a truth-NAZI, you can't post your ideas at his blog, they are banned. He acts like a NAZI, is he? Does he believe in Bigfoot and Chemtrails?

Aidan Monaghan, he has produced a lot of woo on 911. Please be specific, which is his greatest article, and please produce what about 911 official story is wrong? Go ahead, be specific, something you have never done before.

I realize I'm about to ask a very stupid question, but do you have support for your childish attack on Monaghan, calling him a Nazi?

Either he has promoted genocidal ideology or he hasn't. If he hasn't and you can't provide any support for it, you diminish the word, Nazi, and reduce the historical import of such an evil institution.

You can attack his work, but unless you can provide concrete support for your childish namecalling, you owe him a retraction and an apology, in the name of basic decency if nothing else.
Can you put up a so-called truther who has dodged more questions than Red?

Major Tom.
If we don't distinguish "trolls" from "truthers" we would need to include C7 and Tony Sz. There may be others therefore ergo my list is not complete.

I haven't done the count but based on total number of posts and allowing for evasions of multiple questions in some posts I doubt that M_T would top the list. He posts a lot less than C7 and does not post in bursts of frenzy like TS.

BUT if you count the proportion of his posted material which is dedicated to avoiding answers M_T may rank higher. Both the other two candidates posts routinely contain a fair proportion of sciency or engineering looking padding. Usually male bovine faeces but still legitimate on topic bull droppings.

In comparison Red is merely an occasional visitor to these pages and selective in what he says. However he may have been playing the game for longer which could compensate.
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I don't know that you can look at comments as any kind of barometer for the simple reason that more comments on a blog usually indicate bickering back and forth by two or more individuals. At SLC, for example, our newest post has 48 comments and the one below that has 79. On the face of it, that's a fair amount of comments; I can't imagine 9-11 Blogger having that many comments on any post in the last few years. But most of the comments are back and forth sniping between Truther Snug Bug (Brian Good) and a couple of debunkers.

Our traffic is way, way off. Some of that may be due to the infrequency of the posts there; it is becoming common for there to be 5-6 days between posts. But I suspect it's more just that the general interest level has faded. In 2011 we did have an upsurge in traffic (probably caused by the 10-year anniversary); we had about 475,000 page views as compared to 429,000 the year before. But in 2012? Page views YTD are only 121,000, which means we'll probably have more than a 50% decline. And our posting was every bit as sporadic last year, so that can't be the cause.
I know exactly what you mean. You mean to categorize and label anyone who expresses skepticism over the state issued account. It's a transparent and cowardly tactic.

Now to your more specific questions. Yes, I've posted over there. No, it's not as busy as it used to be, but so what? Aidan Monaghan(sp)'s contributions alone make the site worthwhile. Can you put up a so-called debunker who has tracked down more research than Aidan?

Mark Roberts has probably forgotten more about 9/11 than Monaghan ever knew. Our very own Brainster, as well. And Ryan Mackey. And John Farmer and the rest of the guys who took apart the CIT nonsense. And probably a dozen more I've forgotten.
I don't see how it does, unless one is suggesting the hijackers were agents of the US government/Mossad.....

I think you're getting warm but not about the hijackers.

Unfortunately certain subjects border on being taboo here.

Any suggestion of Mossad involvement and the accusations of anti-semitism and/or Holocaust denial start flying.

For the record, I totally believe that the Halocaust occurred as recorded in the historical record, and I am not anti-semitic.

I haven't a clue what you refer to.

My own concern about the 9/11 discussion is that it has focused strongly on the big 4 (or 5) technical issues and given little effort into discussing the actions of the US Government and it's agencies. Label them "MIHOP", "LIHOP" or "LIHOOI" is you wish.

The classic example being AE911 truth which premises an alleged (alleged because I don't accept that they are genuine) -- an alleged need for a "new investigation" premised on a claim of demolition at WTC. And they started that initiative in 2007 by which time no honest person could accept CD at WTC as a viable hypothesis.

So I think the socio-political side of 9/11 conspiracies has been neglected whilst the false claims in the technical arena have taken all the focused energy.

The cynic in me says this is exactly what a Government would want. People concentrating on false technical claims which therefore will go no-where. Meanwhile no call for inquiry into political actions. That is a guaranteed "all parties' winning strategy which few politicians could resist.

So what is the aspect you think needs public discussion but "had absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories."?

The following thread does exactly that, focus on discussing the actions of the US Government and it's agencies.

"CIA threatens "Press for Truth" producers over release of new documentary"
The following thread does exactly that, focus on discussing the actions of the US Government and it's agencies.

"CIA threatens "Press for Truth" producers over release of new documentary"

ozeco41 told us time and time again that he is not interested in what he calls "political aspects" of 9/11. Same with the white knight Oystein. They prefer to argue from a very limited perspective that "twoofers" are wrong. Strawman central.
Mark Roberts has probably forgotten more about 9/11 than Monaghan ever knew. Our very own Brainster, as well. And Ryan Mackey. And John Farmer and the rest of the guys who took apart the CIT nonsense. And probably a dozen more I've forgotten.

None of those guys have elicited the reams of info from FOIA requests that Monaghan has.
Our traffic is way, way off. ... In 2011 we did have an upsurge in traffic (probably caused by the 10-year anniversary); we had about 475,000 page views as compared to 429,000 the year before. But in 2012? Page views YTD are only 121,000, which means we'll probably have more than a 50% decline. ...

Similar to what the AE911T petition has been experiencing:


They had higher numbers of signers per day from summer 2009 to 2010, since then it's been in decline, with a marked surge in the summer 2011 until october 2011, around the 10th anniversary. Since then, interest has dropped dramatically. (Note: I don't have values for a 3-month period from mid-july 2011, when the WayBayMachine stopped crawling ae911truth.org, until end of september, when we started posting figures in the "juggernaut" thread, so the peak at over 1/month actually covers a period of over 2 months)
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