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  • Hmm does that mean you do have an opinion and a working hypothesis ("most likely scenario"), but fear getting picked apart?
    This attitude strengthens my conviction that truthers have learned not to make claims, having been debunked every time they made claims in the past.

    With no claims to make, I suppode the truth movement really dead.

    I don't think it is irresponsible to "speculate". And there is no shame in saying "I don't know this". At least you could say something along the lines of "I don't believe planes were hijacked" or "I am not convinced planes crashed into the buildings" or "I find it likely that plane crashes and fires were not the only intentionally applied forces that brought the towers down" or "I suspect some leaders of the CIA knew in advance"

    Are you a man without convictions??
    Hey RedIbis, I wonder if youd consider giving us a short wrap-up of your working hypothesis of what happened on 9/11 in this thread:
    I intended this as a ridicule-free zone.
    It occurred to me that I debate 9/11 with many people everyday without usually even knowing their overall position on the subject matter.
    I guess if you are not sure about some aspects of 9/11, or don't even have a working hypothesis, that would also be a fair stance and worth sharing.

    Thank you! :)
    Kind Regards
    Awesome! That must mean that you've went back to your thread and acknowledged your mistakes and apologized to people that you've accused of using logical fallacies. Wait a minute! You didn't! Hmmmmmmmmmm.......

    And stalking? Please. I would hate for you to get a much bigger ego than you actually deserve.
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