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the skeptic zone

  1. Richard

    Title: Show #48 - Seth Shostak and Bridgstock/Sturgess Paranormal Research

    Title: Show #48 - Seth Shostak and Bridgstock/Sturgess Paranormal Research More Dragon*Con footage! We have Dr Seth Shostak, SETI astronomer and author of 'Confessions of an Alien Hunter', talking to Richard Saunders and Dr Steve Roberts. Richard Saunders was also interviewed on the Derren...
  2. Richard

    Show 46 - Dragon*Con And Paranormal Research

    Head to - http://www.skepticzone.tv for the podcast that is first out with all the news and events of one of the biggest pop culture festivals in the world that features skepticism as a vital part! "Dragon*Con 2009" - a podcast audio adventure on what it was like! This show also features one of...
  3. Richard

    Show 44 and 45! Slau and Philosothon!

    Show 44 and 45! Slau and Philosothon! Sorry for the delay in keeping this up! Check out the interviews with Slau, of the Sessions with Slau podcast and the phenomenon of Philosothon - all about critical thinking for teens and more. Don't forget that the Skeptic Zone team will be represented at...
  4. Richard

    Show 36 - Skeptic Education! Theo Clark and Kylie Sturgess

    Theo Clark of the Hunting Humbug Podcast - found at www.skepticsfieldguide.net Kylie Sturgess' talk to the Perth Atheists - Belief in Weird Things - Recent Developments and Educational Directions. Please note - we're planning on heading to Perth soon, so zip in donations and get in touch with...
  5. Richard

    Simon Singh Speaks at Sydney Uni in July!

    Head to: "Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial" - Sydney University - http://www.usyd.edu.au/sydney_ideas/lectures/2009/trick_or_treatment.shtml Lecture Information - From acupuncture to homeopathy, from herbal medicine to Hopi ear candling, Singh will also look at the origins of...
  6. Richard

    Show 35 - Jennifer Ouellette and Science & Entertainment Exchange!

    Show 35 - Jennifer Ouellette and Science & Entertainment Exchange! Stefan Sojka introduces the show! Richard Saunders & Kylie Sturgess interview Jennifer Ouellette Dr Rachie Reports With Dr Rachael Dunlop THE THINK TANK - Richard Saunders, Dr Rachael Dunlop, Dianne, Ian Bryce, Joanne, and Dave...
  7. Richard

    Show 34 - Dick Smith and Mind Body Spirit/Wallet!

    Tune in and listen to the talk by Australian Skeptics founder and patron, Dick Smith! Recorded live in Sydney, a one-night only special. Special feature, Joanne Benhamu about Mind, Body & Spirit / Wallet - which you can read for yourself in the soon-to-be-released The Skeptic Magazine of...
  8. Richard

    TITLE: Show 32 - Skeptic Zone In Melbourne With Young Aust Skeptics!

    Adventures in Melbourne and meeting The Young Australian Skeptics! You can find their site at http://www.youngausskeptics.com/ and do subscribe to their podcast too. A Grain of Salt - With Eran Segev on (W)Holistic Health Care Dr Rachie Reports With Dr Rachael Dunlop on radionics...
  9. Richard

    Show 30 - Got Supersense?

    Kylie Sturgess interviews Bruce M. Hood! Head to www.brucemhood.com to learn more. Bruce Hood’s fascinating, timely and important book...Hood’s presentation of the science behind our supersense is crystal clear and utterly engaging ….perhaps the millions who read and loved that book (Dawkin’s...
  10. Richard

    show 29 - Anti Vax and Ghosts

    The Anti-Vax lobby in Australia - the story continues! The scoop we got last week (and that you can hear more of with Dr Rachie on the SGU later on) continues with further investigations. We have the ever-perenial (and ever entertaining!) Mind Body Spirit round up - also known as the 'Mind Body...
  11. Richard

    EPISODE 28 - Stephen Fry!

    Yes, the Skeptic Zone does it again. Listen to Stephen Fry, Stephen Fry is well-known as an English actor, comedian, author, television presenter and director. During his uni years he teamed up with Hugh Laurie to appear on a whimsical sketch show entitled A Bit of Fry & Laurie. He has written...
  12. Richard

    Episode 27

    Dr Rob Morrison! Those fans of the original Curiosity Show can revisit the past and find out about the present work of Dr Morrison. A really enjoyable visit in Adelaide was enhanced by this great interview and we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed catching up with him. :) See a...
  13. Richard

    Sydney Talks To Melbourne

    YAS and Skeptic Zone Present Talks! Skepticism 101 - Richard Saunders Dr Rachie Reports: Adventures of a Scientist in an Alternative Medicine World Venue - Melbourne University, 30th May, May 30th, 2009 - 4pm to 6pm - Theatre A in Elizabeth Murdoch, Melbourne University. The powers of the...
  14. Richard

    Episode 24!

    Episode 24! The skeptical women take over! First, it's not-quite our hosts Richard and Stefan - and then there's an excellent presentation by Dr Krissy Wilson, taken live at the Dinner Talk for the NSW Skeptics. Dr Wilson is a graduate of Goldsmiths' College (where she worked with Dr Chris...
  15. Richard

    Show - 20

    Kylie Sturgess interviews Dr Martin Bridgstock and Dr Rachie takes on "Life Wave"
  16. Richard

    Show 19 - Richard Wiseman

    From Richard Wiseman's blog... There is a strong cheesy theme emerging today. There is an interview with yours truly just out on The Skeptic Zone, where Richard Saunders and I discuss firewalking, quirkology, cheesy magic and lots lots more. --- Also live from skeptics in the pub - Quackery...
  17. Richard

    Show 19 - Parapsychology

    In show 19 we have an interview with Dr Caroline Watt from Scotland, a founder member of the Koestler Parapsychology Unit. Dr Caroline Watt has taught and researched parapsychology at the University of Edinburgh for over 20 years. Show online 27.Feb.09
  18. Richard

    Skeptic Zone 14

    Jon Ronson On Skeptic Zone / Amazing Adventure 2 Interviews! Download off iTunes now! Please pop in a review on iTunes if you enjoy the show and feedback at our site at www.skepticzone.tv too. :) Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary film maker. His books, Them: Adventures With Extremists and...
  19. Richard

    The Skeptic Zone Podcast

    Got a mind - and it matters? The latest in podcast and vodcast 'evolution' is here - The Skeptic Zone from Australia Taking the experience and talents of the former hosts of 'The Skeptic Tank', combined with the internationally-renown videographer skills of 'The TANK vodcast', the brand new...

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