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Simon Singh Speaks at Sydney Uni in July!


Aug 1, 2001
Head to: "Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial" - Sydney University - http://www.usyd.edu.au/sydney_ideas/lectures/2009/trick_or_treatment.shtml

Lecture Information - From acupuncture to homeopathy, from herbal medicine to Hopi ear candling, Singh will also look at the origins of these therapies, their rapid growth in popularity and their supposed modes of action. Singh’s conclusions about effectiveness vary from good to bad (including downright dangerous), so he will discuss why so many ineffective alternative therapies have become so popular, and will consider how those that have been shown to be effective can be incorporated within conventional medicine.

Date: 6.30pm Wednesday, 15 July
Tickets: $20 Full, $15 Conc
Venue: Seymour Theatre Center, University of Sydney
Bookings : Book online or call (02) 9351 7940

Oh, and …PLEASE NOTE: Simon Singh is in Australia as a guest of the Adelaide Festival of Ideas and The Royal Institution of Australia, and his visit to Sydney is supported by the wonderful podcast The Skeptic Zone and Australian Skeptics!

Remember to come up to the Skeptic Zone team and say hi! :)
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