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The Skeptic Zone Podcast


Aug 1, 2001
Got a mind - and it matters? The latest in podcast and vodcast 'evolution' is here - The Skeptic Zone from Australia

Taking the experience and talents of the former hosts of 'The Skeptic Tank', combined with the internationally-renown videographer skills of 'The TANK vodcast', the brand new show 'Skeptic Zone' brings together even more contributors for an audio/visual experience - that will get your synapses going!

Site: http://www.skepticzone.tv

iTunes link:


Richard, Stefan, Karen, Jayson, Kylie and Michael are now joined by Rachael and Amanda, to bring you an hourly show in audio and with additional bonus videos for you to enjoy. The team are committed to taking both Australian and overseas issues, from the paranormal to the pseudoscientific to your iTunes / mp3 players every fortnight. Choose to listen or choose to watch our specially-filmed segments - we'll provide it all for you.

In addition, our backgrounds combine expertise in media, broadcasting, lecturing, education, medicine, psychology and even pop-culture! Which is why there's even more news, views, interviews and even a 'think tank' in a skeptic's pub!

If you ever wondered why there wasn't an 'international TV show for skepticism', then wait no longer. We'll be taking on board your suggestions to make it even more educational, more informative and more broad-ranging than ever before - because that's what The Zone is all about. Get Zoned out and get thinking!


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Richard, Karen, Kylie et al:
I just listened to the new Skeptic Zone podcast--it's outstanding! Thanks to all of you for adding to the wealth of great skeptical podcasts available to critical thinkers worldwide. I look forward to more episodes and, perhaps when Richard next is in the US, to additional live segments recorded here. In particular, I'd like to hear that the ThinkTank might be held from time-to-time in different places, featuring local skeptics as guests. This might allow for different perspectives on news items and, as an added benefit, you'd be able to sample a wider variety of beer and wine.
Keep up the excellent work!
We've done it again - this time, we're putting two podcasts together that you should check out!

We have our 3rd episode out! This time it's Dr Ginger Campbell of the Brain Science Podcast - for those who attended Dragon*Con, she was our first guest on the stage. We have the new "Dr Rachie Reports" (on live-blood analysis, it's as weird as it sounds...) - and then more Think Tank!

By the way - inspired by what the Skeptics Unite and JREF Moderator Chillzero, we've made a special announcement for fundraising to help out Robert Lancaster. Wear a shirt like Kylie did at 2008 Dragon*Con and help Robert keep stopping Sylvia!

And of course - we're always aiming to improve. Hope you enjoy the episode - and if you're in Adelaide this weekend, see you at the Australian Skeptics National Conference! We'll probably do a show there, so feel free to feedback in person. And if you're far away - Digg our show! Really! Digg digg! :)
Our next episode on the 24th October (this Friday) will feature not only the recent Australian Skeptics National Convention in Adelaide - but Phil 'Bad Astronomer' Plait talking at Dragon*con! If you're interested, we'll be featuring a competition for new slogans/logos for our product range at http://www.zazzle.com/skepticzone - win a copy of Phil Plait's new book, ' Death From The Skies'!

You and the team are doing great work of all of this.

I'm getting yelled at for using the month's download, but it's all done so well.

Keep this going.

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