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steven jones

  1. chrismohr

    Chris Mohr's YouTube Part 23 Epilogue: WTC Dust Update; Saying Goodbye to 9/11 Truth

    Why I do NOT believe thermite was used to bring down the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11. After the thermitic dust paper of 2009 by Harrit/Jones/Ryan/Farrer et al, I hired Jim Millette to analyze the WTC dust and he found NO THERMITE. This YouTube video is a detailed summary of responses to...
  2. grandmastershek

    Jones Trying To Rewrite History?

    Back story: A truther elsewhere on the interwebs was doing his best to defend the sham that was the Bentham flap. Apparently it's Adam Taylor, and you can see his droolings here. While getting links to all the various examples of Bentham being a fraud, I went to find the quote from Jones saying...
  3. Oystein

    Farrer and Jones examined WTC steel long ago

    Jeff Farrer said in an interview in late 2010 that, sometime around 2005/2006, he and Steven Jones studied some WTC steel. Quote starts at 3:24: Here: 23n0Vr_A1TQ Later on at 4:41: He then goes around poking a little about why he finds all this strange and suspicious and how the phases could...
  4. Orphia Nay

    Steven Jones jumps the sinking ship

    This deserves more attention. First "Jesus in South America". Then "cold fusion". Then 9/11 "Truth". Now "perpetual motion machines". What will be next?
  5. alienentity

    Truther responses to Millette WTC Dust paper

    Predictably, 9/11 Truthers are variously avoiding the results of Dr Millette's study by attacking him, Chris Mohr and Oystein; by misrepresenting what the paper says; by pretending that it doesn't make any difference to the 'Official Story' etc.... Once again confirming that they aren't really...
  6. chrismohr

    WTC Dust Study Feb 29, 2012 by Dr. James Millette

    Link to James Millette's preliminary WTC Dust study: High Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112webHiRes.pdf Low Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112web.pdf In the summer of 2011, after finishing my 22 respectful...
  7. Orphia Nay

    "Consensus 9/11: The Best Evidence" - O RLY?

    David Ray Griffin, William Veale, Elizabeth Woodworth and 21 of the usual suspects have decided that truthers need to try to agree on a few things. http://www.consensus911.org/ "The purpose of the 9/11 Consensus Panel is to provide the world with a clear statement, based on expert independent...
  8. DaveThomasNMSR

    Need Help with Iron Microsphere Quotes

    JREFers, I need to get a video soundbite of a prominent truther (I'm thinking Gage, Harrit, Jones) explicity saying that the iron-rich microspheres found in WTC dust (USGS, R.J. Lee) can only be formed by Thermite, as jet-fueled or office fires just ain't hot enough. If you can post the URL...
  9. Gravy

    Video online again: "WTC Not a Demolition"

    I've been too lazy to do anything about the many requests to find a new home for my 47-minute video "World Trade Center Not a Demolition," which had been pulled by Google a couple of years ago. Mike Williams of 911myths.com contacted me and generously offered to convert and host the video, so...
  10. Senenmut

    Thermate + steel having the same characteristic corrosion as found by Barnett et al?

    so i was browsing 911blogger and came upon this post by prof jones: "Next we return to the mysterious melted steel from WTC7. Now however, the filmmakers inform us that their is nothing special about it: "it was attacked by a liquid slag... a liquid containing iron, sulfur, and oxygen." The...
  11. Brainster

    Confirmations? We Don't Need No Stinking Confirmations!

    Kevin Ryan, trying to get out in front of a pretty disastrous story for the Truthers, admits that he and Steven Jones are not cooperating with an independent effort to confirm or refute their nanothermite results. So far the comments over there are supportive, but I suspect that this will...
  12. CHF

    Truther public relations: how to turn a problem into a total embarrassment

    So you run an activist group and one of your members is accused of striking a girl in a wheelchair on a NYC sidewalk followed by an altercation with the girl's father. Normal PR reaction: We do not condone violence and if any inappropriate act was committed by our membership we in no way...
  13. angrysoba

    Steven Jones on Haiti

    Stephen Jones gears up for a talk about Haiti and says that the crisis was generated to grab the oil. http://vimeo.com/9614190 He starts speaking about this at around the 6:20 mark on this video after David Ray Griffin waffles on about Sunstein (I think, I didn't actually listen to it though)...
  14. C

    Have DRG, LC, Gage or Steven Jones professed any belief in the NWO conspiracy

    Did a search, didn't find anything. Are there any references to NWO in their work. I have seen the loose change films, but don't remember any references. Or have these people rejected them, like they have rejected no-planers, and probably do not agree with "vic-simmers"?
  15. CHF

    Any follow-up on Steven Jones' thermite retreat?

    IMO, perhaps the least-known, yet most important, truther story of 2009 would be that of Steven Jones backing away from his stupid thermite theory. It was a theory he had advocated since 2005 - the WTC was destroyed by thermite...no, I mean thermate....actually make that nano-thermite. So...
  16. grandmastershek

    The Truth of Thermite & Leapfrogging

    Hey guys I am new so I apologize if it's repetitive. I was just arguing with a guy on youtube and some thoughts came to me and I was wondering if anyone had further information or clarification. Thanks in advance. Let me first say I am not very "hard science" savvy (I am an MSEd grad student...
  17. cmatrix

    Why the Harrit Nano-thermite paper has not yet been debunked

    Many "debunkers" maintain the erroneous belief that the April paper by Harrit et al. has been debunked. This paper of course is entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" and was published in the The Open Chemical Physics Journal on April...
  18. runlikell

    New DVD – Steven Jones, PhD: “Nano-Thermite”

    "Here’s the one we’ve been waiting for. Currently available only from AE911Truth. Pre-order Now – Ships Aug 12th Watch it online now Nanothermite: What in the World is High-tech Explosive material Doing in the Dust Clouds Generated on 9/11/2001? This new DVD, Hot off the press, contains the...
  19. peteweaver

    Something Steven Jones should have a look at

    I was walking into Kinlochleven on monday, following the route of the West Highland Way. Walking down from the blackwater hydroelectric power station along the alcan service road, I noticed this piece of steel propping up a barrier. Its self evident that it has not been sawn, it has signs of...
  20. leftysergeant

    MEK question

    Inm looking at the Jones paper on his paint chips, it is mentioned that some of them seem impervious or only partially soluble in MEK, and this is used as proof that they are thermite. It seems to me that nothing will dissollve every know kind of paint. Am I wrong on this? What sorts of paint...

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