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  1. J

    Do you think VASCO will find any aliens?

    As in "Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations". Described in a highly readable paper by Beatriz Villarroel and a huge cast of others, The Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations project: I. USNO objects missing in modern sky surveys and follow-up...
  2. Loss Leader

    Radio Astronomy Help Needed For Story

    Gearheads: I want to write an SF story where a private company leasing time on a radio telescope receives a large file from space which is, essentially, a pdf (or other book format). It would be about 800,000 pages of text and diagrams. My question is how this could happen. Forgetting the...
  3. LSSBB


    So, is this a signal, noise, lensing, or is there some other explanation? An Interesting SETI Candidate in Hercules The signal: https://www.flickr.com/gp/144863629@N02/k3qSL7
  4. Belz...

    Split Thread Future adaptation of humans to living in space

    This thread has been split from the thread discussing the apparent discovery of an exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri. As the mechanism for splitting a thread is more akin to a chainsaw than a scalpel, there may be some posts that been moved but should not have been, or not moved where they...
  5. Reivax


    After watching this TED Talk I was wondering how solid people think the argument put forward is? Which is basically: There is an exponential, technological increase in the SETI There are likely billions of earth-like planets in our galaxy Therefore, it is very likely that we will make contact...
  6. kevsta

    SETI find alien signals

    really? http://seti.berkeley.edu/kepler-seti-interference
  7. shecky

    SETI Allen Telescope Array goes on hiatus

    Aliens put on hold for want of $5 million subsidy: I guess it's a little sad to hear this, but I wasn't really on board with the whole SETI thing, anyhow.
  8. N

    Could we contact an alien SETI?

    Could someone tell me what is the link between distance in space, strength of a radio signal, and size of any listening device? Considering the size/sensitivity of SETI, how close would any alien civilisation need to be for us to detect unusual radio signals if they are not transmitting to us...
  9. ejk


    I got an e-mail notice about a conference planned by the SETI Institute for August: http://www.seticon.com/ Anyone here thinking of going? I'm ridiculously tempted, but that's probably just because it's deepest, darkest winter and I'm bored and cold and the idea of August alone is enough to...
  10. shadron

    Why is the US alone in SETI?

    Here's a question I read about on Yahoo this morning: Why is the US alone in conceiving, maintaining and funding SETI? It would seem that it's extremely small cost would make it a natural for Europeans to join in on, or invent their own version, but they don't. Why not...
  11. madurobob

    Active SETI?

    I did a moderate search of the forums - didn't find this discussed. Feel free to direct me to the thread I've missed if I've done so. I've seen a few articles lately questioning "active-SETI". In case you are not aware, this involves intentionally beaming signals to potential sources of...
  12. E

    have they found anything?

    This is another expen. of money that could be used else where. like looking for alturnitive sources of energy, ways to run our autos with out oil.
  13. R

    Seti Results Conclusive Proof?

    Recently during a conversation about the possibility of intelligent life on other worlds someone suggested that the silence SETI has experienced is conclusive proof that there is none. Otherwise, the argument went, something would have already been detected. How srong of an argument is this? I...
  14. hgc

    John McLaughlin and SETI

    I just saw this weekend a rebroadcast from 4 years ago of an interview by John McLaughlin of SETI Carl Sagan Chair occupant Christopher Chyba. I wanted to bring it up because I'm so pleased in those rare moments when a mainstream journalist delves into issues of science with care, preparation...
  15. T

    SETI @ home

    http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ I wonder how it is working, assuming that it does work. Any of you guys have links that expose or support this tool?
  16. Bikewer

    SETI makes big find!

    According to Slashdot: http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/02/21/2326240&from=rss One of the volunteers tracked down his wife's stolen laptop, which was being used in the project. Sorry, no alien signals as yet.
  17. Brainache

    I got an email from Arthur C. Clarke

    I know it's a form letter, but still I get a bit of a buzz imagining the last survivor of SF's "Big Three" sending an email to little old me. I guess some people here see the whole SETI business as a pile of woo, but I'm still of the opinion that if ETI is out there, this is how we'll find it.
  18. D

    Question about SETI...

    So the basic idea is point radio telescopes at stars systematically and listen for responses, right? How does the Earth's movements around the sun and the "wobble" of our revolutions daily affect the reception? Is it reasonable to think that we could listen to the same star over and over and...
  19. BS Investigator

    RANDI on SETI Radio now (Sept 4)

    Randi and Phil Plait will be guests on SETI radio tonight. You can listen live at 7pm PST. this is the link for the live show: http://www.radioamerica.org/radioamericaaudiolink.html Later, you can check out the archived show at the SETI site...
  20. joe1347

    Curious Why SETI still isn't Receiving Public Funding?

    Since the current administration seems willing to fund just about anything. I wonder why SETI (seach for extra-terrestrial life) still hasn't receiving any public funding for more than a decade - since there has to be a least a few radio astronomers in Republican districts? If my memory serves...

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