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  1. S

    Vaccines - The Zenith Of Preventative Medicine (Looking At Lives Saved)

  2. Gord_in_Toronto

    A Cure for MS?

    Ottawa doctors' high-risk MS treatment yields 'impressive' results, Lancet finds 13-year trial 'first treatment to produce this level of disease control, neurological recovery,' journal finds. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ms-treatment-impressive-results-ottawa-lancet-1.3609031 Possibly...
  3. Jodie

    Nanotechnology and its future applications

    I was reading a sci-fi series about a post apocalyptic world based on nanotechnology used as WMD by Hugh Howey ( free if you are enrolled in Kindle's unlimited plan). Very interesting series but I guess I was unaware of the applications for the use of nanotechnology today so I decided to Google...
  4. catsmate

    Dr. William Pollack has died at 87

    Actually he died on the third but I only heard today. Probably most people here, outside the medical types and possibly those who've been pregnant, have never heard of him but his work saved, quite literally, milllions of lives. Back in the '60s Pollack, along with Vincent Freda and John...
  5. D

    How can I make sure my medical workers are using evidence based medicine (EBM)?

    I originally posted this on skeptics.stackexchange.com, but it's not a question suited to the site. So I'm trying again here. My wife and I recently found out we're expecting. While looking into a hospital for the delivery, I found that all the hospitals in my area use midwives for the births...
  6. M

    Nicolai Paulescu and the Discovery of Insulin

    Canadian Frederick G Banting and Scot John JR Maclead won the Noble prize for medicine for discovering insulin and thus helping millions of diabetics around the world. But a claim has been made that a Romanian scientist named Nicolai Paulescu came up with the discovery first only he called it...
  7. catsmate

    Interesting developments in medical prosthetics.

    From The Lancet. High-performance neuroprosthetic control by an individual with tetraplegia. The results are very interesting: Or, for the test scientifically inclined, the patient was able to intentionally move an arm, turn and bend a wrist, and close a hand for the first time in nine years...
  8. K

    My friend Hashimoto...or skeptic medicine

    I tend to trust mainstream medicine too much. I have to admit it was mainstream medicine that is going to help me deal with this immune disease, but it also took me not just nodding my head at the doctors office. Anyway, my latest about how being a skeptic lead to an earlier diagnosis than I...
  9. 1337m4n

    Does kava actually work for anxiety?

    I've been looking for an over-the-counter anxiety relief and a friend recommended Kava. Now maybe it's just because I've spent too much time on JREF but I'm highly suspicious of anything that sounds like "hippie stuff". This medicine isn't available in the average drugstore around here; I have...
  10. AnnoyingPony

    Bastyr University

    Hi fellow skeptics, I just got back from the Bastyr food and herb festival. My parentals took me. :rolleyes: I saw some... interesting things there. There were about 5 herbalist tents, 1 naturopathy tent, 1 tent that was offering herbal foot-baths, 1 team of acupuncturists, 2 vegetarians, 1...
  11. S

    Feeding Comatose Patients

    When someone is in a coma, what method is used to supply the patient with nutrition? Do they place a tube directly into the stomach? What kind of food do they use?
  12. USEagle13

    Nano Technology and the Future

    Due to recent events and me wanting to eventually touch base w/individuals on the subjects of our new technologies; I finally decided to start my nano technology thread. Nanotechnology covers pretty much every thing you can think of from new raw materials from old raw materials, new computer...
  13. JonathanClement

    Russian scientist finds the foundtain of youth?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqwoo-O_GwM I think this is a very good thing. I think that problems surrounding overpopulation have solutions that don't involve fascism or mindlessly depleting resources. Sometimes, though, I fear things like this could lead to great oppression if used by the...
  14. Tricky

    Healing with the power of maggot farts

    I had known for some time that in certain places, maggots are once again being used to consume dead tissue in wounds, but this new info makes it even more interesting/disgusting. Apparently their farts have healing properties too! I'm wondering what other "fart therapy" is out there just...
  15. K

    Stem Cells & Healing?

    Hello, Greetings!! As I am coming to your side, I want to understand more & more about stem cells relations to immune defence & uncompromised healing(without scar etc.). Although, I read basic informations about stem cells on internet(wikipedia etc.), still I want to learn more about stem...
  16. Richard Masters

    Subcutaneous fat density

    Ever since I started running more than 3 miles at a time (up to 13 miles!) I've started to lose weight very quickly. I was never really overweight, but the difference is noticeable. Another thing I noticed is that certain areas with fat deposits were previously hard, and now they are soft. In...
  17. thaiboxerken

    Chiro and "Zone" healing

    Wow, check this out. This "doctor" can poke people in the head with his fingers and diagnose if they have "unbalanced zones" and then heal them by poking them more and adjusting their spine. I thought that chiropractors were starting to move away from this kind of nonsense...
  18. C

    Questions on blood and injections

    I'm doing research for a short story and I could use some information from people in the medical field or anyone else knowledgeable on this subject who would care to help out. What I need is information regarding the range of reactions that people might experience if they were injected with a...
  19. Z

    Acupuncture is your friend.

    I've recently had some very strong debates about acupuncture. First off, I'm not totally convinced it isn't real but that is the way I'm leaning. I find when I take the skeptical position, people get very angry! More so than if I was debating gods existing. Acupuncture seems to be more accepted...
  20. jimtron

    Ullman on Huffpo: "Why fever is your friend"


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