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expanding universe

  1. Gord_in_Toronto

    We're Shrinking (Sort Of)

    An alternate view on the Expanding Universe. Could the expanding Universe truly be a mirage? It seems to be reasoning by analogy: But I can't see anything intrinsically wrong. :eye-poppi Link to the original paper here (I only read the abstract)...
  2. Chanakya

    Question about Expanding Universe

    Two questions, actually: (1) Sure, the universe's expanding. But then we're part of that expansion, right? That is, our bodies too are expanding, aren't they? The distances/space between our cells, and therefore the size of our bodies, and also the size of our telescopes and whatnot? Does...
  3. mikeb768

    Majority of Scientist agree with Islamic view of the Universe

    Although the verses have been confirmed they remain malcontent, But why such aversion to what has been sent? If naught had come down then this day would be unjust, But with the revelation thereof the event is must. Those willfully ignorant will speak “Who has woken us from our sleep”, While...
  4. ynot

    Stretched Light

    If uniformly expanding space stretches light then it should stretch it uniformly (equally in all directions). The overall shape of a uniformly stretched light wave would remain essentially the same but larger. As it wouldn’t actually be stretched as a shape, how can it be redshifted? ETA - If...
  5. ynot

    Singularity/Expanding Universe questions

    How can any size be attributed to the Singularity? Given it represents all of existence, what else is it being measured against? Can it somehow be measured against itself internally? Is the Universe that expanded from the Singularity still a Singularity? The internal structure may have changed...
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