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  1. Meadmaker

    CO2+H20+?->CH4 or C8H18

    I was thinking about ethanol one day. I think corn based ethanol grown in temperate latitudes is really stupid. I would much rather eat the corn. While discussing it one day, I found myself saying, "There has to be a more efficient way to capture sunlight than by using chlorophyll to produce...
  2. M

    Is the pseudo-science going even further OTT

    I received this spam mail and it is so jaw-droppingly ridiculous, I wondered if, in an attempt to part even more cash from Gullibles, the pseudo-science rhetoric can possibly get any further from reality - or is this just a random phrase generator at work? Anyway its well worth reading just to...
  3. Wangler

    No global conservation of energy?

    Hey, I was reading Peebles, "Principles of Physical Cosmology", 1993. On page 139, in a section talking about "Blackbody Radiation in an Expanding Universe" he says: What? No global energy conservation in general relativity? How can that be? :confused: Say it isn't so! Can anyone clear...
  4. Ginarley

    Misuses of Energy Concepts in Pseudoscience

    Hi all I am doing some research about the misuse of energy and thermodynamics concepts (such as chakras, chi, energy pathway blockages, pure energy, 2nd law prohibits evolution, etc) in pseudoscience and was wondering if anyone here could help out with any of the following: a) Examples of...
  5. Southwind17

    Gravity & Energy Conservation

    If a hypothetical body, say a meteorite, for example, floating slowly through space ventures within the gravitational pull of, say a planet (yes, I know it's always within the gravitational pull of the planet, but let's say the overriding pull of the planet over and above all other astral...
  6. GregoryUrich

    WTC7 Revisited

    Introduction: Many have theorized that the fall time of WTC7 can only be explained by controlled demolition. The fall time indicates there was very little resistance to collapse. This analysis looks at some energy issues in that context to try and quantify the resistance. Method: My approach...
  7. Solitaire

    The Cosmic Box

    "Most photons in the universe belong to the cosmic background radiation that survives from the big bang. Their total number remains almost constant. The entropy per unit (call it s) equals 4/3T times the thermal energy aT4 per unit volume, where T is temperature and a the radiation energy...
  8. M

    PRACTICAL fusion device by Princeton physicist suppressed

    I'd like to comment more on this, but don't have the time right now. See http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1996321846673788606 for a talk given at Google. According to a very bright, Princeton educated physicist Robert Bussard, who has successfully created fusion in small, magnetically...
  9. Olowkow

    Cooking on wood burning stove

    We burn wood in a wood burning stove for heating our house most of the time. My lovely wife often cooks my dinner on top of the stove. One day I jokingly, and to my great regret, told her that she was using up all the heat cooking, and this was why it was chilly in the house. She asked why...
  10. Prometheus

    Question About Global Warming Science

    I'm curious whether any attempt has been made to account for the aggregate heat generated by burning fossil fuels. As I understand it, FFs represent millions of years' worth of solar energy, captured and stored in organic material. By burning them so quickly, aren't we effectively...
  11. N

    Ionised Energy Fabric

    In my programme for the Cardiff v Newport this afternoon I saw an advert for Canterbury rugby equipment manufacturers' new "Ionised Energy Fabric". They say that "CCC BaseLayer IonX is revolutionary in apparel technology as it delivers ionic energy to the body through a negatively charged...
  12. EHLO

    Thermal radiation, temperature and energy

    One for a patient physicist - coming from an electronics background I basically understand the emission of EM radiation/photons by oscillating charges, electron transition through a bandgap, nuclear decay and spontaneous emission, but can't seem to recall a conceptual mechanism for thermal, or...
  13. O

    Dishwasher or plastic?

    The automated forum host keeps nagging me to post something, so here goes. Fire away. It involves an interesting little puzzle I thought you guys might like to take a stab at. The other day our local television station in one of those promotions designed to show how "green" the station is...
  14. aggle-rithm

    Einstein's Rationale

    I was recently re-reading David Bodanis' "E=mc squared". He explained somewhat vaguely how Einstein had discovered the link between matter and energy, and said that if you wanted to know more, you could go to Bodanis' web site and the full rationale for Einstein's conclusions would be explained...
  15. C

    Can Moonbeams heal?

    First, watch this... Now, let's discuss. I say no. Moonlight is simply reflected sunlight, polarized by reflection IIRC (and I may very well be mistaken on that one), and according to that paragon of information Wikipedia, about 1/400 000 (or .00025%) as intense as sunlight. Of course...
  16. B

    A new source for ethanol: Coal

    I just found this interesting article on Cnet's news.com (copy&paste begins here since I can't post links) "Ethanol from coal? If it works, it could solve three major problems for the energy industry. Researchers at Louisiana State University, along with colleagues from Clemson University and...
  17. burnvictim77

    Thought You'd Heard Them All?

    You thought you'd heard every bird-brained theory about 9/11? Well, this guy has a new one for you. The Pentagon was designed to channel energy. It extends 4,000 feet below the surface. Don't be fooled by what the Man has told you. http://www.youtube.com/v/Y9cyYZixW54
  18. NobbyNobbs

    Antimatter question

    I briefly considered posting this under the Conspiracy forum, but the core of my question is pure science, so here it stays. One of the CT theories about the destruction of the WTC involves the use of an antimatter weapon. I didn't know too much about antimatter, but the Wikipedia article is...
  19. Ginarley

    Seeking National Energy Modellers

    Hey guys Anyone on this board involved with national level energy data or modelling in your respective countries? My PhD is in this area and on the off chance there are some experts floating around on this board, I'd be interested in chatting to you! Cheers
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