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Thought You'd Heard Them All?


Critical Thinker
Feb 7, 2007
You thought you'd heard every bird-brained theory about 9/11? Well, this guy has a new one for you. The Pentagon was designed to channel energy. It extends 4,000 feet below the surface. Don't be fooled by what the Man has told you.

40 stories into the ground? Wow. Did our narrator share how they keep water out of the place?

I tried watching this, but it's one of those awful things where you start praying to God that the narrator will suddenly realize that all of those doubts he's projecting onto other people are actually his own, and he'll stop the god-awfulness, but then you realize, "No, he finished the video and uploaded it. His act of courage in a foolhardy venture is complete already." And then you begin to feel sorry for the guy, like you're watching a private, embarrassing moment, even though he's uploaded it for the energy of the universe to mock, and then if you're me, you can't watch anymore.
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Well, if it's on youtube it must be true. Just ask (Insert name of 'truther' here).
It looks like he, in no particular order:

  • Watched the film Pi.
  • Became very genuinely mentally ill.
According to him, the Pentagon's structure extends about 9 miles into the earth's crust, and the Empire State Building is 2.6 miles high.

He's a special one, all right.
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He also says that the Empire State Building is "only" 1200 stories tall. Yowza.
I think he's wearing a hat to cover the spot he was kicked in the head by a mule. He also needs to lay off the Mountain Dew....that leg shake he has is pretty bad.
ANyone else read The Doom Patrol? It's a psychedelic superhero comic written by Grant Morrison back in the early 90s. One of the stories was about the huge underground city beneath the pentagon. I highly reccomend it, for what that's worth, it's a tonne of fun.

Note to conspiracy types: It's a work of fiction. Fiction.

before they get any ideas.
Okay, seriously here.

What... the [rule8]


Sorry, but that sort of... of... god, there isn't a word to describe that level of lunacy... deserves a bit of profanity in sheer mind-bogglement.
You know, seeing this guy, his behaviour, and the behaviour of some of the other truthers, I am beginning to wonder if there isn't a case to be made that the truth movement, and those at the front of it, are a serious risk to the mental health of those they preach to.

Seriously. If this guy has gotten into this state, and we have seen worse, through his readings, and subsequent paranoia, do we not need to look at whether the truth movement is not unlike a catalyst for paranoia, and possibly psychosis...

He also needs to lay off the Mountain Dew....that leg shake he has is pretty bad.
I suspect either methamphetamine or cocaine. His head is shaking, he has the sniffles, not too mention delusions and paranoia. Mental illness could also explain his behavior.
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I find it hard to take anyone seriously when I hear terms like 'energy' used as it is and I started to laugh when he said 'Quantum physics'. This is as good as any of those woo sites you find out there. His arguement suffers from a lack of logic. He assumes a lot if he thinks the pentagon has 4000 levels below the surface.

This should be sent to randi for his commentary.

The diagram is pretty funny. Lets draw some stuff and make up things about it!
I suspect either methamphetamine or cocaine. His head is shaking, he has the sniffles, not too mention delusions and paranoia. Mental illness could also explain his behavior.

Aw, I don't see anything more than a nervous fellow actually recording his thoughts spoken out loud. Camera shy.
You know, seeing this guy, his behaviour, and the behaviour of some of the other truthers, I am beginning to wonder if there isn't a case to be made that the truth movement, and those at the front of it, are a serious risk to the mental health of those they preach to.

Seriously. If this guy has gotten into this state, and we have seen worse, through his readings, and subsequent paranoia, do we not need to look at whether the truth movement is not unlike a catalyst for paranoia, and possibly psychosis...


I've considered this often. I got into an argument with a truther about this. I had him agree that they didn't really have any proof of a 9/11 conspiracy, and he argued that they were just trying to find evidence. Then I asked him, wasn't it irresponsible to spread this paranoid thinking around...wouldn't some budding young Timothy McVeigh get pushed over the edge by it?

And he laughed, and said: "Oh, the crazy people are going to be crazy, no matter what we do!"

So, I guess you might as well milk their craziness in order to make a little profit.
I recently finished a book on the building of the Pentagon (The Pentagon: A History: bySteve Vogel--Highly Recommended) and noted that the building was put up in a little over a year, and that thousands of pilings had to be driven into the ground to support the massive weight. They also had to bring in huge amounts of dirt and rock (much of it dredged from the bottom of the Potomac) to build up the ground and prevent flooding.

Not a lot of time to dig miles deep...evenifwehad had that technology in1941-1942 (and I think if we had done itlater, some of the 20,000 or so employees on the average just might have noticed it.

Another FTB (Full-Tilt Bozo, stolen proudly from Robin Williams).
I'm ashamed to say I am unaware of that acronym, LashL. *chagrined look*
I'm ashamed to say I am unaware of that acronym, LashL. *chagrined look*

programs - form flow 2.24 - open form - DA 4856.

You're too young for this but back in the old days, you would be "circling, initialing, and signing block 12"
Just some tidbits: The deepest mines in the world at the TauTona or Western Deep Levels in South Africa, which is about 2.2 miles deep. (They have plans to more than double that depth by 2015, extending their operations to about 4.6 miles into the Earth.) The deepest humans have ever dug is the Kola borehole on the Kola Pennisula in Russia (near the Finnish border) in 1989. That was 7.5 miles deep, and they only stopped because the drillbit would be rendered inoperable at the temperatures reached if they continued (300 C, 575 F).

So, yeah, digging out a 9-mile hole at some kind of width at hundreds of degrees in 1942? Yeah. Sure.
Just some tidbits: The deepest mines in the world at the TauTona or Western Deep Levels in South Africa, which is about 2.2 miles deep. (They have plans to more than double that depth by 2015, extending their operations to about 4.6 miles into the Earth.) The deepest humans have ever dug is the Kola borehole on the Kola Pennisula in Russia (near the Finnish border) in 1989. That was 7.5 miles deep, and they only stopped because the drillbit would be rendered inoperable at the temperatures reached if they continued (300 C, 575 F).

So, yeah, digging out a 9-mile hole at some kind of width at hundreds of degrees in 1942? Yeah. Sure.

I have the feeling the guy actually meant 4,000 feet. Which still doesn't make his idea any less ludicrous. And the fact that he can't actually articulate his ideas just adds to the humor factor.

But yes - the possibility of roughly 9 mile subterranean building from the 40s is right out.
Just some tidbits: The deepest mines in the world at the TauTona or Western Deep Levels in South Africa, which is about 2.2 miles deep. (They have plans to more than double that depth by 2015, extending their operations to about 4.6 miles into the Earth.) The deepest humans have ever dug is the Kola borehole on the Kola Pennisula in Russia (near the Finnish border) in 1989. That was 7.5 miles deep, and they only stopped because the drillbit would be rendered inoperable at the temperatures reached if they continued (300 C, 575 F).

So, yeah, digging out a 9-mile hole at some kind of width at hundreds of degrees in 1942? Yeah. Sure.
Actually, people have drilled through the seabed where the crust is thin and almost made it to the mantle. They may have by now. I remember a Japanese team was close a few years ago. I think they're going to build housing down there.
Why would anyone want to dig that deep?

That's where the Reptillian Humanoids reside. Anyone wanting to visit down there must be either an adrenalin junkie or a clean out nutbar.
Why would anyone want to dig that deep?

That's where the Reptillian Humanoids reside. Anyone wanting to visit down there must be either an adrenalin junkie or a clean out nutbar.
If you can get past the reptoids you'll eventually hit the Apatosaurus Preserve. And if you've ever chowed down on some southern-style apatosaurus ribs, you'll know why people would bother.
I guess all the workers get there by Metro since there is no way enough parking on the surface.
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