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al qaeda

  1. Allen773

    Did the US-Saudi "special relationship" make it easier for AQ to pull off 9/11?

    Did the US-Saudi "special relationship" make it easier for AQ to pull off 9/11? You could also add the US (and Saudi) relationship with Pakistan in the 90s - specifically in regard to the Taliban and their tolerance for/support of Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's presence in the country.
  2. geggy

    Who created al Qaeda?

    Operation Cyclone Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency program to arm and finance the mujahideen, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of...
  3. Allen773

    My 9/11 Conspiracy Theory...wait for it...

    ...was that the 9/11 attacks on the United States were carried out by a conspiracy of a few dozen individuals - largely but not exclusively Saudi nationals - associated with the Sunni Muslim extremist/terrorist group Al-Qaeda, on the orders and direction of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and...
  4. Allen773

    Re: Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, and al-Qaeda et al...

    Re: Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, and al-Qaeda et al... IMO, the most fundamentally important thing to understand about Saudi Arabia's role in aiding, abetting, and assisting Al-Qaeda and its various offshoots is that the House of Saud's legitimacy as the ruling family of their country is based...
  5. Allen773

    Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda (NYT)

    snip: snip: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/04/us/zacarias-moussaoui-calls-saudi-princes-patrons-of-al-qaeda.html?_r=0 What do you think? Are Moussaoui's allegations credible?
  6. Humes fork

    "Top US general warns of a decentralised al Qaeda 'arc'"

    From here:
  7. batvette

    Understanding why Al Qaeda did it. Is ignorance of this common to truthers?

    If the official Bush story was "they hate us for our freedoms" does this encourage truther beliefs? That's what he said many times. Parts of the 9/11 commission blame ties with Israel but that is only partially correct, in fact it's not the main reason. Would some truthers come around if we...
  8. leftysergeant

    Should the UN intervene in Mali?

    It appears that al Qaeda or a clone have duped the Tuareg into helping them set up a secessionist state in the north of Mali. They have now begun instituting an Islamic state totally inconsistant with the traditional values of the people of Mali. It should be clear to any rational person that...
  9. Oystein

    The Hiding in Caves meme

    A recent new thread repeated in its OP the meme that the commonly accepted 9/11 story involved "Arabs hiding in caves". I wonder if anyone actually believes this meme, and who they are.
  10. I

    Al Qaeda Decides to Engage in Small Scale Attacks to Bleed Economy

    http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/894344--al-qaeda-boasts-plane-package-plots-cost-4-200?bn=1 Goodbye to the Bill of Rights. It was nice knowing you while you were around. We are screwed!
  11. Oystein

    Pre-Thread: "Why did the terrorists attack USA?"

    I want to start a thread that discusses questions like - Why did the terrorists attack tjhe USA on 9/11 - How significant is it to know their motives - Should insight into their motives result in policy changes, if so, which? - Has the government been avoiding this discussion? If so, why? In...
  12. applecorped

    Al Qaeda is Racist!

    http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2010/07/is_alqaeda_racist.php "To begin with, the claim that al Qaeda is racist because of its willingness to kill Africans ignores the fact that the terrorist group has shown a real lack of regard for the value of life of virtually every...
  13. M

    David Beckham and Wayne Rooney In The Crosshairs?

    http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/worldcup/story/040910-fifa-world-cup-terrorist-threat-made Has this received any air in the UK? Soccer is not that big in the US and accordingly I only came across this while checking on the Seattle Sounders. But if Becks, Rooney, Lamps, Gerard, and the gang...
  14. D

    Osama's Prodigal Son

    What do ya twoofies, make of this? http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/31820385/osamas_prodigal_son I know the answer, I just had to ask!
  15. T

    9-11 Truthers hired by Al-Qaeda?

    Is it possible that many if not all 9-11 Truthers are actually agents of Al-Qaeda, hired to advocate for their innocence? Think about it: Al Qaeda and other Islamist terror groups offer lots of money to white Christians to advocate for their innocence, spread seeds of suspicion and doubt...
  16. rwguinn

    Wake up Europe! It's real

    How did a guy get ANY kind of incendiaries past security? Does Europe give a damn? What's up? Or has the war on terrorism become a US only problem?
  17. applecorped

    U.S. Missile Strike in Yemen.

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iFMgPQJ8pzn0nNobO7-B2_AKNzrw US President Barack Obama approved firepower, intelligence and other support requested by the Yemeni government to help it strike Al-Qaeda militants, The New York Times reported Saturday.Yemeni security forces...
  18. S

    The problem with the "Gitmo Causes Terrorism" Argument

    It is true that Gitmo and US fighting against the Taliban, etc., provokes the enemy -- Al Quaeda, Iran, numerous other Islamofascist groups and states -- into wanting to kill Americans. But NOT fighting back ALSO provokes the enemy -- Al Quaeda, Iran, numerous other Islamofascist groups and...
  19. T

    "We must preserve Al Qaeda. It has its uses"

    http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009/11/10/the_case_for_keeping_al_qaeda?page=0,0 You read correctly. Some dumb-ass is actually arguing that Al-Qaeda should not be completely destroyed, but preserved in a minimal way, to keep Islamist terrorists centralized. Honestly, if there is any...
  20. T

    Merged Fort Hood shooter worshipped at same Mosque as 9-11 hijacker

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/6521758/Fort-Hood-shooting-Texas-army-killer-linked-to-September-11-terrorists.html I hate it when the dots connect like this. :(
  21. Doctor Evil

    Another 'war' in Gaza

    Since nobody have started a thread about this, I will. In the last few years, some small Al Qaeda affiliated groups have appeared in Gaza. Initially, they got along well with Hamas. Now they are fighting each other. The tensions between the groups and Hamas have risen sharply following the...
  22. shadron

    Spies - They are everywhere!

    An interesting story relayed from the Federation of American Scientists, Project on Government Secrecy: It would seem that we are becoming fairly good at being able to perform covert espionage. It used to be that we had little in resources that could speak the language and blend in, but perhaps...
  23. Allen773

    What exactly is so hard about admitting AQ carried out 9/11?

    I'm serious, why is it so hard for Troofers to admit and accept the reality of what happened that day? Any theories?
  24. Cylinder

    Obama administration asserts indefinite detention of enemy combatants without trial

    Solicitor general nominee says 'enemy combatants' can be held without trial Kagan's testimony can be found here
  25. Puppycow

    Plz Define the Mission in Afghanistan/Pakistan

    What is the long-term goal of the NATO mission in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and is it achievable? Is it worth achieving considering the cost?
  26. Puppycow

    Freed Gitmo Detainee Rejoins Al-Qaeda, Attacks US

    Dang! Freed by U.S., Saudi Becomes a Qaeda Chief So now what?
  27. Travis

    Opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan

    Okay. I understand the resistance and objections to the invasion of Iraq. I don't agree with it but I understand it. What I don't quite understand is the historical resistance and continued protest against operations in Afghanistan. I'm not talking about criticism of particular tactics or...
  28. Puppycow

    A New Ally in the War On Terror

    Black Death
  29. B

    Barack Obama: it is no longer essential to kill Osama bin Laden

    http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5520116.ece So did Obama lie just to get elected?
  30. RandFan

    Gaza, Not Bush's Fault - finally some good news for W.

    I'm confused how Obama gave the offensive to Israel.

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