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9/11 hijackers

  1. Allen773

    The CIA struck a deal with the Saudis to monitor the hijackers and not tell the FBI?

    I’ve heard speculation of this nature from people like Richard Clarke and some angry FBI agents who remain bitter over the failure of the CIA to share critical information about two of the eventual hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar. The basic idea is that the CIA was covertly...
  2. Allen773

    9/11 proves that the hijacker pilots had very poor flying skills.

    Mohammed Atta flew into the 93rd-99th floors of the 110-story North Tower of the World Trade Center on a “severe clear”, sunny, cloudless day. A little higher and he would have overshot the towers entirely and probably crashed into the water just south of Manhattan. Marwan al-Shehhi almost hit...
  3. Allen773

    Where was 9/11 plotted? Germany? Afghanistan? Pakistan?

    What about Saudi Arabia and the UAE - were there individuals in those countries who “steered” people (hijackers) and funds toward the plot? What about Yemen and the “switchboard?” Or the Southeast Asia meetings? What about individuals in the United States itself?
  4. Allen773

    CT folks are not wrong when they say 9/11 was an inside job...

    After all, the 19 hijackers had been living in the US for months - and in a few cases, a couple of years - and hijacked four domestic commercial airline flights to commit their acts of mass murder on the morning of 9/11/2001. Sounds like an “inside” job to me!
  5. Orphia Nay

    Anthony Shaffer and "preknowledge about hijackers"

    http://www.opednews.com/populum/diarypage.php?did=14448 "28 September 2009 Springfield, VA I endorse the NYC CAN campaign and support the need for a new, independent, investigation of the events and failures that lead up to the 9/11 attacks. The original 9/11 Commission inquiry became an...
  6. njslim

    Hijackers remains identified, separated from victims

    Long article from NEWSWEEK on DNA analysis of human remains from WTC, Flight 93 and Pentagon. Using new techniques were able to isolate genetic material from tiny fragments of tissue or bone and identify the sequence of the hijackers. Victims family's had expressed concerns that their...
  7. M

    911 hijacker's uncles said to work for Mossad

    http://muslimedia.com/us-mossad911.htm For anybody's who is wondering, I have no idea who is the source of this article, or how reliable muslimedia.com is. And I'm too tired to Google around, right now.
  8. M

    Another FBI Pentbom summary online!

    I've today received another FOIA release from the FBI: the daily summary of the WTC/ Pentbom investigation, as of 15th September 2001. It follows the same format as the last one, snippets of information from various FBI offices. There are no smoking guns that I can see, and not quite as many...
  9. Kage

    19 hijackers in a cave strawman

    It has always bugged me that the Truthers keep saying things like, "I am supposed to believe that 19 guys in a cave pulled off 9/11?" Nobody believes that only 19 hijackers were involved with the plot. Bin Ladin, Kalid Sheik Muhammed and others planned it and financed it. Support personnel...
  10. B

    FBI Historical Timeline of Hijackers Released - Cooperative Research

    Who says conspiracy theorists aren't good for anything? Cooperative Research has just had a FOIA request filled. They managed to pry loose a basic document for the 9/11 Commission report: the FBI's Historical Timeline for the movement of the hijackers, compiled one month after the attack...
  11. OldTigerCub

    Al-Qaeda "Kingpin" Says Designated Flight 77 Pilot was Nawaf al-Hazmi

    In a Nov. 25, 2007 article in The Times Online, Chris Gourlay and Jonathan Calvert report revelations made to them by Louai al-Sakka, a prisoner in Kandira, a high-security F-type prison 60 miles east of Istanbul, Turkey, of his role in certain terrorist activities around the world, including...
  12. Undesired Walrus

    Have the suicide martyrdom videos ever been explained away?

    So, al-haznawi had this one right? And I believe a few others came up. Now correct me if I'm incorrect, but don't these show the ultimate proof, that these guys actually were responsible for 9/11? Unless you claim the CIA forced these guys (Who clearly would not allow themselves to be) to do...

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