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"Huge Fearmongering Billboards"


Dec 27, 2006
Infowars.com said:
These rather fetchingly huge fearmongering billboards have been going up across America recently to advertise the Red Cross.

Note that they interestingly place the date of a future "attack" as November 9th 2009, that is 11/9/09.

Also note that the small print states the attack is to be a bio-chemical attack.

Are you scared yet?

Here's the website: http://preparewny.org/

I'll admit, I think this advertising campaign is tremendously inappropriate, but leave it to good ol' AJ to give the Infinite Paranoia Drive a bit more gas.

So...we're supposed to be scared of the fear-mongering? What kind of mongering is that?
I actually think it's an excellent idea. Bear in mind the advertising campaign is probably more in response to things like Hurricane Katrina than a terrorist attack.

I wish someone would do a campaign like that here. New Zealand must be one of the western modern nations most vunerable to a natural disaster. And yet we're pathetically unprepared for one.

November 9, 2009...


Here's the website: http://preparewny.org/

I'll admit, I think this advertising campaign is tremendously inappropriate, but leave it to good ol' AJ to give the Infinite Paranoia Drive a bit more gas.

Let's see, November 9th...

1918...Germany overthrows the Kaiser, and begs for an Armistice.

1923...Adolf Hitler launches a Putsch in Munich to overthrow the Bavarian government.

1938...Kristallnacht...Nazis destroy Jewish homes, stores, and synagoges across Germany, to overthrow law and order.

1989...East Germany, under pressure from its people, opens the Berlin Wall, overthrowing the Cold War.

Coincidence or conspiracy? You decide! :D
I actually think it's an excellent idea. Bear in mind the advertising campaign is probably more in response to things like Hurricane Katrina than a terrorist attack.
I don't know about that. I mean, the words "terrorist strike" are right there and the small print says "bio-chemical weapon".

I imagine that's not exactly how most people would go about raising concern about the aftermath of a hurricane.


I'd also like to point out the billboard and website were apparently created by/for the Greater Buffalo Red Cross. Infowars claims these billboards "have been going up across America recently", but predictably fails to provide evidence to support this.
That's just one billboard though. They're obviously not the same. It's clear that the website is talking about ANY major disaster.

I had ALWAYS suspected the Red Cross was behing 9-11!!!
FINALLY Alex Jones is coming forward!!
Wait, back up. So in Alex Jones' worldview, the Red Cross is in on the conspiracy? They're part of the NWO?

Who isn't part of it?
Western New York

That's my home-town!

What on earth is the lowly old Buffalo, NY Red Cross doing being concerned about terrorist attacks?

Madness I tell you.
Hey Skeptic Guy ! Do you remember back in the 1970's when Buffalo was
buried under 30 feet of snow one winter. Went to school in Western NY
(grew up in Central NY- Syracuse/Utica) Would probably been better if
showed a snow mound that high and said "ARE YOU READY FOR THIS"
I don't know about that. I mean, the words "terrorist strike" are right there and the small print says "bio-chemical weapon".

I imagine that's not exactly how most people would go about raising concern about the aftermath of a hurricane.


I'd also like to point out the billboard and website were apparently created by/for the Greater Buffalo Red Cross. Infowars claims these billboards "have been going up across America recently", but predictably fails to provide evidence to support this.

Point 1: Alex Jones is an idiot. He and anyone who takes him the least bit seriously should be publicly flogged with their own intestines. I would almost volunteer to flog him with *my* intestines if it would shut him the hell up.

Point 2: I can't imagine a better object lesson or illustration of the complete and total lack of preparedness for *any* form of large-scale emergency than the aftermath of Katrina. I think it showed that the type of intra-national cooperation and volunteerism that we saw immediately after 9/11 is long gone. After Katrina, we went back to doing what Americans do best, which apparently is avoiding accountability, shifting blame, pointing fingers, and playing politics. I have no doubt that it made for a very instructive chapter in Ayman al-Zawahiri's notebook. But that's a topic for a different subforum.
Point 2: I can't imagine a better object lesson or illustration of the complete and total lack of preparedness for *any* form of large-scale emergency than the aftermath of Katrina. I think it showed that the type of intra-national cooperation and volunteerism that we saw immediately after 9/11 is long gone. After Katrina, we went back to doing what Americans do best, which apparently is avoiding accountability, shifting blame, pointing fingers, and playing politics. I have no doubt that it made for a very instructive chapter in Ayman al-Zawahiri's notebook. But that's a topic for a different subforum.
I have to differ with you. A storm like Katrina was going to eventually hit New Orleans, a city built below sea level. Everyone knew this for decades. Katrina was a complete collapase of city, state and federal government who knew this was going to happen for 50 years and failed to act. Yes there is alot of pointing fingers because none of them took responsibility. All 3 levels of government were exposed for the frauds that they are.

International support was there for Katrina. International support wasa huge for the Tsunami. International support for 9/11 would occur today.

The same incompetence that let 9/11 happen also let New Orleans be destroyed:

BUSH ADMINISTRATION INCOMPETENCE DURING KATRINA, 9/11 -- As significant anniversaries for Katrina and Sept. 11 approach, historian William Chafe says the two events will be remembered as moments that define the Bush administration as incompetent. “Looking back, Katrina and Sept. 11 will be bookends for an administration that has failed to appreciate and respond effectively to the information it receives,” says Chafe, a former president of the Organization of American Historians. Chafe is currently drafting the sixth edition of his book “The Unfinished Journey: America Since WWII,” which will include events up through Katrina. “Both disasters were marked by failure to appropriately deal with intelligence,” Chafe says. “With Sept. 11, you had the Aug. 6 memo warning of terrorist plans to hijack airplanes that was ignored. With Katrina, you had a National Weather Service report delivered to the White House the night before the hurricane hit. In both cases, the officials responsible for handling the information resigned, but neither George Tenet nor Michael Brown was an aberration in the Bush administration. The administration as a whole was characterized by an inability to identify the seriousness of a situation and then respond decisively and effectively.”

This incompetence is also the best proof possible that 9/11 was not an inside job.
Think again

Back on the woo juice, Perry?

Worst President Ever™. Everybody knows it. If this Administration had planned 9/11, 9/11 would never have happened.

It's funny that Neocons and Truthers both deny the Bush Administration's mindboggling ineptitude. In this delusion, they are in perfect agreement.

If you're thinking just like a Truther, you might want to think again.
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The same incompetence that let 9/11 happen also let New Orleans be destroyed:

This doesn't make sense. Are you saying the US Government could have stopped New Orleans from being destroyed?


By moving it? :confused:

This doesn't make sense. Are you saying the US Government could have stopped New Orleans from being destroyed?


By moving it?
By not destroying FEMA. Bush has filled the Federal government with incompetents and political lackeys. He has injected corruption into every cell of the Federal government.

Under Clinton, FEMA was a crack outfit. They probably could have saved New Orleans--especially with a competent administration in power.

This is, like, remedial stuff, guys.

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