I was reading the wikipedia article on "paranormal" and it begins with this quote from Terence Hines, Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (2003) -
The article then goes on to break down "Paranormal" into the categories of Ghost Hunting, Ufology, and Cryptozoology. Of which only the first fits into the Hines description. Personally I wouldn't have included Ufos and Crypto under "para", though some examples may fit in the category and there's no real referencing in the article to support the claim.
The paranormal can best be thought of as a subset of pseudoscience. What sets the paranormal apart from other pseudosciences is a reliance on explanations for alleged phenomena that are well outside the bounds of established science. Thus, paranormal phenomena include extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, ghosts, poltergeists, life after death, reincarnation, faith healing, human auras, and so forth. The explanations for these allied phenomena are phrased in vague terms of "psychic forces", "human energy fields", and so on. This is in contrast to many pseudoscientific explanations for other nonparanormal phenomena, which, although very bad science, are still couched in acceptable scientific terms
The article then goes on to break down "Paranormal" into the categories of Ghost Hunting, Ufology, and Cryptozoology. Of which only the first fits into the Hines description. Personally I wouldn't have included Ufos and Crypto under "para", though some examples may fit in the category and there's no real referencing in the article to support the claim.