The OP is great for showing how thoroughly rotten our public schools are.
OP proves that, according to his count, the kids are directed to recite the pledge of allegiance
thousands of times without knowing what "indivisible" means.
lol. They also don't know what a Republic is. Nor allegiance. Nor do they have any appreciation whatsoever for the ideals of the enlightenment embodied in the pledge.
I would not go so far as to say the teachers do not know either. Generally, they're in utter contempt of them, as their paychecks come from the barrel of a gun and compulsory attendance laws.
What the pledge does is teach the kids to do as they are told without asking questions or understanding. The important thing is blind obedience.
Why would anyone be amazed that public school teachers have never taught what the words in the pledge mean? Logically, it is against their self-interest.
Were public school teachers to actually teach the meaning of the pledge, they would be immediately confronted with the hypocrisy of the operations of the public school system. Conformity, conformity, conformity.
The nation is founded upon liberty, which is why your parents will be imprisoned for violating compulsory attendance laws. The nation is founded upon justice, which is why little white boys who have only been alive for 60 months need to be punished for the alleged crimes of white men against all the other privileged classes (everyone else) in past generations.
Individual justice /= social justice. Individual justice has to be destroyed in order to undertake class warfare, ie "social justice" as taught and implemented in the public schools.
The public school system is modeled after the Prussian Kingdom, the darling of the "Father of American Education" Horace Mann. It's how we've managed to go from the most noted educational success in the world to tied for last place in 2 out of 3 subject areas on the PISA, among the OECD.
Public school teachers, like OP and other posters in the thread can congratulate themselves for personal responsibility coaching this crack team of American students being outperformed by the likes of Viet Nam who we bombed into the Stone Age one generation ago.
How is it possible?

How could they go from near utter destruction as a civilization, yet roar past the Americans educationally in one generation? At a
fraction of the cost?
The public school system tells us what is important to them in their own reports. Who gives a **** what the attendance figures are? Is there any NBA or NFL category for "attendance" in their season highlights? lol - no, their reports tell us
how they did against other teams.
Do American manufacturers drone on about attendance in their stockholder or consumer reports? How ridiculous! They report on profits: on their performance against their competition.
As with the pledge of allegiance, the important thing to the schools is their power of compulsion. Our local school reports go on and on about attendance, broken up into all manner of sub-component. Illustrated in cross-sectional data and time series data formats. Tracking "retention", but not meaning what learning the students retained. Rather, how many of the captive school plantation slaves were retained starting from kindergarten.
The annual reports are indeed capital asset sheets. The slaves produce income for the school plantation. Multiply each slave times the school's per capita allotment to arrive at plantation revenue. That is why school attendance is so uber-critical to the administrators and teachers: because each mindless automaton reciting the pledge of allegiance is a revenue stream. Just like an acre of land or a tractor, of course we would report plantation assets in our annual accounting.
I think its great that OP has selected such a defining characteristic of the public school system's mindless conformity: Forcing students to recite the pledge without any understanding of it.
Because it gives us an opportunity to compare how this system of mindless obedience/conformity does against any other form like other regions of the world and homeschool within our own borders.
Our six year old knows what indivisible means, and he doesn't know the pledge. As compared with his public school kindergarten cohorts, who can all recite the pledge but understand hardly a word of it.
That's why he and his younger brother are not only kicking the **** out of the Americans, who are no competition, but kicking the **** out of the Shanghai kids, the Hong Kong kids, the Singapore kids - everyone at the top of the international exam score list.
Because it isn't even very hard. To learn "indivisible" takes a couple of minutes. His cohorts have said it a thousand times and he has said it half a dozen at most. But he understands it and they don't.
Blind obedience is the core public school value. It is the primary public school product: people who will obey without question. So if course a key drill in this system is a Pledge of Allegiance, mindlessly recited.
How can a teacher force you to say it a thousand times, with the compulsion of state violence behind that power, yet never once teach you what the word means?
When the teacher only cares about blind obedience. That is the small recompense for public school teachers in the USA for their humiliating status: failures against their international competition. Failures in producing thinking humans. Success in dumbing down the electorate. Success in reversing the Ascent of Man.
But the one thing a public school teacher has, despite his complete fealty to the State, his mindless obedience not just to curriculum but to every aspect of his working day: the rules and regulations of the School Plantation. The one thing he has is children that must obey him. Children who will agree this stupid man, this incompetent man, this man with no drive or ambition to compete - this man is a great man.
So we thank God every day that our children are not in the clutches of the likes of public school teachers - made to mindlessly recite the pledge and be punished for questioning authority. Our great teacher Jesus Christ instructed us to question authority, not to lick their boots. We offer up this prayer to the membership in closing:
Heavenly Father,
Forgive them. Forgive their greed, their avarice, and their shameless hypocrisy. Forgive their stupidity and incompetence. Forgive their Narcissism, Sadism, and Machiavellianism. Forgive their bad character.
For we are free of them.
In the name of Jesus Christ, a fictional figure of the Christian superstition, Amen