So does anyone actually think Dump will invade Greenland, or is there a consensus here that it's the usual distractions and clowning? Shirley if NATO really started worrying they'd just station troops from multiple NATO countries there like they have in east Europe to deter russian aggression.
Then again, one infuriating scenario I'm envisioning is that since Greenland is so big, and largely uninhabited, I imagine it'd be possible for Dump to just have US forces disembark and set up a base in the wilderness somewhere, over everyone's protests, and since NATO can't exactly start a shooting war with the USA over some patch of snow in Greenland, it'll just stay there indefinitely, like the base in Guantanamo Bay on Cuba. Mind you, I'm a civilian with no clue as to whether or not this is feasible.
Having said that, I do agree it's endlessly frustrating that the leader of the free world is throwing out ridiculous scenarios like a six-year old.