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Too much God


New Blood
Apr 5, 2007
I think PoI is an excellent, informative podcast, and I am very impressed with D.J.'s interview skills.

That being said, there are a couple of things about the show that are really bothering me:

  1. The topics of investigation listed at the top of the show are "pseudo-science and the paranormal, alternative medicine and third, religion, secularism and non-belief". Yet, nearly 50% of the episodes have dealt with religion and god. If this is going to be a podcast focusing on the secular fight against religion, with a bit of other stuff thrown in, then at least say so.

  2. With all the ads and commentary claiming that there is ongoing conspiracy by the right to destroy non-belief/secularism/humanism, the podcast is starting to sound like the Bill O'Reilly show. Seriously. When O'Reilly's show premiered in my area I listened to a few episodes. I was quickly turned off by his rabble-rousing anti-secular commentary, and his show was quickly turned off, as well. That is why I am disturbed to hear the same style of rhetoric being spouted on PoI against those who see things differently than we do.
Now, I am an atheist, a rational secularist, and a considered liberal, too. I happen to agree with the majority of the reality-based information I hear on Point of Inquiry. I would just like to hear more discussion on all the topics that the podcast is supposed to investigate, as well as focus away from inflammatory ads and accusations.

We're supposed to be the rational ones, remember?

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