I think PoI is an excellent, informative podcast, and I am very impressed with D.J.'s interview skills.
That being said, there are a couple of things about the show that are really bothering me:
We're supposed to be the rational ones, remember?
That being said, there are a couple of things about the show that are really bothering me:
- The topics of investigation listed at the top of the show are "pseudo-science and the paranormal, alternative medicine and third, religion, secularism and non-belief". Yet, nearly 50% of the episodes have dealt with religion and god. If this is going to be a podcast focusing on the secular fight against religion, with a bit of other stuff thrown in, then at least say so.
- With all the ads and commentary claiming that there is ongoing conspiracy by the right to destroy non-belief/secularism/humanism, the podcast is starting to sound like the Bill O'Reilly show. Seriously. When O'Reilly's show premiered in my area I listened to a few episodes. I was quickly turned off by his rabble-rousing anti-secular commentary, and his show was quickly turned off, as well. That is why I am disturbed to hear the same style of rhetoric being spouted on PoI against those who see things differently than we do.
We're supposed to be the rational ones, remember?