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Cont: The Trump Presidency: Part 28

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Penultimate Amazing
Dec 21, 2006
US of A
This is a continuation from here. Feel free to quote posts in the old thread. Thanks.
Posted By: xjx388

*Shrugs* Blacks are on average more religious than white people in the US, but they ain't in bed with the GOP.

"Religious" covers a lot of ground. You can have faith in a Supreme Being and live according to your faith's core principles without giving up reason and judgment. The evangelicals are a small subset of "religious."

To digress, Stephen Colbert had a fascinating interview a few weeks ago with Francis Collins, the head of the NIH. He talked about how he reconciles being one of the world's leading scientists, as he is, with being an evangelical Christian, as he also is. Religious doesn't have to mean crazy.
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Crazy you've figured out a way to switch on and off is still crazy.

If I think I'm Napoleon but still manage to hold down a job as a scientist, the idea that I'm Napoleon didn't magically become less crazy.
That's another argument for rank-choice voting. To take an extreme example, in 2016 Trump was winning early primaries with around 20% of the vote because votes were split among 16 candidates. If the 80% of Repubs who didn't want him could have listed second, third etc. choices to be tabulated until someone won a majority, Trump would have been wiped out. If primaries today favor the extremists, rank-choice voting would support the moderates.

Except he did even better in ranked choice voting as he was many people's second or third choice.

‘The guy is NUTS’: Viewers stunned as Trump goes off on ‘insane’ Fox Business rant about fake Facebook ballot lockboxes

Matthew ChapmanJune 07, 2021

During a Fox Business interview with Stuart Varney on Monday, former President Donald Trump pushed a new conspiracy that Facebook paid hundreds of millions for "phony lockboxes" that accounted for "96 percent Biden votes," adding that, "They were like just dumping ballots, it was a phony deal!"

‘The guy is NUTS’: Viewers stunned as Trump goes off on ‘insane’ Fox Business rant about fake Facebook ballot lockboxes

Matthew ChapmanJune 07, 2021

During a Fox Business interview with Stuart Varney on Monday, former President Donald Trump pushed a new conspiracy that Facebook paid hundreds of millions for "phony lockboxes" that accounted for "96 percent Biden votes," adding that, "They were like just dumping ballots, it was a phony deal!"


Not only is Trump nuts, but the people who follow him are nuts, too. Not clinically nuts like he is, but nuts in the common vernacular sense. Nuts and/or stupid and/or just despicable, self-serving SOBs like Cruz and McConnell et al.
Scotch tape on the tie.

That’s the guy who understands image.

I think the weird leaning thing might be related to the lifts he wears in his shoes.

I picture him less as a used-car salesman and more like a two-bit Multi-Level Marketing guy.

I imagine that he’d love to sell stocks over the phone, but doesn’t have the patience or the brain power to get any kind of license.
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Scotch tape on the tie.


That’s the guy who understands image.

I think the weird leaning thing might be related to the lifts he wears in his shoes.

I picture him less as a used-car salesman and more like a two-bit Multi-Level Marketing guy.

I imagine that he’d love to sell stocks over the phone, but doesn’t have the patience or the brain power to get any kind of license.

I seriously doubt that's tape on the tie. For one thing, scotch tape does NOT work well at all for holding cloth together. For another, a man would wear a tie clip, not use scotch tape.

ETA: It turns out that Trump does tape the two ends of his tie together, but not to hold it down like a tie clip would (and should, in his case). But since you can see the tape, it obviously doesn't work well because, as I said, regular Scotch tape does not work well on cloth.

It was really that Trump, the future leader of the free world, tapes the tail of his tie to the back so that it doesn't move. GQ first spotted the tape in a photo of Trump getting off a plane in Indiana on Thursday.

Hard as it may be to believe, Donald Trump's transition from President-elect to actual President of the United States (shudder) did not bring with it a transition from sartorially challenged to stylistically capable. Case in point: The guy is still (still!) taping his damn tie together. Just take a look at this image from his inauguration today:

I can admit when I'm wrong. It's something others should learn to do instead of digging in.
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This video that Tero posted as evidence that Trump wears diapers is from the same guy (Noel Casler) who makes all the other claims about Trump on The Apprentice: he was taking Adderall, he used the N-word all the time, Trump made 16 year old Ivanka give him a lap dance, etc. I don't find him credible considering no one else, not even anonymously, backs up his stories and there were lots of people on the set of the show.
Okay so what's the point? Dude in his 70s. If he is wearing adult diapers... and?

I get it, we want to tear down Trump's macho imagine but at a certain point this turns into pointless mockery.
Okay so what's the point? Dude in his 70s. If he is wearing adult diapers... and?

I get it, we want to tear down Trump's macho imagine but at a certain point this turns into pointless mockery.

I don't mind the mockery as he deserves it. But let's mock him for what deserves mocking and not for things that aren't true like the pull up pants bit. God know there's enough real things he deserves mocking for.
Crazy you've figured out a way to switch on and off is still crazy.

If I think I'm Napoleon but still manage to hold down a job as a scientist, the idea that I'm Napoleon didn't magically become less crazy.

But as a matter of fact you are not Napoleon, and we can prove it. Religious faith, on the other hand, is a matter of feeling and hope. No one can prove that there is not a Supreme Being, in whatever faith tradition you choose, and as that eminent scientist argued, faith is not incompatible with science and facts.
Except he did even better in ranked choice voting as he was many people's second or third choice.

I don't know if that's true. If your first choice in 2016 was Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or even Ted Cruz, I doubt Trump would have been your No. 2.
I don't mind the mockery as he deserves it. But let's mock him for what deserves mocking and not for things that aren't true like the pull up pants bit. God know there's enough real things he deserves mocking for.

The problem is you can't mock someone for something because they deserve it without mocking people who don't deserve it if they have the same feature.

Trump is not a bad president because of his weight, his combover, or any old man medical issues he has. He's a bad President because he's a total trolling sociopath.
The problem is you can't mock someone for something because they deserve it without mocking people who don't deserve it if they have the same feature.

Yes, you can. "If they deserve it" is the key phrase. Biden has a bald spot. He isn't mocked for it because he doesn't try and hide it with a bad triple combover.

Trump is not a bad president because of his weight, his combover, or any old man medical issues he has. He's a bad President because he's a total trolling sociopath.

No one said what he's mocked for is why he's a bad president.
Yes, you can. "If they deserve it" is the key phrase. Biden has a bald spot. He isn't mocked for it because he doesn't try and hide it with a bad triple combover.

No one said what he's mocked for is why he's a bad president.


It's the same reason we shouldn't be calling female Republicans fat and ugly.
I don't know if that's true. If your first choice in 2016 was Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or even Ted Cruz, I doubt Trump would have been your No. 2.

Yet he was for many people. I am not claiming anything about it makes rational sense but he really was the candidate that best represented the republican party in 2016.
There are multiple reports that Trump wears Brioni suits, an expensive, high-end brand.

It's hard to understand why Brioni lets him out the door looking like he does.

Agreed...but "the customer is always right" especially when he's paying big bucks. According to Ezra Lizio-Katzen, owner of the Washington menswear boutique Ezra Paul, Trump's suits look so bad “Because he’s wearing a suit size probably two sizes at least too big for him in order to not make it look like he’s got a big stomach and instead make it look like he’s just a big guy."

It's the same reason we shouldn't be calling female Republicans fat and ugly.

Yes and no, the spray tan, ill fitting suits and so forth are judgement things and I think are not the same as criticizing say his balance issues on walking on the boobytrapped ramp at westpoint.

""So I walked gingerly down — that was on every newscast in the world and I never went down," Trump said, despite there should have been no danger of him falling while walking down the ramp. "I never went down, either, I never went on my ass, I'll tell you, I wasn't going to fall."

"I think that was a boobytrap," Trump said."

According to the link, his suits are bespoke, not off the rack. But they certainly look like they're off the rack.

"Mr. Trump’s public association with Brioni goes back to 2004, when he wrote in “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire” that the brand supplied him with suits for “The Apprentice.” “I wear Brioni suits, which I buy off the rack,” he wrote. Brioni has a 220-square-foot store in the newly opened Trump International Hotel in Washington."


It's the same reason we shouldn't be calling female Republicans fat and ugly.

Who is doing that? That would be Trump.

ETA: In addition, what female Republicans deserve mocking for being fat and ugly because of something they've done or said related to being "fat and ugly"? For example, has a fat and ugly female Republican criticized or made fun of someone else for being fat and ugly? If so, then she would deserve to be mocked for having done so.
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"Mr. Trump’s public association with Brioni goes back to 2004, when he wrote in “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire” that the brand supplied him with suits for “The Apprentice.” “I wear Brioni suits, which I buy off the rack,” he wrote. Brioni has a 220-square-foot store in the newly opened Trump International Hotel in Washington."


From the link above:

Trump has been a paying customer for many years, according to the Italian men’s wear brand, controlled by Kering. Responding to queries about the designs, Brioni said Trump’s suits are bespoke “and the silhouette and fabrics follow his personal requirements.”

Someone is wrong, either Brioni or Trump. I'm in a quandry as to whom, though: Trump is a pathological liar but his suits look like they're off the rack because of the poor fit.
The irony of the actual sound track that was used at the North Carolina GOP Convention last week while waiting for Trump to speak was off the charts. "Brain Damage"? :eye-poppi Brianna Keilar and John Berman have some fun with it:


When they play the Titanic's "My heart will go on" Brianna Keller can't hold the snickering back.


I think all the stuff about Dump's tie or his pants is a distraction. He's a sloppy dresser is nuff said.
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I picture him less as a used-car salesman and more like a two-bit Multi-Level Marketing guy.

I imagine that he’d love to sell stocks over the phone, but doesn’t have the patience or the brain power to get any kind of license.
By his behavior, those fit, but, by the reaction to him from the loonies, he's more like Jesus to me. Not only were they both supposed to save their people from the evil oppressors, but also, once they failed, their followers started coming up with excuses and explanations about how his failure was really a success in some secret, possibly even supernatural, way.

It's the same reason we shouldn't be calling female Republicans fat and ugly.

Despite a lingering urge to disparage whatever about T**** appears, I basically agree. If he had been an incontinent fat man with a bad suit who served the people and did the right thing, we'd be disparaging cheap abuse, just as some, at least, do when idiots and right wing shills rag on Biden for his stutter.
Except in Dump's case he does deserve to hear that's he's fat and ugly given he frequently calls women that.

Exactly my point. When someone mocks someone else for something and they have the same attributes or do the same thing, then they deserve to be mocked for it in return.
I don't see how that works well--it just back-doors undesirable pejoratives.

"We're not going to make fun of fat people for being fat, only the ones we don't like."

Having an unsympathetic target doesn't make fat-shaming any more appropriate--it just enables an "acceptable" way for the habit to continue.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but it reminds me of people that think they're being enlightened by refusing to use the n-word except on people that "deserve" it by exhibiting negative personality traits.
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Unfortunately, clothes do not make the man.

The Nazis had uniforms designed by Hugo Boss to look stylish. But they were still ******* Nazis.

So whether it's a lardass T**** in an ill-fitting suit, or a tailored long, thin streak of pelican **** like his advisor Miller, they are both obnoxious turds.
I don't see how that works well--it just back-doors undesirable pejoratives.

"We're not going to make fun of fat people for being fat, only the ones we don't like."

Having an unsympathetic target doesn't make fat-shaming any more appropriate--it just enables an "acceptable" way for the habit to continue.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but it reminds me of people that think they're being enlightened by refusing to use the n-word except on people that "deserve" it by exhibiting negative personality traits.

False equivalent because that's not what I said "deserving" was at all:

"When someone mocks someone else for something and they have the same attributes or do the same thing, then they deserve to be mocked for it in return."

"In addition, what female Republicans deserve mocking for being fat and ugly because of something they've done or said related to being "fat and ugly"? For example, has a fat and ugly female Republican criticized or made fun of someone else for being fat and ugly? If so, then she would deserve to be mocked for having done so."
Unfortunately, clothes do not make the man.

The Nazis had uniforms designed by Hugo Boss to look stylish. But they were still ******* Nazis.

So whether it's a lardass T**** in an ill-fitting suit, or a tailored long, thin streak of pelican **** like his advisor Miller, they are both obnoxious turds.

True. About the only good things that can be said about the Nazis are that they built the Autobahn, the Volkswagen, and had great looking uniforms.
False equivalent because that's not what I said "deserving" was at all:

"When someone mocks someone else for something and they have the same attributes or do the same thing, then they deserve to be mocked for it in return."

"In addition, what female Republicans deserve mocking for being fat and ugly because of something they've done or said related to being "fat and ugly"? For example, has a fat and ugly female Republican criticized or made fun of someone else for being fat and ugly? If so, then she would deserve to be mocked for having done so."


You don't get to use qualities that aren't bad in attacking someone just because the person is bad.

"It's okay to make fun of Trump for being fat/ugly/a bad dresser because he's a bad person so he deserves everything he gets" is still insulting to fat/ugly/bad dresser people who aren't Trump and who are perfectly good people.

And no "Trump has used those insults too! That surely makes it okay!" is not either.
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