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Cont: The thread for stupidity from GQP politicians who don't have their own thread Part II

It couldn't be anything but enemies or ET's... I mean, there is no other explanation.....
I haven't been paying much attention to that whole thing but have seen the headlines. Is there actually any mystery around it or is there just a military base close?
I haven't been paying much attention to that whole thing but have seen the headlines. Is there actually any mystery around it or is there just a military base close?
There may or may not have been some actual drones being flown about by who knows who for who knows what reason, followed by some news stories about the "mystery drones", followed by a panicky chain reaction of people looking at lights in the sky/sending up their own drones to look for the other drones/posting about stuff on the interwebs.

It just seems to be another fad panic. Not helped by the fact that space alien UFOs are idiotic but drone UFOs are plausible, or all the stuff being done with offensive drones in the Ukraine war.
My theory is that Elon Muck is testing his drone delivery system. Once his pals end polio vaccination, Muck will use drones to deliver polio viruses into the air and infect millions, and then he'll make bank because Tesla happens to make the modern iron lung machine equivalent.

(I figure these ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ got into power by exploiting stupid conspiracy theories, perhaps that's the best weapon to use against them.)
There may or may not have been some actual drones being flown about by who knows who for who knows what reason, followed by some news stories about the "mystery drones", followed by a panicky chain reaction of people looking at lights in the sky/sending up their own drones to look for the other drones/posting about stuff on the interwebs.

It just seems to be another fad panic. Not helped by the fact that space alien UFOs are idiotic but drone UFOs are plausible, or all the stuff being done with offensive drones in the Ukraine war.
Killer clowns from a few years ago.
Windshield pitting panic of Seattle 1954
Airship spotting panic of the late 19th century and 1913

Everything old is new again.
Why can't we have feel-good panics once in a while? Like, "I just saw the coolest bug in my tree!" and everyone sends pics of cute, colorful, harmless bugs all over the internet, and everyone's in a happy panic.
Not exactly a panic, but you'll be happy to hear that the bluebirds not only had two broods this summer but are wintering over for the second time. I know the doomy half of me should be saying it's global warming, but hey, bluebirds!
Time to revive this thread because the stupid only get stupider. I don't even have words for it anymore...

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If that's Doug Mastriano, which I think it is, he's currently suing his old university (the University of New Brunswick) for "leaking" his PhD thesis after reserchers found it to be deeply fraudulent. Theses submitted for degrees to properly accredited universities are made publicly available under that university's library system.
If that's Doug Mastriano, which I think it is, he's currently suing his old university (the University of New Brunswick) for "leaking" his PhD thesis after reserchers found it to be deeply fraudulent. Theses submitted for degrees to properly accredited universities are made publicly available under that university's library system.
Isn't the point of a PhD thesis to be published?
Trump has had his school results and Wharton College results suppressed successfully. This is much the same.
I've never heard of a Ph.D. dissertation (or Masters' thesis) being considered to be confidential. Most universities have copies of Ph.D. dissertations in their libraries. Many university departments allow the general public to attend dissertation defenses.
I've never heard of a Ph.D. dissertation (or Masters' thesis) being considered to be confidential. Most universities have copies of Ph.D. dissertations in their libraries. Many university departments allow the general public to attend dissertation defenses.
I was referring to school results in general. I recall Trump was going to sue anyone who published his school results.
republican representative of Texas, Kay Granger, has apparently been living in a assisted living facility for dementia sufferers for the past 5 months, without anyone knowing about it (publicly at least). Up until this summer she was chair of the House Appropriations committee. If the republican leadership knew about it and covered it up, it does leave their attacks on Biden and his memory issues seeming slightly hypocritical.

republican representative of Texas, Kay Granger, has apparently been living in a assisted living facility for dementia sufferers for the past 5 months, without anyone knowing about it (publicly at least). Up until this summer she was chair of the House Appropriations committee. If the republican leadership knew about it and covered it up, it does leave their attacks on Biden and his memory issues seeming slightly hypocritical.

Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. It doesn't count if they do it.
republican representative of Texas, Kay Granger, has apparently been living in a assisted living facility for dementia sufferers for the past 5 months, without anyone knowing about it (publicly at least). Up until this summer she was chair of the House Appropriations committee. If the republican leadership knew about it and covered it up, it does leave their attacks on Biden and his memory issues seeming slightly hypocritical.

Stop picking on poor Kay Granger !!!1!!1!!

Her family is suffering. How dare the left wing media drag up something as trivial as being chair of the House Appropriations committee for some of that time.
LOL, yesterday Musk was Tweeting about wanting term limits for politicians. Wonder what he has to say about Kay Granger.
Michele Fiore, AKA "Lady Trump", a long time politician who was infamous in her ad for shooting beer bottles marked 'vaccine mandates' next to her campaign bus has been convicted of fraud. She had set up a charity for donations for a memorial of a slain police officer but instead used the funds on plastic surgery and her daughter's wedding. She faces up to 20 years in prison.

However the charges are Federal and she could be pardoned by Trump.

I am shocked SHOCKERD! to learn that a member of the "law and order" and "blue lives matter" crowd just uses police officers as props for fund raising and doesn't give a ◊◊◊◊ about the lives of actual police officers.
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Michele Fiore, AKA "Lady Trump", a long time politician who was infamous in her ad for shooting beer bottles marked 'vaccine mandates'...
She's the real deal alright.
They entered a federal office building while armed, renamed the facility, accessed personnel files and posted private information about employees online, destroyed fencing while allowing the media to record them, drove government vehicles and said they were ready to “kill or be killed” while making a stand against the United States government. Nevada congressional candidate Michele Fiore calls this “camping.” Las Vegas Sun March 2016

She's the real deal alright.

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How many of those kids are dead now due to guns. Even the little tyke up front with the glasses is carrying...

Granny looks a mite unstable, and I don't mean on her legs. And she is carrying what looks to be a fairly lethal submachinegun. I guess those far more knowledgeable than me can identify it.
Granny looks a mite unstable, and I don't mean on her legs. And she is carrying what looks to be a fairly lethal submachinegun. I guess those far more knowledgeable than me can identify it.
Someone tell them that in Dump and Vance's perfect world, women probably will not be allowed to carry guns (something something leopards).
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