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The Pizzagate Gunman is dead


a flimsy character...perfidious and despised
Nov 5, 2002
valid location
reference to widespread CT that Hillary Clinton has personally murdered multiple people to cover up her crimes.
I guess he found out the truth after all. How convenient for the NWO!

/ I am joking. But how long before MAGA people are saying this in complete seriousness?
Just proves he was on to something; he went after the illuminati, and they sent the jack booted thugs after him.
And I think PookieBear has actually killed people.
Hey, there's exactly as much evidence!

Listen, Republicans have been saying for YEARS that the Clintons have killed people. Admittedly, they are a joke. Of course they are pro-Big Business, pro-hatred of women, racist against blacks and Latinos, anti-gay and trans, etc.

But when a Republican tells you that 2 plus 2 equals 4, they aren't necessarily wrong.

For a long time, they told us that Clinton rode on a jet with a pedophile named Epstein. I had a roommate who was a Trump supporter. IIRC she used to talk smack about the Clintons and Epstein. IIRC at the time (this was years ago) maybe I sort of assumed "This is the sort of thing peddled by Fox News and junk tabloids." It sounded too crazy to be true.

Until, it turned out that this bizarre and sensationalistic gossip was 100 percent real.

The Republicans were right. I was wrong.

Then Epstein somehow died in solitary confinement and the Clintons were the number 1 suspects and no one could deny the fact that they DO kill people.

So the Republicans were right TWICE.
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Listen, Republicans have been saying for YEARS that the Clintons have killed people. Admittedly, they are a joke. Of course they are pro-Big Business, pro-hatred of women, racist against blacks and Latinos, anti-gay and trans, etc.

But when a Republican tells you that 2 plus 2 equals 4, they aren't necessarily wrong.

For a long time, they told us that Clinton rode on a jet with a pedophile named Epstein. I had a roommate who was a Trump supporter. IIRC she used to talk smack about the Clintons and Epstein. IIRC at the time (this was years ago) maybe I sort of assumed "This is the sort of thing peddled by Fox News and junk tabloids." It sounded too crazy to be true.

Until, it turned out that this bizarre and sensationalistic gossip was 100 percent real.

The Republicans were right. I was wrong.

Then Epstein somehow died in solitary confinement and the Clintons were the number 1 suspects and no one could deny the fact that they DO kill people.

So the Republicans were right TWICE.
That doesn't mean that any Clinton killed anyone. Zero proof means zero proof. That's Republicans saying 2+2=5.

Eta: the Clintons were not #1 suspects of anything. And pretty much everyone can deny the fact that they DO kill people... because they don't.

Republicans have a long way to go before being right once on Q-tip conspiracy theories, much less twice.
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That doesn't mean that any Clinton killed anyone. Zero proof means zero proof. That's Republicans saying 2+2=5.

Just to begin with, I know Epstein didn't kill himself.

No one believes that. A child wouldn't believe that!

Literally everyone assumes Clinton was behind that. It's not even "an open secret."
Just to begin with, I know Epstein didn't kill himself.
You know no such thing. You believe it, with no evidence. It's the opposite of skepticism.
No one believes that. A child wouldn't believe that!
Normal people believe that. It's certainly possible something squirelly was going on, and when solid evidence is shown, a lot of minds will be changed. We are still waiting for such evidence.
Literally everyone assumes Clinton was behind that. It's not even "an open secret."
Only our...shall we say lower watt bulbs are so sure. To most of us, the circumstances surrounding his death are weird as all hell, but there is dead zero to implicate the Clintons with anything approaching certainty.
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Remember when, of all people, Trump told the truth about Clinton? And so did Cracked.com when they quoted him?

That's right. An unfunny, 2nd rate comedy website got it right before the actual press did.
Remember when, of all people, Trump told the truth about Clinton? And so did Cracked.com when they quoted him?

That's right. An unfunny, 2nd rate comedy website got it right before the actual press did.
Zero evidence presented that any Clinton killed anyone.

Do you understand the need for evidence to support such a ridiculous claim?

If a republican is right about one thing, it in no way shape or form means he is right about whatever cuckoo conspiracy theory you pick.
By the way, I used to be an apologist for the Democrats, believe it or not. I assumed the allegations by Juanita Broderick were the ravings of right-wing nuts.

It sounded "too insane to be true" and "too sensationalistic to be true." I assumed it was some slanderous conspiracy theory cooked up by rednecks and Republicans and Fox and The National Enquirer.

Now, I am convinced Clinton raped his volunteer and sent the FBI and the IRS after her. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

People might say "The Christian Coalition just doesn't like Clinton! You are falling for their propaganda! This is a smear by the GOP!"

Uh-huh. Christopher Hitchens wrote an entire book about it. He's a Republican!?

The victim was Clinton's own volunteer. She's a Republican!?

Another victim was Kathleen Willey, his own minion. She's a Republican!?

Well, now she might be, given how Clinton treated her!
I looked into this. Somehow, every 3 or 6 months, someone connected to the Clintons dies!

Women who have been wronged by him. Their boyfriends. His business partners. His lawyers. His former aides and employees. Journalists who write negative articles about him. Pimps who supplied him with women. His cronies.

Admittedly, it is hard to separate what's a right-wing rumor from what is a fact (and many of the people alleging this are Republicans with an axe to grind) but, man, that's a lot of dead people!

All I can say is....You don't want to be Clinton's friend! You don't want to be his enemy, either.
Zero evidence presented that any Clinton killed anyone.

Do you understand the need for evidence to support such a ridiculous claim?

If a republican is right about one thing, it in no way shape or form means he is right about whatever cuckoo conspiracy theory you pick.


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Oh boy. I am going to get some serious blowback here.

Though I am a skeptic and proud of it, I actually think that one is true.

I think the Clintons have killed people.

Saying "I'm a skeptic, but I believe this conspiracy theory" is about as convincing as saying "I'm not a racist, but [group x] are all degenerates/thieves/whatever.

It becomes even less convincing when you do it more than once in less than half an hour about different subjects.
Zero evidence presented that any Clinton killed anyone.

Do you understand the need for evidence to support such a ridiculous claim?

If a republican is right about one thing, it in no way shape or form means he is right about whatever cuckoo conspiracy theory you pick.
Unintentional negligent homicide is still homicide, no matter what way you cut it.
You know what's funny? I used to be the kind of person who would LAUGH at conspiracy theorists. I used to laugh at the 9/11 people, black nationalists who were convinced Malcolm X's death was suspicious, the JFK conspiracy people, the people who said the Clintons kill their associates, the people who said Clinton was a rapist, the people who said that Reagan and the CIA planted crack in the ghetto.

The previous version of myself would have been the first to ridicule all that.

Now, I have flipped almost 180 degrees on that.

This is one of the few areas in which my skepticism HAS been tested and challenged.

(I still think psychics and astrology and ghosts are complete fantasies.)
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Listen, Republicans have been saying for YEARS that the Clintons have killed people. Admittedly, they are a joke. Of course they are pro-Big Business, pro-hatred of women, racist against blacks and Latinos, anti-gay and trans, etc.

But when a Republican tells you that 2 plus 2 equals 4, they aren't necessarily wrong.

For a long time, they told us that Clinton rode on a jet with a pedophile named Epstein. I had a roommate who was a Trump supporter. IIRC she used to talk smack about the Clintons and Epstein. IIRC at the time (this was years ago) maybe I sort of assumed "This is the sort of thing peddled by Fox News and junk tabloids." It sounded too crazy to be true.

Until, it turned out that this bizarre and sensationalistic gossip was 100 percent real.

The Republicans were right. I was wrong.

Then Epstein somehow died in solitary confinement and the Clintons were the number 1 suspects and no one could deny the fact that they DO kill people.

So the Republicans were right TWICE.
Except trump ALSO used his jet, and went partying with him regularly (until they had a falling out over a realestate deal)
So are you saying that trump was the one that had Epstein killed????
Same 'evidence'...
Except trump ALSO used his jet, and went partying with him regularly (until they had a falling out over a realestate deal)
So are you saying that trump was the one that had Epstein killed????
Same 'evidence'...
View attachment 58594
View attachment 58595
I wouldn’t discount Donald J Trump as a potential Person of Particular Interest in the case of Jeffrey Epstein.
My wife has devoted an abundance of time, energy, and effort into investigating the Clintons, but she is well aware of President Trump’s insidious proclivities as well.

My wife and I are far removed from being anything that resemble “MAGA” zealots.
In fact, I didn’t vote last year, as for my wife, it’s not my place to volunteer that information.
^ That's my husband, everyone!

While I am on the subject, I know we are supposed to laugh at the idea that Vince Foster was killed by Clinton. Even Christopher Hitchens, who hated the Clintons, laughed at that one. People in the media keep repeating that "he just committed suicide."

I have come to re-examine that, too. An odd story. Right before he died, Foster had lunch with Linda Tripp. Yes, that Linda Tripp. She's like the Forrest Gump in every Clinton scandal. Her name just keeps popping up!

Tripp distinctly remembered Vince Foster picking the onions off of his food, like he was afraid of having bad breath later. She thought that was unusual for a guy who was plotting to commit suicide. If he planned on dying that day, why was he trying to look good and smell good?

Apparently, she tried to explain this to Ken Starr but he wouldn't listen. He didn't want to open THAT can of worms, possibly in fear of his own safety.

Starr apparently left out a bunch of other things, too. He's dead now, as is Tripp. To this day, I wonder what they both knew.
Welcome to the forum!

You will soon discover that playing cheap word games will be met with extreme derision and ridicule.
Have it my friend! I’ve been called every name in the book.
I’ve been denigrated, ostracized, demeaned, ridiculed, castigated, rejected, and insulted.
I keep coming back!
Have it my friend! I’ve been called every name in the book.
I’ve been denigrated, ostracized, demeaned, ridiculed, castigated, rejected, and insulted.
I keep coming back!
Man after my own heart!

You will find that on this skeptics forum, critical thinking is very much championed. What that means is the kind of arguments that work in the local bar or other social media kind of get laughed at here. Saying someone did their homework and therefore is credible, or "everybody knows this" type arguments are considered jokes.

If you have a sound argument, the floor is yours. We would surely be interested (although it should have a seperate thread- see rule 11). But be advised that members here are well familiar with every play in the book.

Again, welcome!
Have it my friend! I’ve been called every name in the book.
I’ve been denigrated, ostracized, demeaned, ridiculed, castigated, rejected, and insulted.
I keep coming back!

Whatever floats your boat, friend. I don't kink shame.

I look forward to new evidence of murders by or for the Clintons dating back over 30 years. That onion thing was a little underwhelming. Also lacking any citations or sources.

I presume that y'all are building up to something more?
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Council of Foreign Relations.
A legitimate and established organization with the data to support its conclusions.
A family member worked at DoS while Clinton was SecState, his office was right down the hall from hers (it's a really long hallway). Here's the thing DoS does not initiate drone strikes. They might advise again them, and in some cases take it to the NSC to prevent a drone hit, but nobody at DoS calls the USAF or CIA to launch one on their own. Targeting is a process involving CIA, NSA, and USSOCOM (and the relative military commands). Sometimes an HVT pops up in the open, and a Reaper is tasked to martyr him on the spot, but most targets take time to develop to ensure we get the right people, and make sure any compromised assets are safe before we pull the trigger. I doubt the SecState knew more about most of those strikes other than what was in her briefing memos.

The idea that Hillary sat behind her desk watching Predator feeds of the strikes she ordered is laughable.

DCI Panetta and Obama were the top of the chain for these hits. And sure, sometimes we killed civilians. It's war, one we didn't start. We do our best to prevent civilian casualties, but often the terrorists surround themselves with them hoping to scare us off. Sometimes it works, but as we saw in that last week in Afghanistan, sometimes we shoot anyway.
...Tripp distinctly remembered Vince Foster picking the onions off of his food, like he was afraid of having bad breath later. She thought that was unusual for a guy who was plotting to commit suicide. If he planned on dying that day, why was he trying to look good and smell good?..
Ok, let's look at this for a moment.

Are fears of bad breath the only reason a person might pull onions off his food?

Say he was despondent, thinking about eating that upcoming bullet. Might it be an absent-minded thing to keep his hands busy?

Or maybe he didn't want the bad taste of an onion in his mouth in his last minutes.

Or he was trying to keep himself together, getting through the day as normally as he could muster, and was overcome shortly afterwards and ate the bullet anyway?

Onions prove nothing about anything.
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