have started to create a Wiki to go through and index the footage available on Justin TV.
It can be found sgu24index wikidot com (damn link rule again)
I am most interested in Richard Saunders at the momement so I am indexing Part 3 and this has the most filled in example.
I want to crowd source this job. So if you want - connect to sgu24index wikidot com and start adding data.
If I see people contributing I will expand what I have started. If people think it is a crap idea or there is already this project started else where then let me know and I will stop.
It can be found sgu24index wikidot com (damn link rule again)
I am most interested in Richard Saunders at the momement so I am indexing Part 3 and this has the most filled in example.
I want to crowd source this job. So if you want - connect to sgu24index wikidot com and start adding data.
If I see people contributing I will expand what I have started. If people think it is a crap idea or there is already this project started else where then let me know and I will stop.