Like the others, I'm pretty bogged down with both dissertation writing and job applications. I'm totally available by email to talk shop, but it's actually dangerous for me to get too involved in forum discussions for the most part - I have an opinion on everything!
I, too, teach critical thinking (I'm about to head out to the job market for a professorship, but as a Graduate Student I designed and taught 3 different critical reasoning courses at 4 different universities here in the US.) I actually consider teaching critical thinking to be among the most important aspects of the work that I do. It's *definitely* the most rewarding.
There's nothing quite like watching college students challenge their own belief systems (often for the first time in their lives) and come out the other side stronger and with a new desire to be able to account for those beliefs. Even talking about teaching those courses gets me excited! (I'm not teaching right now, just writing, so I actively miss it!)
Please don't hesitate to contact me via email if anyone wants to talk about this stuff - I'd even be happy to share some of my syllabi for those courses.
I really am immensely thankful for the JREF money - in my case, at least, it's paying some of my tuition while I try to get 250 pages written before June
The sooner I finish, the sooner I can get back to the business of teaching critical thinking!