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Project 2025


Critical Thinker
Apr 27, 2005
Trump "I know nothing about project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

What an bunch of BS! No idea who is behind it? They are all former Trump administration people. Knows nothing about it? but some of the things are ridiculous?

Paul Dans - Director, Project 2025
Prior to joining Heritage, Dans served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management
In January 2021, President Trump appointed Dans to serve as Chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission.

Spencer Chretien - Associate Director, Project 2025
From 2020-2021, he served as Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel.

Troup Hemenway - Associate Director, Project 2025
A former associate director of the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) under President Donald Trump

Project 2025 partners employ over 200 former officials from the Trump administration.


Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production.[7][12] The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts,[13] though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism.[14] Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.[15][16] Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.[17][18] The Project seeks to cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid,[19][20] and urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care.[21][22] The Project states that life begins at conception,[19] and seeks to eliminate coverage of emergency contraception under the Affordable Care Act[19] and enforce the Comstock Act to prosecute those who send and recieve contraceptives and abortion pills nationwide.[22][23] The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity.[6] It proposes criminalizing pornography,[24] removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,[24][25] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs,[3][25] as well as affirmative action[26] by instead having the DOJ prosecute "anti-white racism."[27] The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by using the military to capture and place them in internment camps.[28][29] The Insurrection Act of 1807 would be used to allow the military to engage in domestic policing and assist capturing undocumented immigrants.[30][31] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of those sentences.[32]
It kind of looks like Project 2025 is to some Democrats as Agenda 21 is to QAnon.
I look at Project 2025 as America's Mein Kampf. Yes, America's. Because one of the two major political parties is all-in. And probably a larger percentage of Americans are on board than were the Germans who voted for the Nazis in 1932.

If not this election, then soon enough. The pendulum inevitably swings, and the traitorous cabal busily beavering on this will have their chance.

Can the Dems keep the Presidency ad infinitum? That notwithstanding, the Red States now have a pretty compliant SCROTUS to back their lurch backward.

And now look at the SCROTUS ruling on POTUS immunity.

America is fast becoming a rogue among the democracies, aching for Autocracy. To me it seems almost a foregone conclusion. The few good people who perceive the danger and wring hands, vainly awaiting the arrival of a saviour. And the rest are either asleep or will gladly usher in a new Dark Age.
trump distances himself from Agenda 2025 the way he distances himself from the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys: stand back and stand by.

The job of the Agenda 2025 people is to help him win and rule, and if the former requires him to denounce them, than that's their job, too.

But Trump can't do **** on his own, as we have seen, so he needs an army of cronies to implement his ideas, or at least an army of cronies willing, if not competent to do so.
At what point are actual Americans allowed to fight back?
All of the ******* “well, it’s up to the courts” is ******** at this point.

The right has said out loud for more than a decade that their goal is to end democracy.
When are we allowed to actually fight back?

My grandfather was paid good money to kill people who were absolutely indistinguishable from today’s republicans.

When can we fire back?
Seriously; I have been hearing the “we need to be better than them”
******** for thirty years.
No Republican wants freedom or compromise. They are treasonous scum.
The "Founding Fathers" didn't want a Democracy of anyone but rich landowners.

It could be argued that we are the traitors because we want such commie things like equal rights.
At what point are actual Americans allowed to fight back?
At what point were actual Germans allowed to fight back against the Nazis? I think the Nazis would have taken exception to it at any point in the process.

Perhaps the more relevant question is "at what point should actual Americans no longer wait for permission to use violence?"
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Trump "I know nothing about project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

What an bunch of BS! No idea who is behind it? They are all former Trump administration people. Knows nothing about it? but some of the things are ridiculous?
To be fair, Trump is a pretty stupid individual, and his ego probably makes it hard to comprehend anything that is "not trump". So its not inconceivable that he doesn't know anything about it.

But, that doesn't really make it better. Even if he "knows nothing about it", he SHOULD know about it. Being ignorant of such a document makes him look incompetent.

So, the choice is clear... trump is either Incompetent or evil.
A few people on one side have some extreme ideas and the other side think that they're held by them all.
Here are the reasons we should be worried about "project 2025":

- As pointed out before, it was created in part by people who had positions in the first Trump administration, and there is a chance that Trump will either pick the same people for his administration again, or people like them

- We have seen this happen before over abortion rights. Thousands/millions of people probably voted republican in 2016 thinking "Roe v. Wade is settled", only to find that the worst-case scenario CAN come true.

- Trump has released few of any concrete proposals of his own to say "this is what I plan to do". And Trump is famous for having the attention span of a goldfish, often following the guidance of the last person who talked to him. If you're not going to release any policy statements, you can't blame people for assuming the worst.

- At least some of the ideas in Project 2025 reflect policies tried to implement in the past, or has talked about for a potential future term. (Things like changes to the citizenship questionnaire, further tax cuts, firing employees, etc.) Yeah, Trump might not have specifically talked about contraception, or banning pr0n, or some of the other weirder ideas, but a lot of Project 2025 DOES line up with his ideas, so its not too far fetched he may pick up some of the other, more radical, ideas as well
Reactionaries can only destroy; that's not news. Fascists can only foment disorder, the perpetual struggle as they call it. No news there either. Thus it's inevitable that the stupid brutes will eventually overreach themselves as they claw at everything they can touch, and strain for things they finally can't.

No news again. So don't be overly alarmed at this stale rightist blaring. Be angry instead.

When they start parading in the same color shirts, you'll know what to do.
Reactionaries can only destroy; that's not news. Fascists can only foment disorder, the perpetual struggle as they call it. No news there either. Thus it's inevitable that the stupid brutes will eventually overreach themselves as they claw at everything they can touch, and strain for things they finally can't.

No news again. So don't be overly alarmed at this stale rightist blaring. Be angry instead.
I think there ARE reasons to be alarmed.

Yes, reactionaries can "only destroy". But what makes the current situation troublesome is:

- Never have the "extremists" been is a situation where they hold such influence. Many of the nutjobs behind Project 2025 were part of Trump's first administration, and Trump is leading in many opinion polls for the 2024 election. (Its not just a fringe group that is miles away from any real political power.)

- Their policies are broad-ranging and far out of touch with the sensibilities of the "average" american.
Democratic strategy should be to run ads with excerpts from Project 2025, and the link to it. They should push everyone to read the Republican Mein Kampf.
You're right of course, but

I think there ARE reasons to be alarmed.

Yes, reactionaries can "only destroy". But what makes the current situation troublesome is:

- Never have the "extremists" been is a situation where they hold such influence. Many of the nutjobs behind Project 2025 were part of Trump's first administration, and Trump is leading in many opinion polls for the 2024 election. (Its not just a fringe group that is miles away from any real political power.)

- Their policies are broad-ranging and far out of touch with the sensibilities of the "average" american.

I said don't be OVERLY alarmed. If these right wing yobs were once part of Assolini's administration, that suggests that they're also chaotic potters and self-seeking conspirators who can't get much right even when they try -- and mostly they just grift-graft out of the nearest half-open government drawer. With Donny Vacuumbrain at the top, who would bother to be an idealogue?

Yes, they mean to do evil. Yes, they're dangerous with power in their grasp. But they're crudely ham-fisted, and they can be defeated.

Guess I'm just saying, Be of good cheer. It's much easier to infuriate Americans than it is to cow them.

And there such a thing as high-hearted anger.
Even stupid and incompetent enemies can do a lot of harm if they have the right tools. A loaded gun in the hands of a moron is still a loaded gun.
I said don't be OVERLY alarmed. If these right wing yobs were once part of Assolini's administration, that suggests that they're also chaotic potters and self-seeking conspirators who can't get much right even when they try -- and mostly they just grift-graft out of the nearest half-open government drawer. With Donny Vacuumbrain at the top, who would bother to be an idealogue?

Yes, they mean to do evil. Yes, they're dangerous with power in their grasp. But they're crudely ham-fisted, and they can be defeated.

Guess I'm just saying, Be of good cheer. It's much easier to infuriate Americans than it is to cow them.

And there such a thing as high-hearted anger.

Even stupid and incompetent enemies can do a lot of harm if they have the right tools. A loaded gun in the hands of a moron is still a loaded gun.
Be of good cheer?

I would (so I will!) hasten to remind: one need only glance over at the Supreme Court WRT Roe v. Wade, the Chevron Deference, and Presidential Immunity.
Meh, sturm and drang about nothing. Its a policy paper from a think tank, they do that all the time. I'm sure there's lots to disagree with but it ain't mein kampf or the communist manifesto and Trump certainly doesn't give a damn about it. Even if he did, he lack the tenacity to institute anything of importance.

That's not to say I'm not worried about trump but project 2025 has **** all to do with why I'm worried about trump.
A think thank that pretty much chosoes the Supreme Court justices and agency heads. Trump will do whatever gets hm hi ma treat from his handlers. That's why he tried to distance himself from Project 2025. He knows it is currently unpopular but he ahs know idea what is in it. He can't read anything longer than his own name. Give the right-wing media machine little time and it will be the manifesto for every drooling idiots still backing Trump.

Project 2025 has been the very thing al lthe various factions on the right have been doing, the Federalist Society is jsut trying to coordinate the efforts with themselves in charge.
Guess I'm just saying, Be of good cheer. It's much easier to infuriate Americans than it is to cow them.

You cow Americans by infuriating them. Ever heard of LBJ's "lowest whiteman"?

the idea isn't to tell us how they wil lmake our lives better. The idea is give us some "others" and tell us they are why our lives aren't as good as they should be. Or that "they" took something from us.
Meh, sturm and drang about nothing. Its a policy paper from a think tank, they do that all the time. I'm sure there's lots to disagree with but it ain't mein kampf or the communist manifesto and Trump certainly doesn't give a damn about it. Even if he did, he lack the tenacity to institute anything of importance.

That's not to say I'm not worried about trump but project 2025 has **** all to do with why I'm worried about trump.

"Trump certainly doesn't give a damn about it" is a conclusion you can only reach if you take Trump at his word.

Considering that he has already blatantly lied about not knowing the people who drafted Project 2025 despite many of them being from his administration, I'm not sure why any rational person would do that.
This is just like the repeal of Roe v Wade all over again. Republicans tell us exactly what they want to do, then deny they will actually do it, a shocking number of people believe their denial, and then to the surprise of no one paying attention they do exactly the thing they said they wanted to do.
This is just like the repeal of Roe v Wade all over again. Republicans tell us exactly what they want to do, then deny they will actually do it, a shocking number of people believe their denial, and then to the surprise of no one paying attention they do exactly the thing they said they wanted to do.

Yup. My grandfather was once paid by the government of the US to shoot these people.
We might need to revisit old and very popular policies in that area
Meh, sturm and drang about nothing. Its a policy paper from a think tank, they do that all the time. I'm sure there's lots to disagree with but it ain't mein kampf or the communist manifesto and Trump certainly doesn't give a damn about it. Even if he did, he lack the tenacity to institute anything of importance.

That's not to say I'm not worried about trump but project 2025 has **** all to do with why I'm worried about trump.

Trump can't do his worst without an army of loyalists. So far this is the most effort Conservatives have put in to change that. And real Conservatives, not wimpy liberal neo-cons who still cherish human rights for everyone and all that SJW woke crap.
I said don't be OVERLY alarmed. If these right wing yobs were once part of Assolini's administration, that suggests that they're also chaotic potters and self-seeking conspirators who can't get much right even when they try -- and mostly they just grift-graft out of the nearest half-open government drawer.
Keep in mind that in Trump's first term, those "chaotic potters" managed to get a muslim travel ban implemented, put in a family separation program at the border, eliminated the pandemic response team, drove up the debt by billions of dollars through tax cuts that largely benefitted the wealthy, and started trade wars.

And that was when there were one or two "rational" individuals in the Trump administration (such as John Kelley) to provide at least a little pushback. The next term will probably won't even have that.

With Donny Vacuumbrain at the top, who would bother to be an idealogue?
On the other hand, since Trump just doesn't care, he's also willing to let those "idealogues" run wild.
Meh, sturm and drang about nothing. Its a policy paper from a think tank, they do that all the time.
But as it has been pointed out before, this was not just some think-tank full of egg-heads writing some paper that will probably soon be forgotten.

Project 2025 was written by people who were involved in the first Trump administration, and it is likely that they (or people similar to them) will be involved again should Trump manage a second term.

I'm sure there's lots to disagree with but it ain't mein kampf or the communist manifesto and Trump certainly doesn't give a damn about it.
As I have pointed out before, at least some of the things in Project 2025 are similar to policies that Trump has either implemented (or promised) in the past. So its not as far-fetched as you might think.

Trump may not agree with all the policies in 2025, but he certainly does give a damn about some of them.

Even if he did, he lack the tenacity to institute anything of importance.
Doesn't matter how "tenacious" trump is. All he needs to to is appoint some nut-case to an important position (which he has done in the past), let them do their work, and just never interfere with them.
"A bloodless revolution, if the left allows it....."

It's sick, violent rhetoric. They should be tried for sedition.
"A bloodless revolution, if the left allows it....."

It's sick, violent rhetoric. They should be tried for sedition.
What specifically in 2025 is "sick or violent rhetoric"?

To others, nothing in this is any worse than trump with out it, the outlandish reaction to project 2025 is just silly. Seriously, the republican mein kampf? That's not serious, its childish.

If the violent rhetoric involves deporting illegal immigrants, well, that's half of the american population, including a large minority of Dems you think are sick and violent.
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the heritage foundation is one of the most influential conservative think tanks in the world. it’s much bigger and older than some guys from trump’s old cabinet. tobacco, acid rain, ozone layer, climate change, they’ve been at the center of it all. you think they can’t get things done better think again.
What specifically in 2025 is "sick or violent rhetoric"?

Equating homsexuals and transgender people wth pedophiles and then calling for the death penalty for pedophiles.

To others,

And these "others" are morons or accomplices. Or maybe both.

nothing in this is any worse than trump with out it,

Its the playbook for the enxt time the GQP takes power

the outlandish reaction to project 2025 is just silly. Seriously, the republican mein kampf? That's not serious, its childish.

Ya, just like they weren't going to any of the **** they told us they were going to do and actually did. I get it, its not like they coordinated an attack on the Capitol to ovetturn an election. Or have spent the last few decades overturning every step forward we have taken as a country over the last 160 years.
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