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New New Zealand Podcast


Dec 14, 2005
Coming Soon!!!

New Podcast from Down Under.

New Zealand's First Podcast (There may actually be 2 coming, but ours will be the best :-D)

Watch this space. More info as and when it comes to hand...

We're looking at recording the pilot episode in early Dec, so hopefully we'll have something out by end of year

No name yet - but as soon as we do, I'll let you know.

If you have any ideas (especially for names) or want to help in any way, let me know...

see also:
if you can get in...
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Hey, great to hear there'll be a new podcast coming!

It won't be the first skeptical podcast from New Zealand though - "The Unbelievers" have been broadcasting for over a year.

Sorry to burst your bubble. Let me know when your show's up - love those accents.
Ok - so I've found The Unbelievers, I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but is it more skeptical or more about atheism / religion?

At any rate - Episode Zero is nearly done and will be online soon...

Watch this space and as soon as the website is live I'll post a link.
If you have any ideas (especially for names) or want to help in any way, let me know...

A rather timely question - I was just reading this: UFO papers to be made public

Hundreds of pages of secret files on New Zealand UFO sightings will be released by the military this year.

The files include reports of UFO sightings from 1979 to 1984 and references to the Kaikoura sighting of December 1978.

The files are held by Archives New Zealand and were to have been made public this month, but the Defence Force is removing personal information from them to comply with the Privacy Act.

"At the moment we are working on making copies of these files, minus the personal information," a Defence Force spokeswoman said. "Once this work is completed, we are hoping to be able to release a copy of all the UFO files, including some ahead of their release time, within the year."
Cheers dude. Keep up the good work!

...and thanks for putting me on to Graeme Hill!

I thought of you guys the other day when I saw this on another Kiwi forum: http://www.facebook.com/pages/CHEMTRAIL-CONSPIRACY-NEW-ZEALAND-2009-2010/106830552698686?ref=ts

Wow, they really are a bit special. Good on Jason Milch for trying to get some answers about what exactly it is they're alleging. I don't think I'd have the patience for that sort of dialogue.

I'm really enjoying the podcast as well.
Hi guys, Im new to the JREF. I have listened to 5 of your podcasts and already loving them, keep up the good work aye.

Nice to hear skepticism in a kiwi accent, those bloody SGU guys/gal are too hard to understand! :p
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