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Musk/Vance's first term


My avatar is not a Drumpf hat
Jun 18, 2007
The power rivalry thread, for all your palace intrigue needs. Bring your daggers and poison goblets. Oh, and I've got popcorn, guaranteed not poisoned, or your money back.

With Dump's physical and mental decline and dwindling crowd sizes, how long until he gets sidelined and replaced, and who will take the throne? I know Musk is neither American-born nor vice president, but I guess I can at least see him acting as a strong influence on the boy king until he's no longer in power. Perhaps Dump will succumb gradually to dementia and the people around him will grow more and more powerful as he spends his days watching hamberders and tweeting, sorry, truthing? Vance is first in line to take over, but in today's political climate (let's remember we've had a coup attempt, an assassinated CEO, and two attempts at Toddler Messiah himself), I actually find myself wondering if something could happen to him before he gets there.

For some reason the Game of Thrones theme just started playing in my head.
Musk and Theil (who owns Vance) get into a slap fight over whose creature Vance is.
When Trump 'unexpectedly' croakes it'll be kept 100% secret, and he'll be replaced by a deep fake AI generated hologram, which will be obvious when it proves to be a far better, and more humane leader than Trump could ever dream of being, so no one will care enough to complain.
When Trump 'unexpectedly' croakes it'll be kept 100% secret, and he'll be replaced by a deep fake AI generated hologram, which will be obvious when it proves to be a far better, and more humane leader than Trump could ever dream of being, so no one will care enough to complain.
Considering what is happening with Kay Granger, it doesn't seem so implausible. Granted, she was only a Congresswoman and not one of the more popular ones, but for a sitting Representative to be residing in a dementia care facility for five months without anyone noticing is not a good sign for our ability to suss this stuff out.
Musk has some sort of attention deficit. And does not quite get how the on paper parts of government work. So for him it is all Calvin Ball. You make the rules and the one with the ball can change the rules.
now Musk is trying to be a power in the UK as well.
His ego is truly out of control.
His real probelm is he loves publicity too much. If you are trying to pull of beint the power behind the throne, you need to keep a low profile.
AI won't work. To get away with a fake Trump they'll have do develop Artificial Stupidity.

To impersonate Trump you need real stupidity, and in far greater quantities than could possibly be synthesized.
Back in the early 90s someone assured me that some of the best journalists in the country worked for the Sun.

I never figured what they did.

Office cleaning because there were no openings in the British media unless you sold to your soul to the Tory Party?
now Musk is trying to be a power in the UK as well.
His ego is truly out of control.
His real probelm is he loves publicity too much. If you are trying to pull of beint the power behind the throne, you need to keep a low profile.
That is not the point. Musk has realized that his and Ramaswamy's defense of H-1B was too much for the MAGA base. MAGA fundamentalists were beginning to question the commitment of the techbros (and even Trump!) to old-fashioned racism, so Musk is now trying to regain their trust.
Crack-Up Capitalism: How Billionaire Elon Musk's Extremism Is Shaping Trump Admin & Global Politics (Democracy Now!, Jan 6, 2024 - 25:24 min.)
14:03--> Since January 1st, almost exactly, the stream of his posts has been dominated by the faces of men who have been charged with sexual crimes who are from Muslim majority countries.
He is doing everything he can to sort of hype up a very clearly racially coded fear of um sexual assault and crimes coming from immigrants of non-western backgrounds and pairing that with this idea of immigrants from non-western backgrounds as sort of welfare dependents who are not feeding into the mainstream economy.
So his demographic fears are very much also part of his kind of hard crime, um, hard borders policy that is now starting to come to the fore as his primary talking point.
He does not actually give a ◊◊◊◊ about where immigrants are from as long as they are useful to him as cheap labour, so he will continue to appeal to the racism of the MAGA base in tweets while continuing to support the H-1B (and H-2B) immigration - but from now on he and Trumpi won't mention the latter.
He is also not trying to "hype up a very clearly racially coded fear of um sexual assault." He is giving the MAGA base what he knows they like to hear after what he has now come to realize was a propaganda mistake.


Trump and Musk know that they might otherwise lose major parts of the MAGA base to 'the radical left':
Bernie Sanders on X, Jan 2, 2025
Elon Musk is wrong.
The main function of the H-1B visa program is not to hire “the best and the brightest,” but rather to replace good-paying American jobs with low-wage indentured servants from abroad.
The cheaper the labor they hire, the more money the billionaires make.
Nick 'Your-Body-My-Choice' Fuentes retweeted Bernie Sanders and commented:
Nicholas J. Fuentes on X, Jan 2, 2025
Bernie Sanders is right.
Elon and Trump are wrong.
Now Musk and Trump are trying to make up for it with radicalized racist rhetoric as a distraction.
Today's demented news conference makes me wonder if the time to force Donnie aside might not be coming sooner then we think.
Today's demented news conference makes me wonder if the time to force Donnie aside might not be coming sooner then we think.
It's the kind of President that close to 50% of those who could be bothered to vote wanted.

There can be no move to force him aside because the MAGA crowd (who are a significant majority of the GOP base) will not tolerate it and they wield considerable power.
Today's demented news conference makes me wonder if the time to force Donnie aside might not be coming sooner then we think.
He will be quietly sidestepped, not removed. He's the perfect sock-puppet - dreadfully noisy, alarmingly attention-grabbing and supremely stupid. Just prop the idiot up in front of a camera, let him dribble his usual stupid crap and grin inanely, just like when he was campaigning (does he even know he doesn't need to campaign any more??). Meanwhile, the fascists go about their fascist revolution quietly in the background. The MAGAnuts will be none the wiser, and will actually cheer on every contradictory change and imposition on themselves as though that's always what he promised. Begging the leopards to eat their face first.
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Today's demented news conference makes me wonder if the time to force Donnie aside might not be coming sooner then we think.
Who's going to do it? Trump seems to have precluded the cabinet from invoking the 25th amendment by appointing mostly people who understand that he is the only person who would have appointed them to their positions, thus ensuring their loyalty to him.
He will be quietly sidestepped, not removed. He's the perfect sock-puppet - dreadfully noisy, alarmingly attention-grabbing and supremely stupid. Just prop the idiot up in front of a camera, let him dribble his usual stupid crap and grin inanely, just like when he was campaigning (does he even know he doesn't need to campaign any more??). Meanwhile, the fascists go about their fascist revolution quietly in the background. The MAGAnuts will be none the wiser, and will actually cheer on every contradictory change and imposition on themselves as though that's always what he promised. Begging the leopards to eat their face first.
Oh he needs to campaign all right. If he doesn't have thousands of knuckle draggers cheering him on he'll vanish in a puff of smoke, just like monsters do when a toddler covers their head with blankie.
I think I have a solution:
Greenland is being threatened, and Denmark is obligated to defend Greenland.
Joint Arctic Command (Forsvaret.dk)
The mission of the Joint Arctic Command is to protect the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Arctic Region.
(The Kingdom of Denmark (or the Danish Realm) consists of Denmark🇩🇰, Greenland🇬🇱 and the Faroe Islands🇫🇴.)

Denmark will appeal to NATO. NATO is obligated to help its member countries:
Joining NATO binds countries to defend each other (TheConversation, June 18, 2024)
One key part of the NATO treaty that countries sign when they join the alliance is called Article 5. This says that an “armed attack” against one NATO member in Europe or North America “shall be considered an attack against them all.”
The USA🇺🇸 being the most powerful of all member states.

The most effective defense in this case is a preemptive strike against the threat, what NATO used call forward defense back in the 1980s.
A preemptive war is a war that is commenced in an attempt to repel or defeat a perceived (!) imminent offensive or invasion, or to gain a strategic advantage in an impending (allegedly unavoidable) war shortly before that attack materializes. It is a war that preemptively 'breaks the peace' before an impending attack occurs.
Mar-a-Lago would be the obvious target of a preemptive strike, and the USA already has at least one missile launch facility in Florida. (Or is it in Georgia? I'm not sure. Anyway, it's pretty close, and much closer than Hvidbjørnen.) And doesn't "a perceived imminent threat" sound much like 'stand your ground'?!
Eliminating the threat wouldn't even require going nuclear, and the collateral damage could be limited to the eyesore Mar-a-Lago itself, its residents and members (most of them eyesores, too). H-2B immigrants can be called away in advance under some pretext: deportation procedures? union meeting?

Anyway, orange blamage gone, problem solved.
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Like most of his stunts, it's probably distraction. He made the mistake of openly embracing Musk and Ramaswamy's defense of H-B1 immigrants. It takes an awful lot of misdirection to make them forget about that.
have we figured out yet what scheme Trump is running with this Greenland nonsense?
1. Acquire Greenland, and Canada
2. Accelerate global warming
3. Build golf courses and resort hotels in the newly tropical Greenland and Canada

All of this is because some idiot told Trump the Russians and Chinese have subs in the Arctic (of course they do, why wouldn't they?) and Trump reacted like a toddler and blabs his mouth and comes up with the stupidest possible response. I think for the next four years the CIA and DoD should just omit giving any actual information to Trump. Intelligence, in every sense, is entirely un-Trumplike.
my guess is that Trump tried to build a golf course in Greenland and was rebuffed.

We he is pissed with a country, it's rarely about geopolitics - most of the time it's a personal slight being avenged.
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