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Most Over-Valued Company is History

Trump can still make over a billion if he sells all his shares. I'm waiting to see what happens when escrow expires. How greedy will he be and what happens when he sells.

It's a beautiful dilemma for Trump: he can sell at the end of September; the value currently is propped up by the good chance that he will be President again - if he loses, the value will drop.
But it will also drop if he wins, as the need for an "insider" platform will go down if he has all the Media repeating him as a matter of course.

So yeah, Trump should sell as soon as possible.

Personally, I think that a lot of those shares are already locked to pay for the Bonds in his NY lawsuits.
Not a chance.

If he dropped his shares, the price would be down to cents in no time. There aren't anywhere near enough buyers to get him a billion.

He can just do a Bezos/Musk: put up his shares as collateral for a cheap billion dollar loan, and then forget about it, leaving the bank to liquidate the worthless assets.
Plenty of Trump fanboys in High Finance, shouldn't be hard to find someone to convince to help The Fuehrer.
He can just do a Bezos/Musk: put up his shares as collateral for a cheap billion dollar loan, and then forget about it, leaving the bank to liquidate the worthless assets.
Plenty of Trump fanboys in High Finance, shouldn't be hard to find someone to convince to help The Fuehrer.

Now you're being ridiculous.

Even Putin's bank wouldn't take them as collateral. Trump wouldn't get 5c in the dollar as a loan. The shares have zero value outside of MAGA morons buying them. The company makes no money and the social media site has virtually no activity.

You'd be more likely to make money off one of Trump's NFTs and they not going anywhere.
Musk got banks to pay $13 billions for Twitter that wasn't worth it.
A bail bondsman guaranteed a bond of hundreds of millions for the NYT lawsuit.

Deutsche Bank kept loaning money to Trump on obviously fake evaluations of Trump properties.

So no, I'm not being ridiculous: bankers are just stupid when it comes to famous clients.
Musk got banks to pay $13 billions for Twitter that wasn't worth it.

You're just proving you have no clue what you're talking about.

Twitter is still making billions of dollars a year, and with Musk's savaging of the staff, profits are probably higher than they were, even on lower turnover.

A bail bondsman guaranteed a bond of hundreds of millions for the NYT lawsuit.

Yeah, and Trump was a flight risk in what way?

Deutsche Bank kept loaning money to Trump on obviously fake evaluations of Trump properties.

Past tense.

Deutsche thought it could rule the world and lent money all over the place in a rare example of bankers being morons.

They haven't lost money on him yet anyway.
Deutsche thought it could rule the world and lent money all over the place in a rare example of bankers being morons.

They haven't lost money on him yet anyway.

Not only did Deutsche Bank lose money on Trump, Trump sued the bank and the bank later lended Trump even more money.

Deutsche Bank’s private wealth unit loaned Trump $48 million — after he had defaulted on his $640 million loan and the bank’s commercial unit didn’t want to lend him any further funds — so that Trump could pay back another unit of Deutsche Bank. “No one has ever seen anything like it,” said David Enrich, finance editor of The New York Times...


Couldn't resist bolding that phrase.
Trump would be betting against himself by admitting defeat and cashing in Truth Social/Trump Media, because it effectively crashes it. Surely he's much too vain to do that.
Not only did Deutsche Bank lose money on Trump, Trump sued the bank and the bank later lended Trump even more money.


He defaulted, which isn't writing the debt off. It was restructured and ultimately paid in full.


Nope, it's a simple hatchet job and paints an inaccurate picture.

He's paying interest and the banks would struggle to get a return on their funds that matches it. If they wanted the principal back they'd be getting it. Twitter is easily worth over $13B.

If it was valued on the same P/E ratio as Trump Media it would be worth more than the rest of the sharemarket added together.
X is NOT worth $13 billion, and it would have to be worth 44 billion for the banks to get their money back.

It was estimated to be worth $12.5 billion in January, and that was before Musk told advertisers to go and **** themselves.


But since you didn't read the original article I posted, you missed the point.
The bank consortium never wanted to hold X debt: they just advanced the money in the expectation that they would be able to sell it on onto investors for a profit, as they hav always done in the past in takeovers of similar size.

But they can't for X as no investor wants it, causing banks to cut costs to make up for the loss.

You think you know more than professional investors?
Maybe you want to buy the debt then.
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Trump would be betting against himself by admitting defeat and cashing in Truth Social/Trump Media, because it effectively crashes it. Surely he's much too vain to do that.
Stop thinking logically. Trump wants as much money as he can get as soon as possible. He wants to be worshipped but they will always be suckers.
the entire raison d'être of Truth Social is the content moderation of Twitter - which no longer exists. The company has already lost all its value except as a database of people who you can sell dickpills and gold to. But that is something you can monetize without a platform.

Musk has already killed Truth Social, it's just being kept in a zombie state by Trump's presence.

He defaulted, which isn't writing the debt off. It was restructured and ultimately paid in full.


The article I posted refers to loan losses before Leticia James suit. It's weird that James is all about inflated finanial statements that didn't result in bank loan defaults.

Trump even sued Deutche to get out of personal guarantees using Force Majeure. Not that he let his tenants off the hook.

In his suit, Mr. Trump claims that the bank’s “predatory lending practices” are harming his reputation,


Deutche just couldn't quit him.
Deutche just couldn't quit him.

That's the thing I understand least about the Trump phenomenon - why would anyone have any time for him at all?

It's not like him being a blowhard, lying, two-faced, misogynist piece of **** is new.
But since you didn't read the original article I posted, you missed the point.
The bank consortium never wanted to hold X debt: they just advanced the money in the expectation that they would be able to sell it on onto investors for a profit, as they hav always done in the past in takeovers of similar size.

I did read it and fully understand what they were doing - I used to grant loans for those exact purposes in a previous life.

The banks are always aware that things might not turn out how they wanted, which is why Musk's interest rate will be considerably higher than Apple's or Microsoft's.

While I'm sure the banks would like to get their $13B back, they're in zero danger of losing it. The amount is a drop in the bucket, and at a time when interest rates are dropping, their bottom lines are going to look better with the loans than they would otherwise. X still makes over $2B a year in ad revenue and still dominates the medium.

Anyway, there are multiple threads on Musk if you want to continue.
Possible November (well technically very late September) Surprise.

Starting September 25th Trump will, technically, be able to access the 2.3 billion that is currently locked up in the Truth Social social media network.

Trump, in theory, access the full amount, but doing so would almost certainly tank the stock of Truth Social and Trump Media.

That being said I'm not sure if Trump cares about that happening.

Possible November (well technically very late September) Surprise.

Starting September 25th Trump will, technically, be able to access the 2.3 billion that is currently locked up in the Truth Social social media network.

Trump, in theory, access the full amount, but doing so would almost certainly tank the stock of Truth Social and Trump Media.

That being said I'm not sure if Trump cares about that happening.


That is sure to be interesting. How much money can Trump get by selling an asset whose only value is the fact that Trump owns it?
DJT now at the lowest price it has been since the merger, just above $20. C executives are selling shares to cash in while they can.

Yep. Several just sold about 20% of their shares.

eg. Andrew Northwall, COO, just got $79k from a sale on 8/22

And Devin Nunes sold $630k as well. He's "just" the CEO, Prez, Chairman of the Board
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Possible November (well technically very late September) Surprise.

Starting September 25th Trump will, technically, be able to access the 2.3 billion that is currently locked up in the Truth Social social media network.

Trump, in theory, access the full amount, but doing so would almost certainly tank the stock of Truth Social and Trump Media.

That being said I'm not sure if Trump cares about that happening.


If he tries to sell anything more than a small portion, he'll simply get the tanked price on it all. When a price tanks it's pretty much instantaneous and only the very earliest sales get out without hitting bottom.
If he tries to sell anything more than a small portion, he'll simply get the tanked price on it all. When a price tanks it's pretty much instantaneous and only the very earliest sales get out without hitting bottom.

And that's if everyone invested doesn't sell the day before he's able to do it, which I would find likely.
And that's if everyone invested doesn't sell the day before he's able to do it, which I would find likely.

Depends on why people invested. If some people are just using it as a way to launder money to Trump, for example, they're not likely to sell.
Who is even buying the stock for them to sell it to? Isn’t there some level of toxicity where Wall Street just says “nah, not buying that”.
Truth Social tried to block the sale of 18 million shares by it's own executives.

Must be a great atmosphere at the water cooler.

Attempting to prevent others from selling reveals Trump Media's concern that the unlocking in three weeks could unleash a selling frenzy. Because Donald Trump is the controlling owner, he and the board view Trump Media as Trump's company. So, will Trump now ask the board for an exemption to sell some of his locked-up shares before the September unlocking date? He is allowed to do so.

Importantly, short sellers will gain confidence from this news. Those disgruntled shareholders holding low cost or free stock may not take their time liquidating their deteriorating stockholdings.
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What a terrible conundrum for the orange slug!

Need money, cash in shares.

Tank the price and alienate a lot of your supporters.

Wut do?
It's a long weekend in the US (Labor Day) and there was no trading on Monday. Will be interesting to see how it opens on Tuesday.
That's a very tidy 1/3 of its price lost in the past 30 days.

This isn't going to help the fat slug at all. Losing support and losing money.

Whatever the price when Trump decides to bail, it’s still an obscene amount of money for essentially just lending his name to a flawed endeavor.

It's literally the one time I've seen him make a good business call. (I assume Ivanka made it.)
Whatever the price when Trump decides to bail, it’s still an obscene amount of money for essentially just lending his name to a flawed endeavor.

I wouldn't be so fast on that - they're down another buck already today, and on very small turnover.

If he drops more than a pitiful number of shares, the price will be cents in no time. It looks like an asset, but it's a nothing. The only people making money are the smart ones who shorted it a few weeks ago.
i think this was a little more complex than a rug pull, but that’s what it’s turned into. very little reason to essentially offer bribes to him if he’s going to lose the election, and you know as soon as he’s eligible he’s cashing out. i think everyone is realizing they need to beat him to it.

but once again it’s “normal” people left holding the bag. as much as it should have been some saudi getting dicked down here, those guys probably knew exactly what this was. everyone should have seen this coming.

hopefully all the early investors get ******
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