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Join Randi Tonight! (Beyond Reality)


Jul 29, 2006
When: Tonight, Saturday, August 25th, 7pm EST

What: Interviews with James Randi and Robert Lancaster on "Beyond Reality Radio"

How to participate: Call in or Listen!

Call-in numbers: 401-438-WPRO or 1-800-321-WPRO

Listen here!

Or on 630 WPRO AM

Tonight James "The Amazing" Randi and Robert Lancaster of Stop Sylvia Browne will be interviewed Live on Beyond Reality Radio, hosted by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson of The Atlantic Paranormal Society!

Hawes and Wilson, stars of the Sci-Fi series "Ghost Hunters" will be discussing skepticism, with a focus on psychics (especially Sylvia Browne).

Remember to tune in and get your phones ready to personally ask Randi, Lancaster, or the TAPS team whatever question is on your mind!
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For those getting the player to work, to ensure you're on the right station...

In the dark grey line under the player's screen is "Select New Station". Click that. Then click News/Talk. Select "Providence - WPRO".
The show will be starting in a mere nineteen minutes. Unless I don't understand time zones. Which, frankly, I don't really...
Thanks for the heads up. I signed up right now, but I think some woman is telling fortunes over the phone right now with a common deck of cards. She is telling this woman that it looks good right now for her husband to be looking for a job (when isn't it?). So I kinda wonder about this radio station.

I'm all hooked up and ready to listen. Right now there is a woman telling horoscopes using a common set of cards. This is freaky, she just told someone that the cards say it is a good time to interview for a job (when isn't it?). Scary station!

Tried that chat link and it looks like I am about 30 years too old for the conversations there. I have never heard of this Ghost Hunter show. Are they skeptics or believers....or worse....neutral?

They have really made nice nice with Randi. I guess these guys call anything they can't explain Paranormal. Randi has set them straight, "just because you can't figure out why something is happening doesn't make it paranormal. You can watch magicians doing their act, not understand how they are doing it, yet it isn't paranormal."

I think these guys understood that point.
I think they were smart enough to try and be nice and pander to Randi. Randi sure did come in ready for a rumble.
hmmm... I would have LOVED to partisipate and call in, or at least hear the show. But I didn't happen to see this thread because I didn't get much time on the forum the past few days.

Funny thing is that you probably would know I'd be interested in this and I conversed with you on the 25th and also in the days prior to it. Did you intentionally omit this? Did you think "Oh hopefully he won't see that thread, but in any case I'll be sure not to mention it because that might make him some how happy or just be a nice thing to do..." Okay fine... you don't owe it to me to tell me about it, but is that all I am? Is there no place for such an act of good nature in friendship?

I can only assume that this is some sort of grudge or beef you're holding against me. Perhaps it's because you are jealous or because you see me as a threat to something. Or perhaps it is related to that time I grabbed your backside at the Midtown Hilton. Or perhaps it's just the nature of your meanness.

Or maybe it just didn't come up and didn't occure to you. I guess it's possible you're not always thinking of me... but I would doubt that. Possible.. but doubtful.
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