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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

Is the pseudo-science going even further OTT


Jan 14, 2008
I received this spam mail and it is so jaw-droppingly ridiculous, I wondered if, in an attempt to part even more cash from Gullibles, the pseudo-science rhetoric can possibly get any further from reality - or is this just a random phrase generator at work?

Anyway its well worth reading just to have a good laugh.... Perhaps should have sent this, my first post, to the humour section.

Thanks to all for bringing reason and sanity.

Oh and if anyone wants to take up this amazing offer, I will forward the contact details to them....

The Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe System is made up of two distinct yet profoundly interrelated components. These elements are designed to work together to engage your WHOLE consciousness and being - on the material, physical, and spiritual levels.

The first component is an unprecedented new sound frequency treatment which synthesises ancient wisdom, post-quantum physics, vibration, colour therapies, and the very latest scientific research and technology, with life-changing results.

By using specific sound frequencies along with a layering of corresponding verbal, energetic, and vibrational technologies, this treatment affects your body at the cellular level. These combined technologies create powerful biochemical messengers that enable you to literally access your DNA healing codes—increasing your ability to heal psychologically, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

The second component in the system is the complete, unabridged audio version of Dr. Oakes' ALL NEW book, Sound Health, Sound Wealth: The Biology of Hope and Manifestation.

In this fascinating and deeply compelling narrative, Dr. Oakes articulates the essential, timeless principles that underlie the sound frequency treatment and makes it so powerful. You will understand on a rational level what you experience on a subconscious and cellular level during the treatment.

She also lays out — through incredible true stories, simple and gentle yet powerful suggestions, and information culled from her 35 years' of study and experience — a plan for making transformation and abundance-attraction an active, conscious, ongoing way of life.

Used together, these two components aligns your consciousness and awareness with the inherent abundance of the Universe … AND they restore and balance your internal environment.

The extraordinary combined result? You are empowered to automatically and effortlessly create dramatic external changes in all areas.

For starters, you'll enjoy harmonious loving relationships, a greater sense of well-being, and a connection with the life force of money that will bring you as much financial abundance as you want!

You'll discover what it feels like to be peaceful and blissful on the inside. And you'll finally walk away with a new kind of knowledge that is based on a deeper concept of life!

Sound Health, Sound Health Deluxe System

YES - Please send me the Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe program today.

I will receive 14CDS for the price of £39.97 plus P&P -

which is a saving of 50% off the regular price of £79.95

The Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe System will magically connect you with:

How sound and light affect who and how you are
Why it's important to elevate your cells' vibrational frequencies
The two emotions that allow you to access and activate biological healing codes in your DNA
How to create more meaningful coincidences in your life
What you must let go of in order to have as much money and well-being as you need and desire
How to trigger your body to create molecules of bliss, connectedness and oneness
How the colours in the rainbow and the ancient 7-tone music scale can help heal your body, mind and spiritHow to create the circumstances for true fulfilment and healing
And much, much more!
As you'll soon see for yourself, you'll not only feel like a new person, but you'll become a new person, when you listen to this system. And all you'll have to do is set your intention to create what you desire in your life, listen to one or all of the CDs, and let nature take its course!

P.S. The first time you listen to these CDs you'll notice a difference - you'll feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and restored. But perhaps more importantly, you'll activate your potential for creating an internal environment that will produce perfect health, radiant well-being, and rich abundance. The Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe System is layered in such a way that the more you use the program, the better. Listeners report new and different experiences with regular use, even after years of listening!

"Just read what others have to say about the
Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe System"

"The Sound Health, Sound Wealth™ frequency treatment CD, by Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., helps you achieve a state of profound relaxation. I think everyone can benefit from it."
- Deepak Chopra, Author, Magical Mind, Magical Body.

"Sound Health, Sound Wealth... is an integrative blend of scientific wisdom and the healing arts that promotes well-being and accelerates expansion of the whole self through sound-frequency technology."
- John Gray, Ph.D, Author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

"In Sound Health, Sound Wealth, Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., masterfully blends ancient spiritual truth with whole - brain learning in a rejuvenating, inspiring half hour. The time you spend in this deep meditation will be both prayer and its fulfilment."
- Rev. Mary Murray Shelton , Author, Guidance from the Darkness

"I have been listening to Sound Health, Sound Wealth for 6 months and I find it wonderful. Thank you for the great work you are doing for planet earth and all the others who receive your love and wisdom through your program".

- G. Harding, East Sussex

"With Sound Health, Sound Wealth, Dr. Oakes has created a magical oasis of healing and regeneration. In less than 30 minutes I can feel calmer, stronger and more centred, even in the midst of a hectic day. I highly recommend this program for anyone, but especially those in need of spiritual and physical renewal."
- Lily T. California

"Your CD has assisted me in seeing so clearly how I can heal myself both physically and mentally. It assists me in relaxing in a way I never have before."
- J.D.J., Yoga Instructor

"I have been addicted to men and relationships since I was a teenager. I am amazed that Sound Health, Sound Wealth has helped me to give up my addiction and move ahead to achieve my professional and personal goals."
- D.S., Business Owner and Law Student
The question that really needs answering is:
how can someone who is intelligent enough to learn to read, be stupid enough to believe any of that ...?
kerikiwi - very good point - not thought of that.

I think it was the reference to "post-quantum physics" that caught my eye - and I just had to read more...
Next week on Oprah. Oprah and "Dr" Phil discuss the "Sound Health, Sound Wealth Deluxe System" and interview "Dr" Oakes.

"This is bigger and more TRVTHful than the Secret and that funny guy with the German accent I've been flogging recently," says Oprah.

"Look at her tits," cries "Dr" Phil.

Try as I might, I can't find anything about what that 'PhD' is in.

But I did find an excerpt of her book on Amazon (more of the same, really).

And something that made me chuckle was the link on her website to "Speak Luanne Language", wherein she 'explains' some of those weird terms such as 'Quantum Hologram':

“The Realm Of The Miraculous:” The place where energy and information combine with intention and, through sound and light vibration, create actual physical matter. Each and every one of us, every unique being, person, place, and thing in the Universe is created through this process.

Ah, well that's that explained then.

Unpleasant and nonsensical empty pseudoscientific promises, like a thousand identical 'systems', all of which boil down to: "Send me money and your wishes will come true".
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Post-quantum physics - a very small science theorem you may or may not have in your mailbox?
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