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For the Murder of JFK: I Accuse Rome's Fifth Column


Dec 19, 2007
No "new" clues are needed to determine who assassinated President Kennedy, or why, 120 G.I.'s deaths into Vietnam and six weeks after he ordered our military's withdrawal from Rome's tiny South East Asian "latifundial" estate(NSAM263), where the five percent Roman Catholic elite, on whose behalf we shed our blood, owned 95% of the wealth; or, with "the Fed" then restored to control of our money supply - to refute "court dissident" Noam Chomsky's pathetic notion that it was committed by Oswald "because there were no major policy changes after it(Exec. Order 11,110)."

After deliberation, the CIA was determined to have committed the crime by the "Hunt v. Liberty Lobby" Jury, in 1985, in the Federal District Court of Southern Florida, thereby justifying its denial of the late E. Howard Hunt's claim of Defamation of Character. We are a Nation of Laws and Jury Judgment, not of criminal false-elites.

For those "out of the loop:" the often Knight of Malta-led, largely Roman Catholic "Company," can only ever redeem itself by vomiting up, for disposal by the Law and the People, those responsible for this infamous treason...beginning with Carlisle Group-honcho George Herbert Walker Bush: whose complicity - like Prescott Bush-hireling Nixon's - is easily proven(two FBI memos and his claimed "inability to recall" his whereabouts upon learning of the assassination), and whose paternity is the only explanation for America's being cursed by the evils of the homosexual(Guckert/Gannon) draft-dodger(the Vietnam-free Guard was officially closed for 18 months when he and other Congressmen's "sons" were cheated in past the wait list), cheated into the White House by only the Roman Catholic votes of the Supreme Court to stop the Florida recount in the patently unconstitutional "Bush v. Gore," yet unpunished for his transparent guilt in committing 9/11(Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor").

Whig Theory, revealed in Our Mottoes on The Great Seal, upon which America was founded, explains it all. The New Secular Order's "Light from the West ignited a Volcano under the thrones of Europe['s Old Sectarian Order of King and Pope]."

America's Whig Founder and Prophet, Thomas Jefferson, is correct: Rome is "the real Anti-Christ." Our Republic has been usurped by their Hitler-financing (Google: "Prescott Thyssen Auschwitz") Fifth Column through Fed-creating, Vatican-banker Rockefeller (Bushes have served Rockefeller for five generations) BIG OIL, other Organized Crime Syndicates, the Fed's false money manipulation, assassinations since Meriwether Lewis, and false war.

Fascist plutocracy, the illegal immigration its pedophile priesthood promotes (Are the Irish, now anti-Roman Catholic and prospering, smarter than we?), and the criminal bi-partisan political buffer caste must be expropriated and banished that America prosper righteously once more.

Death for Treason
Annuit Coeptis
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Are people let out during Christmas, during the holiday season. Who is watching the inmates?
those pesky column makers

from Jacques de molay

It's extremely fortunate for you US citizens, to have a President with such great insight. Along with his Vice-President, they have realised that the last column in this picture is the most dangerous. They call this the Fifth Column, and the guys who make this particular column are called Fifth Columnists. Clearly such a column is created to undermine society, so in order to stop these Fifth Columnists, they have had to build 500 concentration camps around the country, each able to hold 5,000 individuals. There seem to be a lot of column makers going around. It only seems fair that the Vice-President award the contract to a company he has major shares in, because can anyone else really be trusted with a task of this importance?

How are they going to find these column makers then? It seems that they will take the guise of protestors against US foreign policy, otherwise known as terrorists. Certainly, speaking out against your own goverment is at best unpatriotic, but more than likely signifies your role as a collaborator. Good people will be able to express their patriotism by ensuring that their unpatriotic neighbours are consigned to these concentration camps, for the good of all.

It might be necessary to establish Martial Law at this point, because the President has taken steps to ensure that the Constitution will pose no barrier to his ruling the country forever, in the case of a national emergency. The Fifth Columnists will have aligned themselves with nationals from countries where there's oil, hoping to get themselves invaded so that the oil can be taken forcibly from them. If this happens then the President will control the World, unless of course he stops China or Russia from getting the supplies they require. If it gets to that point, don't worry, because your great leader will have the answer to avoiding Armageddon. Apparently he talks to God on a regular basis!


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He forgot the randomly bolded words and giant headers; these note when the topic is being shifted to yet another random and nebulous subject.

IAmerican, you protestant nonbeliever, fear sse rüler of sse wörld -

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My question when presented with such claims is, as always, "Why, if they are so damned clever, are we not all subjects of our Lizard Lords by now?" These guys have had hundreds of years of working secretly to take over. How many other organizations in the World can claim such a long history. Other than the Hudson's Bay Company? Oh. Wait. Never mind. :boggled:
Finally, a conspiracy that Alex Jones, Jack Chick, and Lyndon LaRouche can all agree on!
After deliberation, the CIA was determined to have committed the crime by the "Hunt v. Liberty Lobby" Jury, in 1985, in the Federal District Court of Southern Florida, thereby justifying its denial of the late E. Howard Hunt's claim of Defamation of Character.

As I replied over in the other thread you started that has much of the same content as this one...

Hunt's defamation suit failed not because the article was accurate, but because the jury found neither "reckless disregard for the truth" nor "actual malice", two key principles of U.S. libel law in regard to public figures like Hunt.

Yes, the jury foreperson Leslie Armstrong seemed to believe CIA killed Kennedy, but the rest of the jurors did not.

From this article:

Armstrong apparently did say that, and doubtless believed it. But there were five other jurors. Two of them told the Miami Herald that they most certainly did not believe that Lane had proven that Hunt was a conspirator. Suzanne Reach said that “We were very disgusted and felt it was trash . . . . The paper published material that was sloppy – but it wasn’t malicious.” Reach added that “We were worried that our verdict might give the wrong impression to the public” and added that Lane’s conspiracy theories were “absolutely not” the reason for the verdict.

The Herald also quoted another juror, who refused to be identified, saying that the verdict was the result of Hunt failing to demonstrate that the article was published with “reckless disregard for the truth,” and added that Lane’s conspiracy theories were “so much extraneous matter.”

Likewise, an unidentified juror told the Associated Press that (in the words of the AP reporter) “no evidence was presented showing malice toward Hunt by the publication.” Finally, juror L. L. Cobb told United Press that the jury was concerned about whether the article was damaging to Hunt, not whether it was true. Quoting the UPI story:

“What we looked at was the article and whether there was any instances of malice,” she said. “We did not find any because there had been many stories written about the issue.”

Thus, depending on whether the unidentified juror in the Miami Herald story is the same person as the juror quoted by the Associated Press, three or four of the six jurors went on record as denying Lane’s claims to have proven a conspiracy.

The rest of your original post makes no sense to me, so that should do for now.

--Tim Farley
I'll probably regret asking this, but are all these people you accuse Catholics in disguise? And was JFK merely pretending to be a Catholic to fool this supposed Fifth Column?
Latifundial? What is that, actually? Some exciting new brand of soap for the Spanish-speaking community?

I think he's referring to lutifundia - the expansive corporate farming estates as the foundation of the Roman Empire (as opposed to a feudal agricultural system with small pieces of land owned/farmed by different people). What they have to do with JFK or Vietnam I do not know.

I swear that when I saw the thread title in the topic list that I thought this was going to be a joke. I thought that perhaps sports broadcaster Jim Rome had taken to calling his listeners "The Fifth Column", and that some wacky hijinks were going to ensue.

But heck, I could probably come up with a conspiracy theory that involved Jim Rome. Let's see:

1. In 1963, a secret cabal of die-hard Notre Dame fans, calling themselves "The Fifth Column" for the place they would gather at Notre Dame Stadium to meet before games, decide that they must create a radio personality who lives and breathes sports broadcasting. They plan to use the Secret Nazi Cloning Program (a/k/a "The Boys from Brazil") to create this person.

2. Their prime candidate for the cloning process is John F. Kennedy, because he is notably dynamic and even plays touch football. The only problem: to clone him, they will need a piece of his brain.

3. The Fifth Column hire Lee Harvey Oswald as the patsy to take the fall for them. They then set themselves up in Dealey Plaza and shoot Kennedy 26 times from 12 separate shooting nests. When his brain is blown out the back of his head (back, and to the left...back, and to the left), the Fifth Column agent in the Secret Service, Clint Hill, rushes over and retrieves a piece.

4. From this brain tissue, a sportscaster is made. A sportscaster who would later become elected to the Southern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. (dun dun DUNNNNNNN!)

So, there you have it -- I've included Nazis, the Joos, and the Secret Service. How's that for a conspiracy theory?
So, there you have it -- I've included Nazis, the Joos, and the Secret Service. How's that for a conspiracy theory?

You left out the part about all the classified secret documents being stored in WTC 7, thereby requiring the toppling of Towers 1 and 2 on top of it to cover up any remaining evidence.

Sigh, if only the paper shredder had been invented...the whole 9/11 tragedy could have been avoided.
Wait til this guy finds out Kennedy was Catholic. Talk about having egg on your face!

I think - and I'm by no means sure of this, as iAmerican's posts are a little...obscure - that JFK was only pretending to be Catholic, for some no doubt good reasons of his own (to infiltrate and undermine the power structure of the Vatican, or something like that.)
How long until IAmerican drags out the "Jesuits Were Behind The Assasination Of Abraham Lincoln" crap theory?
cheated into the White House by only the Roman Catholic votes of the Supreme Court to stop the Florida recount in the patently unconstitutional "Bush v. Gore," yet unpunished for his transparent guilt in committing 9/11(Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor")...America's Whig Founder and Prophet, Thomas Jefferson, is correct: Rome is "the real Anti-Christ." Our Republic has been usurped by their Hitler-financing (Google: "Prescott Thyssen Auschwitz") Fifth Column through Fed-creating, Vatican-banker Rockefeller (Bushes have served Rockefeller for five generations) BIG OIL, other Organized Crime Syndicates, the Fed's false money manipulation, assassinations since Meriwether Lewis, and false war...Fascist plutocracy, the illegal immigration its pedophile priesthood promotes (Are the Irish, now anti-Roman Catholic and prospering, smarter than we?), and the criminal bi-partisan political buffer caste must be expropriated and banished that America prosper righteously once more.

I'm impressed - it really takes imagination to tie all these together so...incoherently. All that's missing are the Freemasons and the Jesuits. Or maybe this is all a secret war between them. Hmmm, I'm going to have to use that in the next Lovecraftian RPG I run.

A question for iAmerican: if the Irish are no longer Catholic, is the Pope still one?
For those "out of the loop and into the woo": iAm, aren't you freakin' out? Things are just so bleak in your world. It's a really scary place, isn't it?
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