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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


I'm not sure if it's right place for this sort of inquiry.

I'd like to donate to JREF. But I also do not want to share my credit card info by using Paypal.

Could somebody help me to achieve the goal?

As noted on the donation page you linked to, you can donate by mail to the address in the post above (make the check payable to James Randi Educational Foundation), or call 703-226-3792.
what's the e-mail address where to send donation?

I've sent my last check by mail 4 years ago.

JREF does a good job but area of donations is too way behind current technology. To setup PayPal account really took me 15 minutes 10 years ago.
It's my advice to attact not only more donations but also more visitors to the site. And a great way to spread skepticism.
what's the e-mail address where to send donation?

I've sent my last check by mail 4 years ago.

JREF does a good job but area of donations is too way behind current technology. To setup PayPal account really took me 15 minutes 10 years ago.
It's my advice to attact not only more donations but also more visitors to the site. And a great way to spread skepticism.

Are you serious?

What kind of problems are you having?

You'll need to be a lot more specific as to what difficulties you're facing. It's not rocket science.
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Please, see PayPal

Also all major USA based banks support sending money by e-mail address. Are kidding me? (Ты, что смеёшься? -in Russian)

I don't know who in the staff responsible for donation handling. Could you provide exact e-mail address and person's name?. Thank you in advance.

There used to be a JREF Development Officer but he's not there anymore. I'd just email DJ and ask. Or call them: 703-226-3792.
РекламаЧеловек & president of ДРОФ just "politely or politically" avoid me and my desire to send some money to the organization in a way of Twenty First Century. So help is really appreciated.
I feel your pain, Alex. I, too, have not written a check in many years. But, I have bumped into organizations that only tke checks. One hippy love-fest uber-green music festival recently insisted on a check and a printed pictures of my wares before approving me as a vendor. Ugh.

But, as for your concerns about credit card numbers - you need to catch up with the times yourself. Most credit card companies allow you to generate virtual credit card numbers for online purchases/donations. Those numbers are only good for one transaction - the one you initiate. When there is no paypal or google wallet, etc... you can always use your credit card and a virtual number to ensure a safe transaction.

You have a good picture in your profile. Could you send first paragraph of your message to the president of ДРОФ or РекламаЧеловек or Джеймс Ранди himself

Please edit and remove second paragraph of msg.
IF YOUR FINACE EXPIRIENCE did not influence them ... их можно будет читать ду***ами. And I will ask my account to be removed from ДРОФ.
Well, I know "Джеймс Ранди" is James Randi. The rest... who knows.... There is something in there about a bird, think.
Google translate didn't work, nor Bing's transle.

Manual translation using online dictionary is difficult due to ду***ами being masked.

Привет = Hi
Реклама Человек = Advertising people (?)
их можно будет читать ду***ами = so they can understand/thought ду***ами (?)

BTW: Paypal might not be an option or good org to work with. (Heared, didn't experience anything, but only uisedf as paygate...)
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