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Carnivorous Squirrels

Ryan O'Dine

OD’ing on Damitol
Nov 29, 2004
Walk in an ever expanding Archimedean spiral and y
According to a new study, squirrels in Northern California have been observed hunting and consuming voles. Voles! I'd expect hunting to be a fairly complex behavior, not one a species would develop only to be used rarely. I think that's what surprises me most. And that their digestive system can handle a protein source so far outside their normal diet.

The new findings offer the first documentation of the species actively preying on other live vertebrates — underscoring its ability to respond to changes in the ecosystem.

“This research radically changes our perception of squirrels, one of the most familiar mammals in the world,” said lead study author Jennifer Smith, associate professor of biology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, via email.

An explosion in the vole population is believed to be the precipitating factor.

Of course, it's only a matter of time before they master coordinated group hunting. Our days are numbered, my friends.
When Steve Greenard was still active on here, We discussed the many times I saw squirrels eating snakes or other roadkill, especially rabbits. Never was sure if the squirrels were eating snakes they killed themselves or if they were dead by some other means.
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