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Brazilian Women Vainest in World


Penultimate Amazing
Aug 3, 2001
Brazilian Women Vainest in World

Brazilian women care more about their appearance than any other women in the world, with half prepared to undergo plastic surgery to keep their looks, a recent study shows.
In Brazil, where being called "vain" is often a compliment suggesting self-respect, 86 percent of women said they tried extremely hard to improve their looks compared with an average of 67 percent worldwide, according to the 2003 global women's survey by cosmetics company Avon.
Looking good in Brazil is a national pastime. Nowhere on Earth is plastic surgery more popular on a per-capita basis than in this nation of 175 million people.
Some male Brazilian writers attribute this to a national aesthetic that women should be sexy and sensual.
Others point to the nation's predominantly tropical climate where men and women wear less clothes and are more concerned about making the best of what they have on show.

Source: Reuters

Let's petition to have TAM3 in Rio... :)
I think they crash-and-burn more suddenly, while other women's looks fade painfully slow, Asian women the slowest as everybody knows.

I'm not sure which road is better or worse. Either way, life is tough after 22 if you're a girl.
We're naturally beautiful, so why not enhance it? ;)

Male foreigners in Rio are usually in awe and can't stop praising the local beauty. So, we must be doing something right too. :D
American said:
I think they crash-and-burn more suddenly, while other women's looks fade painfully slow, Asian women the slowest as everybody knows.

Please share with us your great experience with women of the world.

American said:
I'm not sure which road is better or worse. Either way, life is tough after 22 if you're a girl.
With you, sure. With most others, it gets better.
Claus, I don't know Scandinavian flirting methods that well, but basically badmouthing an entire nation of women - or pointing out their flaws usually doesn't ingratiate you to them. ;)

Just send her some flowers for Christ's sake...
UnrepentantSinner said:
Claus, I don't know Scandinavian flirting methods that well, but basically badmouthing an entire nation of women - or pointing out their flaws usually doesn't ingratiate you to them. ;)

Ehhh....am I doing that? Are you sure you don't mean American?

UnrepentantSinner said:
Just send her some flowers for Christ's sake...

Already promised her Valrhona chocolate. :)
UnrepentantSinner said:
I was at TAM Claus, don't try and bulls*** me. ;)

I was there, too. Don't think I met you, though. So??

UnrepentantSinner said:
Never mind the flowers. I retract my earlier comments... stud.
Huh? What are you talking about?
CFLarsen said:
Try again. I'm almost white-haired. Vikings did not wear horned helmets (rarely for ceremonial purposes). Not terribly cognizant.

I'll excise the rest of your pissy rant given our PM and hope you'll accept my apology, but I do need to correct this attack on my corpus cogitum.

I am fully aware that the Norsemen did not wear horned helmets and that is a Hollywood creation. I have been to Viking museums in Norway and Denmark and when you have visited Cowboy museums in Oklahoma and Texas feel free to insult a legitimate dearth of knowledge on my part.

I apoligize publicaly for suggesting that anything more than a conversation occured between you an Luciana. My wholely obtuse suggestions that there was any sort of connection between you two was meant entirely within an intellectual and emotional contex.

Oh, and for the record, I saw you at TAM, repeatedly. Forgive me for describing your short "white" locks as "blonde. :rolleyes:
I went up and introduced myself to Luciana at TAM.

I hope she doesn't mind me saying that I think she's a real cutie.

Brazilian women of all ethnicities are crying their hearts out now that American has rejected them. :rolleyes:

Far from me to shatter your world view, but more than 40% of Brazilians are white. As in "caucasian". And at this very moment they're getting more and more beautiful, American... but now it's too late for you. :p

(thanks, bignickel! :) )
Ahem. Every now and then, a television show or a publication will run a "Women of the World" feature, showing women (usually, but not always, professional models) from all around the globe. The Brazilian women are consistently the most pleasant women to look at.

Perhaps this is a reflection upon the emphasis placed upon personal appearance.
I must admit that i too find the racial mix that has taken place in Brazil has produced some of the world's most beautiful women but as i allways say: Before you marry anyone take a close look at her mother. That's how she will look in 30 years time. Then stand in a tub filled with cold water for ½ an hour. If you still desire her it probably IS love. :D :D :D
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