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Bald Explorer or bald-faced liar?


Sep 29, 2010
Richard Vobes is a guy in Britain with a YouTube channel who is really getting off on conspiracy theories: https://www.youtube.com/@RichardVobes/videos

Vobes's old channel “The Bald Explorer” produced entertaining tours of the English country side. Lately Vobes has gone all conspiracy theory in his new “opinion channel”. The old, non-opinion, channel didn’t bring in much money and its production was expensive and difficult.

Vobes new “method” is to take emails from his viewers regarding various conspiracy theories and then devote 15 minute, easily produced, talks on one of the theories. He’s figured out all he has to do is sit in a chair and repeat conspiracy theories back to the CTers and he’ll get more views and more money with less effort. Vobes never checks out the validity of the conspiracy theories and mindful of YouTube "strikes" he is careful to add "some people say" and "is it possible that?" qualifiers to his comments.

His followers know exactly what he’s doing and in the comments section they dutifully fill in the gaps in his talks so as to complete whatever conspiracy theory Vobes is pretending to “just be asking about”. A few of his followers are really out there. A couple of them regularly post chatter in the comments section about hanging British politicians and public officials.

Vobes has begun to censor comments that point out the holes in his theories or just ask tough questions. He is perfectly happy to let his followers think the censorship is coming from the government.
Time to feed him some ultra-crazy theories to spout about. Such as:

  • The current UK government is a pack of brain-dead voles who are only interested in clinging to power regardless of the cost to the country.
  • Millions of people died due to a world-wide pandemic of a virulent virus combined with gross ignorance and denial.
  • Elvis really is dead.
To borrow a phrase: grifters gotta grift.

ETA: If he's so ******* clever and clearly short of a proper job, go re-train as a doctor or nurse or something, as we have a shortage of those just now. Or would that be too much like ******* hard work?
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Time to feed him some ultra-crazy theories to spout about. Such as:

  • The current UK government is a pack of brain-dead voles who are only interested in clinging to power regardless of the cost to the country.
  • Millions of people died due to a world-wide pandemic of a virulent virus combined with gross ignorance and denial.
  • Elvis really is dead.

To borrow a phrase: grifters gotta grift.

ETA: If he's so ******* clever and clearly short of a proper job, go re-train as a doctor or nurse or something, as we have a shortage of those just now. Or would that be too much like ******* hard work?

Vobes is playing the CTers like they're cheap fiddles.

They send him BS, he repeats it back to them and collects his money from his monetized YouTube channel. He has a new squeeze and my guess is he can't swing the funds for the highly produced travel videos and keep the ol' lady in style. So he sits there in his ascot and helps the CTers whine.
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Richard Vobes & his newest collaborator, William Keat, have given themselves & the rest their like-minded mob the authority to criminalize behavior they deem contrary to the British Constitution.* Yeah, that’s right, a lightweight YouTube influencer & a wannabe legal commentator have decreed that any government official, any member of parliament, any judge, any cop whom they & their phony flock deem to have violated the constitution is subject to criminal charges.

Due process & English traditions of justice are thrown out the window as this tribunal-minus-one fails to give any guidance as to how the criminality is to be assigned & where/how the accused are to be tried.

This insanity, were it anything more than fantasy, would trash their nation’s existing system of judicial review, allowing dumb & dumber write worthless warrants & writs that would amount to nothing more than paper terrorism.

These two decided this by pretending that anarcho-libertarian legal theory is actually settled law. All they have done is to borrow long discredited legal theories of sovereign citizens, freemen on the land & the chartist movement.

Vobes has gone all the way down the rabbit hole.

In his latest video* he walks around the English country side near his home where he theorizes that "the government" wants to keep everyone out of the country side. His prediction is that an avian flu will be mysteriously introduced into the environment this May at which time the government will restrict people to the towns since the avian flu will be so virulent as to kill livestock, wild animals and any humans in the country side.

I guess he figures birds don't fly into towns and cities.

Vobes say the is being done so that that the government can herd everyone into towns where they can be more easily sprayed with chemical agents.

Vobes picked this theory up from a fellow conspiracy theorists.

The monetization of conspiracy theories is based on the proven fact that you can sell a lot of **** sandwiches as long as you put up a sign saying "THESE SANDWICHES FOR SMART PEOPLE ONLY".
The monetization of conspiracy theories is based on the proven fact that you can sell a lot of **** sandwiches as long as you put up a sign saying "THESE SANDWICHES FOR SMART PEOPLE ONLY".


"Only smart people know these don't taste like ****".
Vobes has gone all the way down the rabbit hole.

In his latest video* he walks around the English country side near his home where he theorizes that "the government" wants to keep everyone out of the country side. His prediction is that an avian flu will be mysteriously introduced into the environment this May at which time the government will restrict people to the towns since the avian flu will be so virulent as to kill livestock, wild animals and any humans in the country side.

I guess he figures birds don't fly into towns and cities.

Vobes say the is being done so that that the government can herd everyone into towns where they can be more easily sprayed with chemical agents.

Vobes picked this theory up from a fellow conspiracy theorists.


Well I watched well listened when reading the comments people have left.

Anyone know a good way to clean blood off walls, it was the only way I could make the pain stop!
Well I watched well listened when reading the comments people have left.

Anyone know a good way to clean blood off walls, it was the only way I could make the pain stop!

If you want to kill everyone just turn off the power and stop importing petrol into the country. Why is it that evil villains always use ridiculous methods to kill people when far easier one are easily available
The avian flu conspiracy theory is at least a year old. So Vobes is well behind the times. This is understandable since he didn't get on to all this stuff until fairly recently.

His game is to repeat conspiracy theories, get new subs and more YouTube money. So far it's working, so you have to figure that he's in love with the idea of spewing this nonsense.

He thinks he's blessed with critical thinking but the fact is he's mindlessly aped every sovereign citizen/freeman theory he's been exposed to.. . .strawman theory, common law juries, governments are corporations, fiat money. . .and on and on. . .

A fellow YouTuber who's in with Vobes says Vobes went to an all conspiracy theory format after his old travel format failed and he got turned down for a job as a "presenter" for a successful BBC science program. It seems it stuck in Vobe's craw that he was passed over because he didn't have a university degree.*

Considering the BCC accent (most likely acquired), the ascots and the vests my guess is that Vobes has long aspired to be in the English under class and is all butt hurt that well into middle age he's forced to scramble for YouTube money.

That's why, IMHO, there isn't a societal institution in the UK he doesn't rail against, Parliament, the Prime Minister, the health system, the media, big businesses. . .you name he's against 'em.

Any way get out out popcorn, folks, the show continues!

The monetization of conspiracy theories is based on the proven fact that you can sell a lot of **** sandwiches as long as you put up a sign saying "THESE SANDWICHES FOR SMART PEOPLE ONLY".

Which sort of is a variant of "Conspiracy Theories are the attempts of the ignorant to be sophisticated".
Well I watched well listened when reading the comments people have left.

Anyone know a good way to clean blood off walls, it was the only way I could make the pain stop!

Vobes uses the comments along with emails he receives as a sort of feed back loop in which he simply repeats conspiracy theories back to his audience. He never checks out the theories and usually prefaces their repetition with a coy "I've been told" comment.

There are continual uncensored comments calling for various politicians to be executed.

Vobes lets his girl friend "The Lovely Julia" police the comments section. That way he can make the Trumpian claim that he never censors comments.
Vobes has a YouTube strike!

After months of spewing misinformation and accepting violent comments by his followers Vobes has finally earned himself a Youtube strike. Or at least that's what he is saying.

He has moved over to his Rumble channel to moan and groan:


Vobes is saying that a couple of old videos have been cited as inappropriate. So he be may lying and have two strikes which means he can't post new videos for two weeks. During the linked video he says he can't load videos, so that meshes with a two strike count. That would explain his abrupt switch to Rumble, where he already had a little used account.

One wonders how much he was relying on the YouTube money, which is not supposed to be that great in the first place.
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I lived in Worthing for 30+ years. By the time I left, aged 53, I was also bald! Oooo, I can see my old squirrel house. And my old squirrel flat.

A couple or mates (also from Worthing) have just started their very own YouTube 'truth' channel - so maybe it's a West Sussex thing. Nah... I do feel obliged to watch it, if only to bring the number of viewers above four or five.
Of course, serious cranks from Worthing have their very own livery. (X-Plane deniers!)

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Of course, serious cranks from Worthing have their very own livery. (X-Plane deniers!)


The windows make it look like it says, "Finatly the Truth.com". Gotta be some sort of secret message in there somewhere????
I lived in Worthing for 30+ years. By the time I left, aged 53, I was also bald! Oooo, I can see my old squirrel house. And my old squirrel flat.

A couple or mates (also from Worthing) have just started their very own YouTube 'truth' channel - so maybe it's a West Sussex thing. Nah... I do feel obliged to watch it, if only to bring the number of viewers above four or five.

Of course, serious cranks from Worthing have their very own livery. (X-Plane deniers!)


Thanks for your post. I think Vobes has just gone 'round the bend.
What gets me is that the very things that I (and presumably you) would like to know (as evidence) are the same things that casually are dismissed my conspiracy theorists.
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Why we call Vobes. . .

. . ."Dr. Date Rape".

Richard Vobes has enabled the lies of serial rapist and registered sex offender Sean Parker. By his own report Vobes talked with Parker for only a few minutes before their interview. Vobes then proceeded to take every word the stone-cold liar told as truth.

See the link below and get an eyeful of the solicitous Vobes giving affirmation to every lying excuse the convicted rapist and registered sex offender blurts out.*

If Vobes had bothered to do even a few minutes of research he’d have discovered that two women testified against Parker detailing two different instances of sexual assault, during which Parker used the same MO. . .he got the women blind drunk and then assaulted them while they were helpless.

Parker was convicted by a jury of his peers on one count of rape and one count of sexual assault for the two incidences.

The sad truth is that when confronted by a dysfunctional sovcit subculture that requires unquestioning reverence to its propaganda line (in this case that Parker was framed) Vobes had no trouble throwing these women off the cliff.

So what makes you think Vobes is being straight with you about, 15 minute cities, council taxes, digital currency or anything else?

Vobes is a manipulative liar trying to lie his way out of a web of his own making.

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Dr. Date Rape said: “I want to understand husbandry. . . I want to have pigs with the Lovely Julia”* 2/20/24


Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been four days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
Richard Vobes is a guy in Britain with a YouTube channel who is really getting off on conspiracy theories: https://www.youtube.com/@RichardVobes/videos

. . . .A few of his followers are really out there. A couple of them regularly post chatter in the comments section about hanging British politicians and public officials.

A few of the people Vobes caters to have followed his suggestions exactly. . .

WATCH: "MI5" activists swarm to court to carry out citizen arrests on judges
Activists swarmed to Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court today to carry out citizen arrests on judges - as “some issues” were reported. By Steve Deeks-20th Feb 2024, 18:09 GMT*

In a recent YouTube Vobes claims to have sent in the magic sovereign man paper work so as to have himself disassociated (or whatever) from the bad old government.

But the fact is when you look up his plate number (as shown in recent Vobes YouTubes) you see that Dr. Date Rape is all talk. . . his taxes are up to date and his MOT log book is current.

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been five days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been six days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
Vobes in a profit seeking YouTuber who will advance any misinformation, pose and conspiracy theory, back any con artist, any criminal as long as it puts money in his pocket.

His list of lies is legendary.

But the real problem is that he tells his viewers that they can somehow use sovereign citizen and freeman-on-the land legal theories which have decades long histories of complete failure. He’s tried to lend credibility to phony legal scholars like William Keyte and Stan McDonald who give out dangerously incorrect legal advice.

Vobes’ trick is to simply repeat back to his followers the same conspiracy theories they send him.

Vobes never checks out the validity of the theories which he mindlessly repeats. He admitted to not having the time to research his guest and their theories during an interview with Ken McElroy. In the same interview he shamelessly revealed his manipulations:

“. . .people are sheep, and they will follow. You just want them instead of following what the authorities are saying. . .[to] follow somebody else and if they see other people going in that direction. …we’ll have [the snow ball rolling]. . .”. -Richard Vobes. Interview with Ken McElroy, April 20, 2023

Vobes likes to pretend he’s setting some sort of ethical standard. But when we look at his record over the few months since he has been “awakened” we see that he’s given a platform to known con men like Jason Noble and Gavin of “Sovereign Empowerment.”

But Vobes’ all-time low came when he very publicly excused the crimes of convicted rapist and sex offender, Sean Parker, during an extensive interview on his channel!

Vobes isn’t the answer. He’s the problem.

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been seven days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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Richard Vobes is a guy in Britain with a YouTube channel who is really getting off on conspiracy theories: https://www.youtube.com/@RichardVobes/videos

Vobes's old channel “The Bald Explorer” produced entertaining tours of the English country side. Lately Vobes has gone all conspiracy theory in his new “opinion channel”. The old, non-opinion, channel didn’t bring in much money and its production was expensive and difficult.

Vobes new “method” is to take emails from his viewers regarding various conspiracy theories and then devote 15 minute, easily produced, talks on one of the theories. He’s figured out all he has to do is sit in a chair and repeat conspiracy theories back to the CTers and he’ll get more views and more money with less effort. Vobes never checks out the validity of the conspiracy theories and mindful of YouTube "strikes" he is careful to add "some people say" and "is it possible that?" qualifiers to his comments.

His followers know exactly what he’s doing and in the comments section they dutifully fill in the gaps in his talks so as to complete whatever conspiracy theory Vobes is pretending to “just be asking about”. A few of his followers are really out there. A couple of them regularly post chatter in the comments section about hanging British politicians and public officials.

Vobes has begun to censor comments that point out the holes in his theories or just ask tough questions. He is perfectly happy to let his followers think the censorship is coming from the government.

SO he just like a couple of thousand other Conspiracy kooks with a you tube page?
I don't deny VOles is a nutcase and a total jerk, but then that is true of a lot of kooks with a you tube channel out there. Don's see anything unique about him.
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I just now realized that arayder is beefing with a guy because his YouTube channel casually entertains conspiracy theories.

Oh, the guy is a first class loony, but no different that a couple of thousand loons with you tube access.
Oh, the guy is a first class loony, but no different that a couple of thousand loons with you tube access.

After months of shifting through endless sovcit theory (which is decades old and failed) Vobes has changed his tack to pretending he's going to farm and "have pigs" with his partner, Julia.

He's told his followers that he's sent off the magic sovcit paperwork which will free him from all government authority and that once he gets his land the bad old government won't be able to touch him.

This guy is a professional victim. He's blamed his incomplete education, failed show biz career, his flagging YouTube channel and every other problem he has on somebody else. My guess is that when his all-for-show hunt for land starts he'll find some way to blame the government for his failure to get and work the land.

He's a loser.

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been nine days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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I used to like Vobes's output when he was simply wandering about town. EG

Teville Gate has since been rightfully destroyed!

I found Vobes way back when he was doing his travel/history thing. As a yank, I found the trips through the UK to be entertaining and informative.

Every once and while he'd make a nasty comment about immigrants or bankers or politicians, so even then he was earning a reputation as a gammon (a term I wasn't familiar with). Then one day he started aping Neil Oliver and his views skyrocketed.

The failed children's entertainer was finally getting the attention he always craved.

Since then he's repeated every conspiracy theory he thinks will get him views. He doesn't seem to really understand most of them and certainly can't explain it when they are refuted.

After ranting the same rants over and over his views are waaaay down. Now he's trying a back-to-the-land routine in hopes of getting his ratings back up.

He's no farmer so the next couple of months of him trying to talk the talk without walking the walk should be interesting to view.

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been nine days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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After months of shifting through endless sovcit theory (which is decades old and failed) Vobes has changed his tack to pretending he's going to farm and "have pigs" with his partner, Julia.

He's told his followers that he's sent off the magic sovcit paperwork which will free him from all government authority and that once he gets his land the bad old government won't be able to touch him.

This guy is a professional victim. He's blamed his incomplete education, failed show biz career, his flagging YouTube channel and every other problem he has on somebody else. My guess is that when his all-for-show hunt for land starts he'll find some way to blame the government for his failure to get and work the land.

He's a loser.

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been nine days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.

The dirty nails clock is rather dull, don't you think?

If I said that I was going to buy a farm, I doubt that I'd be moving in for at least a year, and I wouldn't be surprised if it took me five to find somewhere suitable.

And it assumes that he doesn't know the basic trick of scratching a bar of soap in the morning so that your fingernails don't fill up with dirt while you're working during the day.
Given that I was taught that trick when I was 15 years old, it would seem odd to me if someone didn't know about it today.

Maybe start the clock after he announces that he has purchased a farm?
. . .Maybe start the clock after he announces that he has purchased a farm?

In order words: never start the clock at all?

But you can see from Vobes own video that he's starting the clock in March of 2024.* Vobes said he had a few obligations to meet in late February and then would then be on his voyage, as he calls it.

He says he's sent in his sovcit you-ain't-the-boss-of-me paperwork and cutting ties with the bad old government, so I figure that pretty much starts the clock.

Hell, it's my clock anyway. . .

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been nine days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
How Vobes became Dr. Date Rape. . .

Richard Vobes (AKA: Dr. Date Rape) hit a new low months ago when he talked with serial rapist and registered sex offender, Sean Parker, for only a few minutes before their interview. . . .and then proceeded to take every word the stone-cold liar told as truth.*

It seems Vobes bought Parkers lie that he was falsely accused of rape by a lone, remorseful ex-lover with whom he says he had a cozy one-night stand.

If Vobes had bothered to do even a few minutes of research he’d have discovered that two women testified against Parker detailing two different instances of sexual assault, during which Parker used the same MO. . .he got the women drunk and then assaulted them while they were helpless.**

Parker was convicted on one count of rape and one count of sexual assault for the two incidences.

Vobes’ fawning interview with Parker earned him the nickname "Dr. Date Rape".



Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been ten days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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Color me odd, then. But, thanks for the tip. :dig:

My apologies, I often speak like an oaf.

When I first went to work for a 'service station' someone there recommended that I do that, it was presented as 'common knowledge' at the time.

While I was there (I only worked there for about three months) the boss bought big tubs of 'barrier cream' and 'hand cleaner' for us to use. Both of which helped a lot in keeping the acrid road grease out of our skin.

I note that mechanics on youtube all seem to wear disposable gloves these days, that's much more sensible than work practices in my days.

(NB. I worked as a driveway attendant, tyre fitter and general lube guy in a series of 'garages' when I was getting started in the work force.)
My apologies, I often speak like an oaf.

When I first went to work for a 'service station' someone there recommended that I do that, it was presented as 'common knowledge' at the time.

While I was there (I only worked there for about three months) the boss bought big tubs of 'barrier cream' and 'hand cleaner' for us to use. Both of which helped a lot in keeping the acrid road grease out of our skin.

I note that mechanics on youtube all seem to wear disposable gloves these days, that's much more sensible than work practices in my days.

(NB. I worked as a driveway attendant, tyre fitter and general lube guy in a series of 'garages' when I was getting started in the work force.)

That's an interesting post! Each kind of work has its own particular challenges and required skill sets.

I don't believe that the subject of this thread has the skills, the will or the physical stamina needed to finish day one on the Vobaerosa.

But the Vobeyman is badly in need of a new adventure to add some spice to his channel. Views are down, people are commenting on the rants, the bad logic and a few former minions have actually caught on to Vobes' scam. Worst yet, the management at Ebmcsquared Ci Corporation (Vobes' bosses) must have taken note of Vobes' ratings dive.

I'm betting that Vobes gets out of all the farm work by pretending he's a sovcit victim of the bad old government. Something will happen during the process of finding or buying the land that will stick in Vobes' little phony sovcit craw, causing him to cry foul and back out of the deal.

Maybe his name is written, all caps, in a document, or authorities have land use requirements. Maybe Vobes rebels at the fees charged during the change of title.

He'll find an excuse. It's what losers do!

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been eleven days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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Oh, the guy [Vobes] is a first class loony, but no different that a couple of thousand loons with you tube access.

I bet 100 Quatloos that you are correct, Sir!

Dirty Nails Clock: It’s been eleven days since Richard Vobes told us all he is going to buy land and move the Vobes snake oil wagon to the country. So far: no land, no dirty nails.
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Buying property is not like popping to the corner shop for a pint of milk. I don't doubt that this guy is talking ****, but your "dirty nails clock" being being measured in days, rather than a more realistic months, or even years is just silly.
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