For starters, that doesn't make him unintelligent.
You really need to be more careful about gambling your house.
You are correct that losing an election does not make one unintelligent.
But in this case, Bush Sr was quite unintelligent long before Bill Clinton came along. Although, you have claimed that Bush Sr was more intelligent than Bill Clinton.
Second, HW Bush graduated from Yale.
True! Bush Sr graduated from Yale, just like his father, his grandfather, and his son.
Also, Bush Sr had the good luck to be born into a rich, well connected, and powerful family.
Given those advantages, just about anyone who half-way tried could have graduated Yale back in the early 1940s.
Third, he did what he believed right at the time. He raised taxes, which gave Perot an opportunity to run.
Oh really?
If that is the case, then Bush Sr should have never apologized for raising taxes.
At least he wasn't dumb enough to coerce a subordinate to suck his dick in the Oval Office and get caught.
What a load of crap!
Clinton never forced a woman to have sex with him because Clinton is the type of man who can charm about any woman to have sex with him.
Fourth. No. Saddam Hussein started that war. The US response had broad bilateral and international support for it.
Again, more crap!
True Hussein did invade Kuwait, but the US did not have any kind of treaty's or defense pacts with Kuwait.
In fact, it was not until Bush met with Margert Thatcher some weeks after the Iraqi invasion that Bush got all wound up about what Iraq did to Kuwait.
... Also total BS that LBJ was somehow forced to escalate the Vietnam war. Presidents are responsible for their decisions. And no one on earth could have forced him.
It is true that no one person actually forced Johnson to escalate the Vietnam War, but there certainly was plenty of political pressure from both Republicans and Democrats on Johnson to escalate the Vietnam War in order to act in accord with the famous "Domino Theory".
So instead of giving me your house, then donate $100 to the charity of your choice instead and I will call it square.
Thanks much.