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20121031 Tonight Show - "Mentalist" Lior Suchard with Taylor Lautner


New Blood
Nov 4, 2012
Lior Suchard’s Appearance on The Tonight Show - 20121031

This link shows part of “mentalist” Lior Suchard’s performance with Jay Leno and Taylor Lautner:

[triple w.]youtube.com/watch?v=7FbGSnTMXw0&feature=plcp

Mr. Suchard’s web site speaks about “supernatural” when addressing his performances.

Randi’s video demonstration of the hand magnet concealed with flesh colored tape does a nice job of showing how a pair of glasses (with a metal frame encased in plastic) can flip over in the hands of Jay Leno when Suchard’s hand is waved in the direction in which the glasses flip over. Not exactly “supernatural”.

[triple w.]youtube.com/watch?v=siDy1o9-swk

Then there’s how he reproduced Lautner’s “secret ATM PIN code” on posterboard in a way which looked quite remarkable. Did Lauter, who he acknowledge having met beforehand, get his wallet temporarily picked ahead of time? Did he have his PIN written on the back of his ATM card?

The fun came when Suchard wrote 16 seemingly random numbers down on posterboard (where only he and Lautner could see) and then Lautner confirmed that two digits on the board coincided with the first two digits of his PIN number. A freeze frame of the posterboard, which later was shown, demonstrates that the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 were 12 of the 16 numbers on the board. It would be difficult for the first two digits of Lautner's ATM PIN number NOT to be among those numbers. The other four numbers were 26, 27, 28 and 29.

Lior then proceeded to amaze everyone (including me, temporarily) by showing that the first two digits of the ATM PIN number (acknowledged by Lautner to be 47) coincided with the sums of each of the four rows on the board, with the sums of each of the four columns on the board, with the sums of both diagonals on the board, and with the sum of the four center numbers on the board.

Amazing? Yes. “Supernatural”? Hardly...

It seems that the above characteristics work with ANY two digit number which is 20 or greater. With “n” representing that number, here’s the 4 x 4 grid which he used, with 1-12 as fixed numbers. It brings about the result which was portrayed as the consequence of “supernatural” mental powers:

|.(n - 20)....1..........12.........7......|
|...11..........8.......(n - 21)....2......|
|...5..........10..........3.....(n - 18)..|
|...4...... (n - 19)......6..........9.....|

It’s an interesting 4 x 4 mathematical grid, but nothing more.

There’s a line between being a “showman” and being a “con man”, and claiming to possess “supernatural” powers, when simply engaging in trickery, seems to cross that line.
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:) Greetings Michiganskeptic , and thanks for the interesting post and explanation .Welcome to the Forum.No-one on this Planet possesses "Supernatural "powers ,if someone wants to prove me wrong, please do so by all means.....[and the best of Alderbaranian luck to you !]:D
Lior, Lior, Pants on Fior

Not my phrase - but well suited to Lior Suchard.

He was on Jay Leno's Tonight Show (still viewable on the NBC web site) on the 11th of Feburary, 2013. He again professed super mental powers to influence minds and produce "amazing" results. Again he used suggestion and trickery to appear like a person with special powers.

There were two tricks. One fell reasonably flat, while the other appeared to be truly amazing - until you watch it in replay and see what he did.

The first involved the suggested drawing of smiley faces. He did one first, in a horizontal ellipse, and then "suggested" that James Spader draw another which, after a close stare down and the clicking of fingers by Suchard, was supposed to match his. Problem was that Spader wanted to draw his on a vertical ellipse - even in spite of Suchard's turning it to horizontal again. The noses went in opposite directions, and Spader put large ears on his, where Suchard had none. "Amazing?" Hardly!

Was hoping to attach an "avi" video clip, but it appears that only still shots can be uploaded. Will attach a few images later when time permits their making. You still can see the difference on line, and judge for yourself...

The other involved a switching of a randomly drawn dollar bill in a double envelope for one which he had preselected to match one which he had altered to spell "JayLenoShow" when the serial number is held upside down. It also involved Suchard's slight of hand use of a calculator with a "memory recall button" which "amazingly" came up with the same number. Will see if I can attach video screen shots of this in a later posting.

Great showman, yes - But truly a bad "Lior" with his pants "on fior!!"
I haven't seen him perform, but looking at his website, he doesn't strike me as anything more than a mentalist - a magician who does mental magic, in the tradition of Joe Dunninger, Tony Corinda, and Kreskin (although Kreskin has fallen off the deep end in the last decade or so). Is he more directly claiming something supernatural in his live appearances?
Welcome to the forum MichiganSkeptic. I do agree that Lior Suchard seems to focus a lot on his abilities being supposedly supernatural on his site, but apart from that it does look like standard mentalism.

Now let magically linkify some of the YT vids you mentioned:

ETA: Hmm, i can't even watch the first one, which is Lior Suchard's appearance on the tonight show, from outside the US. Luckily the video with Randi has no such restrictions :)
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Thanks Michigan sceptic for the post.

Saw a Lior Suchard show a few months back. Great showman. Doesn't make a big noise about "supernatural" stuff. Bills himself as the next Uri Geller (which put me off) but the show was good
Lior Suchard supernatural powers

A young girl has challenged Lior Suchard's supernatural mentalist mind reading powers against her natural abilities...
That's Doctor Gobbledygoo (google) a child with rare syndrome not expected to live beyond age 3, now 13 after umpteen operations. Maybe you could give him some words of encouragement taking on Lior Suchard?
Google The Diving Bell and The Butterfly, a movie about a man who authored a book by blinking his left eye, the only body movement he could utilise after an accident, a very natural method of communicating without Supernatural Powers. We are people with disability including mental health issues. Don't underestimate the abilities of people with disability. We are preparing to outperform Lior Suchard using natural abilities and don't rely on supernatural powers. We are not trained performers or magicians but we are out to outperform the supernatural powers, Yes we can transmit an image by converting it up to a hundred digit number in lots of natural but mystifying ways through a chain of people with disability quickly. We just have to practice a lot to provide a smooth performance to astound the world.
from the bizarro http://www.eyemindreading.com/ website:

It doesn't matter how often I tell people I am just a fake healing clown doctor and surgical midwife into arithmotherapy and psycho numeric cripple ball gazing, and chairvoyant chairsentient chairaudient into Naked Carot Card Reading Humerology and Predictor of Gobbledygoo Arithmetic people want to believe that is just part of
an act of misdirection and that they really can be healed by my hands and voice.

It is easy for me to come up with the answer to the unknown sum relating to a your birthdate. I started talking Gobbledygoo when I was a baby and I have been at it all
my life. I was photographed with a woman and then she became the Queensland Attorney General.

if its not satire it should be.
Is not Truth stranger than Fiction? :cool:
Thank you, it seems the truth is too difficult for some to handle. It seems OK to claim to have supernatural powers to explain mystery performances. But kids claiming no supernatural powers challenging the supernatural mind readers of the world to read a 100 digit number from their minds seems just too hard to bare. Yes this can be done easily, and eye communication is not necessary. Information from one mind to another mind can be communicated in heaps of ways other than speech. Whichever method is used we are challenging those claiming to have supernatural powers to read our minds as we communicate in mystifying ways like the Piddingtons, and no we do it differently, no prior knowedge is required. We are not even amateurs but since Lior Suchard started making claims we don't believe in, we are challenging the supernatural powers of a mentalist of umpteen years experience against kids with no experience. Thanks to Lior Suchard, we realised we can outperform him. I wonder how long it will take him to ever respond to the message we sent him. It doesn't matter any supernatural mind reader will do.

Yes there is lots of satire in my websites about Nineapple Pineapple and Mrs Noughtfear but thinkofanumber.com is fair dinjum about challenging supernatural powers against natural abilities. We are skeptimental about any mentalist claiming help from the supernatural, and I think "proof" of supernatural powers harms and confuses people unnecessarilly. We don't need to be entertained by the supernatural.
Thank you, it seems the truth is too difficult for some to handle. It seems OK to claim to have supernatural powers to explain mystery performances. But kids claiming no supernatural powers challenging the supernatural mind readers of the world to read a 100 digit number from their minds seems just too hard to bare. Yes this can be done easily, and eye communication is not necessary. Information from one mind to another mind can be communicated in heaps of ways other than speech. Whichever method is used we are challenging those claiming to have supernatural powers to read our minds as we communicate in mystifying ways like the Piddingtons, and no we do it differently, no prior knowedge is required. We are not even amateurs but since Lior Suchard started making claims we don't believe in, we are challenging the supernatural powers of a mentalist of umpteen years experience against kids with no experience. Thanks to Lior Suchard, we realised we can outperform him. I wonder how long it will take him to ever respond to the message we sent him. It doesn't matter any supernatural mind reader will do.

Yes there is lots of satire in my websites about Nineapple Pineapple and Mrs Noughtfear but thinkofanumber.com is fair dinjum about challenging supernatural powers against natural abilities. We are skeptimental about any mentalist claiming help from the supernatural, and I think "proof" of supernatural powers harms and confuses people unnecessarilly. We don't need to be entertained by the supernatural.

There are 1-billion sites on the Internet. Not all of them contain factual information.

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