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wtc 7

  1. MrFliop

    Any videos of WTC 7's Collapse from the south?

    All angles I've seen of WTC 7's collapse are only from the north side. This neither proves or disproves the NIST report which shows the collapse from the south side which looked like this. If anyone has a video or a picture of the building's collapse form the south side please show it. It...
  2. Oystein

    AIA Convention resolution - the 3rd try. Rebuttals, please!

    They're baaaaack! AE911Truth has been mailing this following glossy pamphlet to, they allege, 25,000 AIA members - a proposed resolution get the WTC7 collapse "reinvestigated": http://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AIA-Mailer--Reply-Card.pdf It lists in somewhat tiring length all the same old...
  3. T

    Merged Hulsey presents research arguing WTC7 not brought down by fires/University of Alaska

    From AE 911 Earlier this year, AE911Truth partnered with Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, an engineering professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), to undertake a study, using Finite Element Modeling, of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse. Dr. Hulsey is the chair of UAF’s Civil and...
  4. Redwood

    Craig Bartmer (NYPD) Recants

    Craig Bartmer, former NYPD officer, often cited by Truthers, has recanted. https://www.facebook.com/wewereliedtoabout911/posts/1492191681031470?hc_location=ufi
  5. leftysergeant

    Acceleration of the falling top blocks.

    I have been thinking a great deal over the last couple of days about the rate of acceleration when the top blocks of the twin towers began collapsing. Everybody seems to assume that the core columns all broke more or less at the same time, to allow the top block to fall more or less at...
  6. M

    WTC, Fire, and building collapse

    “...Fire can't weaken steel or cause it to fail! It's steel for crying out loud!” How many times have we heard THIS argument? This seems to mostly be an argument advanced by people who really haven't bothered to examine how steel is made, or how steel is manufactured and fabricated. This is a...
  7. Orphia Nay

    AE911T: "WTC 7 Blueprints Exposed Via FOIA Request"

    http://www.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/611-wtc-7-blueprints-exposed-via-foia-request.html Oh, goody, more speculations and ad hoc CDdiddit dogma will be forthcoming. :popcorn1
  8. ergo

    WTC 7: Let's look at the Jennings/Hess timeline more carefully

    In this thread, Larry Silverstein explaining what he meant by 'pull it', a discussion began on the timeline of Jennings and Hess getting trapped in WTC 7. I posted the following: .
  9. cjnewson88

    Korey Rowe dismisses building 7 witness.

    Had this linked on one of my videos. How can these guys serious be so defiant in their logic to complete dismiss people who were actually there. DkTcNR0EfKY
  10. carlitos

    Video of other collapses?

    I made this point in another thread but it's probably going to get lost. From our friends at wikipedia: Is there any video of the other buildings being visibly damaged or destroyed? I would like to conceive a conspiracy theory about the other buildings as a social experiment.
  11. bynmdsue

    Shark Jumped

    http://occupybuilding7.org/ Co-opting ROCKS!
  12. C

    CD = Free Fall?

    Hi all, Quick question for you guys- this question came about from the WTC 7's "2.2 secs of free fall speed" concern raised by Richard Gage/Truther community at large... Does a 'free fall' collapse automatically mean controlled demotions? In other words, can a building that has been...
  13. E

    WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions (David Chandler video)

    Apologies if there's already a thread open for this, but my feeble attempts at using the search function came up dry. Have David Chandler's assertions regarding WTC 7 audio (sounds of explosions are present but faint, require selective filtering of WTC 7 collapse audio in order to be heard)...
  14. Macgyver1968

    Merged Truthers fake another WTC7 video

    OBKix7iMbCQ I find it very amusing the lengths troofs will go to prove their point...including manufacturing their own evidence....and it's not even a good fake...the building has been "mirrored" to make it appear like it's a different angle, and the sound quality of the "pops" doesn't match...
  15. Marokkaan

    Merged New video! Architects and Engineers - Solving the Mystery of Building 7

    1nWRVqPYs-E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nWRVqPYs-E
  16. BasqueArch

    MIHOP -femr2 and Major Tom's WTC1,2,7 Demolition Hypotheses

    Here, in chronological order: What femr2 Believes – Theories and Opinions: 8/3/2009 All Tall Buildings Designed To Be Brought Down 8/21/2009 Aircraft Were Under Automated Control 9/2/2009 Must Focus On Showing Every Fault With NIST 10/15/2009 Unseen Charges Initiated Descent, Blow...
  17. chrismohr

    Richard Gage Blueprint for Truth Rebuttals on YouTube by Chris Mohr

    This is a thread for my twenty respectful rebuttal YouTube videos of Richard Gage's 911 video Blueprint for Truth, which are getting posted in late June of 2011. They can be found on YouTube by going to my account, chrismohr911, or typing in keywords such as Richard Gage Chris Mohr Blueprint for...
  18. A

    WTC Attacks not 911 in fact are 711

    I've new information which proves that the WTC should never be called 911. September is the 7th month in the Roman Calendar which makes it 711. Pope Pius VII met with Napoleon (1st antichrist) Pope Pius XI met with Hitler (2nd antichrist) New York was targeted because it's 11th state in the...
  19. Orphia Nay

    "Remember Building 7" poll backfires, despite the spin

    NYCCAN AE911Truth Building What? Remember Building 7's poll is out. Commissioned by Remember Building 7 and conducted by Siena College (who?), the results are here: http://www.siena.edu/sri/research...
  20. Walter Ego

    Merged Truthers on Connecticut Public Radio

    The Colin McEnroe Show on Connecticut Public Radio hosted an all truther panel on April 18, audio link here. (Hat Tip to SLC blog. I've also made a video version of the show which will still be available if the audio link expires.) The guests were Cheryl Curtiss, JoAnne Bauer, Manny Badillo...
  21. cmatrix

    TAM 2011 WTC 7 debate

    I have officially sent a request to JREF to debate WTC 7 at TAM 2011. I would like to debate any one (or all) of the distinguished people listed below at TAM regarding NIST's crackpot faith-based pseudo-science 9/11 theory on WTC 7. Richard Dawkins, James Randi, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye...
  22. Walter Ego

    Matt Taibbi vs. Jon Gold plus Taibbi on WTC7

    Hi, I don't post much on this forum anymore but I do check in on occasion, mainly to find material for my 9-11 video blog . Matt Taibbi, one of my favorite MSM journalists, who has written hilariously on the TM, had a online exchange recently with Jon Gold (whom I admit I detest). The mini...
  23. grandmastershek

    Gage's next debate

    ‎"It has been difficult to find defenders of the official story who will acknowledge in a scientific and sincere manner the troubling forensic evidence that we present." Translation: If you don't accept the smoke n mirror show of Jones & AE911Truth, they will not debate you...
  24. grandmastershek

    Chandler Regurgitates and Further Embarrasses Himself.

    Chandler continues to not only unwittingly debunk AE911Truth's BS of straight down collapse and ramble incoherently about Newton's 3rd law, but continues in true truther fashion by pulling nonsense out of thin air. "There were explosions in Building 7 heard by many witnesses...One such...
  25. grandmastershek

    According to truther "logic" WTC 7 should have fallen over

    According to truthers the 2.5 secs of FFA in WTC 7 indicates explosives. So lets assume this is true: free fall can only be achieved by explosives and therefore for the section of the building that FFA occurred explosives were used. Here lies the problem. WTC 7 would have fallen over then. As...
  26. DGM

    David Chandler forced NIST to admit "free-fall"

    Why do "truthers" continue to make this claim? I've been re-reading the "draft" version of NCSTAR 1-9 and have seen several references to this portion of the collapse. Chapter 12 for instance has several (including graphs). Where did this "forced to admit" come from?
  27. cmatrix

    NIST Denies Access to WTC7 Data

    Obviously NIST has nothing to hide: http://911blogger.com/news/2010-07-12/nist-denies-access-wtc-collapse-data Their crackpot physics-violating theory based solely on a computer model cannot have its data publicly scrutinized as it "might jeopardize public safety". Well millions of pitch fork...
  28. cmatrix

    Open Letter to Dave Thomas

    Dr. Thomas I would like to invite you to discuss the WTC 7 collapse physics here, preferably in a competently and fairly moderated thread. I noticed on your recent Coast To Coast interview that you did not have the opportunity to explain the 2.25 second free fall period of WTC 7. This would be...
  29. J

    Why did they "pull" tower seven?

    I am a bit of a newby when it comes to the 911 truth arguments and this question is mainly for 911 truthers although someone else might be able to answer as the question calls for a bit of speculation... It stems from the Coast to Coast AM debate that took place last weekend. I just listened...
  30. TJM

    cmatrix's Own Challenge Thread

    The floor is yours, cmatrix.

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