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noam chomsky

  1. Jerrymander

    Noam Chomsky Says GOP is the ‘Most Dangerous Organization in World History’

    http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/15/noam-chomsky-gop-most-dangerous-organization-world-history.html I can't see how he's entirely wrong. Not even ISIS has the power to make the entire globe less inhabitable.
  2. Jules Galen

    Thank God for Donald Trump!

    Yeah...I know it sounds crazy, but Trump is not the worst of all worlds. Trump is a phoney. Trump is basically dishonest. Even his followers know it. As a result, the American people are safe from a real demagogue. (for a little while longer, at least) As Noam Chomsky once said: "The...
  3. Joey McGee

    Noam Chomsky: His relevance and sanity

    I wonder where Noam Chomsky is on everyone's radar. Recently he said that the United States and Britain are the greatest evils in the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbkqk5WLbLs&feature=youtu.be&t=8m10s Chomsky is a believer in the noble savage. He believes that human nature is good...
  4. Joey McGee

    Split Thread Noam Chomsky

    So that's what you do huh? You wait until you find an argument with a wide enough latitude that you can inject your crazy arguments into them and make a run for the hills? As if me "admitting" that the US doesn't have a perfect and unblemished record of political genius and sacrifice says a...
  5. angrysoba

    Sam Harris vs. Noam Chomsky

    Sam Harris has now posted an email exchange between himself and Noam Chomsky. It's quite amusing in a way. Harris seems to have been emboldened to email Chomsky following Krauss's discussion with Chomsky earlier this year and to say that he would like a public discussion of their differences...
  6. angrysoba

    Chomsky and Krauss in Conversation

    I wasn't quite sure where to put this video because a number of topics come up, so I put it here in one of the more popular subforums where it is likely to be seen by a lot of people. I think these topics are of general interest to a lot of people here. Lawrence Krauss introduces Chomsky and...
  7. Travis

    The Core Of Language And Recursion

    Chomsky has long advocated that language is innate with a core universal structure. At the root of this structure is the concept of recursion: that sentences can be made longer and longer with the addition of concepts joined with specialized words sort of like what I am doing with this sentence...
  8. Humes fork

    Noam Chomsky: Sports is a capitalist conspiracy

    I'm not very interested in sports myself, but come on! This is ridiculous! So sports is a great capitalist conspiracy to keep people distracted from politics and make them jingoistic. One wonders what kind of entertainment there will be in Chomsky's ideal society. Will we all sit and discuss...
  9. W

    My letter to Prof. Chomsky

    Dear Prof. Chomsky, I am a Japanese citizen In the US the major airport is at the name of John F. Kennedy, the US President during the escalation in Vietnam and the Cuban Crysis In Japan many companies are named "Showa " after Emperor Showa who was in charge while the Japanese troops invaded...
  10. D

    Who is Behind 9/11 and Why? (Chomsky)

    As most of you will know, Chomsky does not subscribe to any kind of 'truther' thinking and, rightly, considers it a distraction from serious issues. But I want to share these videos here as I assume those of you who frequent this forum maintain an interest in 9/11. To cover my back, I will say...
  11. Humes fork

    Are Noam Chomsky's descriptions of the US accurate?

    I've watched quite a few Noam Chomsky videos on Youtube and his descriptions of how the US works (he almost never talks about anything not related to the US), including its foreign policy and its electoral system, how big business interests influence it all. One curious thing is that in his...
  12. M

    The problem with Chomsky understading without proper context.

    I'm a recent addition to this forum, and as I parse through the threads I notice more than one person posts a soundbite from one interview or another and starts heckling him and calling him wrong and bigoted without even bothering doing proper research to see if what he says has merit, or maybe...
  13. B

    Noam Chomsky in Iceland: Compares Nixon and Kissinger to bin Laden

    http://www.icelandreview.com/icelandreview/daily_news/Noam_Chomsky_in_Iceland_Compares_Nixon_and_Kissinger_to_bin_Laden_0_382043.news.aspx from the piece: Let’s imagine, that on the tenth anniversary of the first 9/11, a group of people would have been sent out to murder Nixon and Kissinger...
  14. E

    Noam Chomsky sits in paradise, spits on the floor.

    tOo8_rm9m5Y To quote myself...he's sitting in an air-conditioned room, wearing machine-stitched clothes, surrounded by books, near indoor plumbing, eating complementary food, filling his plump over-nutritioned belly, looking through scientifically-designed glasses, talking with freedom of...
  15. TruthersLie

    Christopher Hitchens on Chomsky and Bin Laden

    I just came across this article in slate.com http://www.slate.com/id/2293541/ Very interesting Chomsky's repeating of trutherlies, distortions and lack of research.
  16. Virus

    Moonbat alert: Chomksy condemns Bin Laden kill.

    I find it hard to believe that anyone who isn't a radical Islamist would give an asswipe about Bin Laden's demise. Who honestly wishes he was still alive? I tell a lie. I don't find it hard to believe. Like a fundamentalist preacher claiming a hurricane is punishment for sin, the radical left...
  17. Paranormal Inquirer

    Noam Chomsky on the Iranian Threat

  18. Ron_Tomkins

    I found Noam Chomsky to be a brilliant person... until he made this inane argument

  19. leon_heller

    Chomsky refused entry to the West Bank by Israel

    Noam Chomsky has been refused entry to the West Bank by Israeli officials: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/8685930.stm Prof. Chomsky was attempting to enter via Jordan, to deliver a lecture at Birzeit University. Denying him access seems rather silly, and is likely to prove...
  20. Paranormal Inquirer

    What does the skeptic community think of Noam Chomsky?

    I've read a few of his books and articles and I know he's quite persuasive, but I'm not so sure that he has sufficient evidence to prove his political points. Many of the points he asserts in his books sometimes sound "conspiracy theory-ish", but not exactly. And that's not to say it means it's...
  21. N

    Noam Chomsky: stop killing muslims and they will stop killing you

    Another video of Noam Chomsky from representativepress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW0eiPiuUuk But one problem. Radical Islam was around before the United States was, as was shown in the Barbary Corsairs and the Crusades. Radical Islam bases itself on world domination of an ideology, just...
  22. applecorped

    Noam Chomsky - Right Wing Media = Nazis

    http://www.mediaite.com/online/oh-boy-noam-chomsky-compares-right-wing-media-to-nazis/ "Speaking to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, he alluded to right-wing media as “substantive content — crazy content, but it does give answers,” and warned that if Americans weren’t properly educated...
  23. N

    Is Noam Chomsky a good source?

    Is noam chomsky a good source on the Cold War?
  24. N

    Libertarian Socialism: An Oxymoron?

    Noam Chomsky describes himself as a "libertarian Socialist" But isn't individualist collectivism an oxymoron?
  25. N

    The Washignton Connection and third world fascism

    http://www.amazon.com/Washington-Connection-Fascism-Political-Economy/dp/0896080900/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top Is anything in this book true? Because the reviewers give it 5 and 4 stars.
  26. M

    Alex Jones Provides Rational and Intelligent Discussion

    If you have any videos to add, please do. I remember one where Alex Jones is badly doing a loud and obnoxious impression of someone while a caller is laughing awkwardly out of politeness. uR2UXmTGK4M TMQLLqiKaas alcyCCITxsU BONUS: Alex Jones in Waking Life. pfEuSNejejY
  27. M

    A question for debunkers, inspired by Chomsky:

    Noam Chomsky, when describing subtle methods of control in academia, journalism, etc. in the book Understanding Power ( p. 242), wrote: (emphasis mine) For those of you who agree that "powerful institutions don't want to be investigated, obviously", then how do you think that whatever parts...
  28. Oliver

    Chomsky: US public irrelevant

    [Since the Interview with Aljazeera was about the current US-elections, I will put it in here] Chomsky made some surprising statements that sounded quite strange, among those: "As far as the elections are concerned, I forget the exact figure but by about three to one people wish that the...
  29. S

    Chomsky Discusses the Election

    http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2008/06/2008624202053652281.html Among the interesting observations by Chomsky, he says that healthcare is a top issue in the 2008 election while it wasn't in the 2004 election not because public opinion has changed or because of any courage on the...
  30. N

    Noam Chomsky is not a truther

    Noam Chomsky states that he does not believe in the 9/11 hypothesis in this clip. I tried the search feature to see if this was posted before, but i didn't find anything, so i hope this is not a repeat. Say what you will about the mans politics, he does seem to like the scientific process, and...

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