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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

medical issues

  1. Chanakya

    How do we know a pandemic's over?

    Does the WHO, for globally, and/or local authorities (including national authorities, or states, or whatever) go out and announce "All clear, as you were, everyone stop being psychotic germaphobes!")? Or are people expected to read the equivalent into a gradual dwindling of panic messages as...
  2. Trakar

    I wish more incumbant politicians running for higher office would...

    ...propose and offer specific legislation representative of what they would advocate for, propose, support and promote as the nation's political leader. Imagine, political leadership in the realm of drafting and crafting public policy, and then rallying and building public support, passing and...
  3. MatildaGage

    FMLA denied for healing pilgramage

    I thought this case was somewhat interesting. Essentially this woman had taken 1-2 days FMLA leave to help her sick husband. Then she applied for vacation (apparently) to go on a religious healing pilgramage and took it. Then she applied for FMLA to take her husband on a religious healing...

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