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  • Hi TShaitanaku,

    I am new to this forum and was heartened to discover your contributions to the God question.
    I am also a person of faith and feel a little as though I am entering the lions den here.
    I enjoy a good debate and look forward to bringing a hint of illumination into the minds of all these skeptics.
    Could you possibly help me with a problem? I am loosing messages when I post them, as apparently I am no longer logged in, even though I have only recently logged in. Have you come across this problem?

    Regards Punshhh
    Hi TShaitanaku,

    I read the long 'Is there a God thread' of the past weeks and found your contributions interesting. But the more I read, the more of an enigma you have become to me. I noticed this before. The more reasonable a believer is, the more of a puzzle he or she is to me. I haven't finished the whole thread yet, only half way, so maybe I'll find some answers. So far I have no clue why you believe in a (christian) god.

    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond to all the questions people ask you, and a happy 2011.
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