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media criticism

  1. Skeptic Ginger

    Merged Political astro-turfing on social media / Russian propaganda

    Manufacturing rage with micro-targeting and social media astroturf-roots This discussion is split from the Russia Ukraine war thread where a discussion came up as to what was the harm of RT. The person with that POV didn't think there was any harm in RT as said forumite thought everyone knew it...
  2. shemp

    Chris Wallace leaves Fox News

    https://twitter.com/brianstelter/status/1470047884615815179 I guess there's no longer even the slightest pretension of journalism now. He's going to CNN. Chris Wallace leaving Fox News after 18 years for new CNN streaming service
  3. Fonebone

    New truth effort AE911

    The A&E truth-seekers are attempting to secure funds to purchase a billboard across the street from the NY Times building ... From September 12, 2001, to the 20th anniversary, the New York Times has led the way in pushing the official story and denigrating those who question it — most...
  4. theprestige

    AP News: "Let's go, Brandon" is really code for "**** Joe Biden"

    Investigative journalism coming through for you: https://apnews.com/article/lets-go-brandon-what-does-it-mean-republicans-joe-biden-ab13db212067928455a3dba07756a160
  5. TurkeysGhost

    Merged Copaganda/Torturing the English language whenever a cop kills someone

    AP style guide: A fine tradition of American journalism is to absolutely abuse the human language when writing about how a cop caused someone's death. Seems like a fine place to collect them: How many times do you have to read this to figure out what happened...
  6. shemp

    Newsmax fooled by a fake Paul Wolfowitz. Twice. Live on air

    Credit to Fark for this: Newsmax fooled by a fake Paul Wolfowitz. Twice. Live on air You have to read it to believe it. Newsmax was fooled twice by a man pretending to be Wolfowitz. They interviewed "Wolfowitz" on August 21, then, not realizing they'd been fooled, called him back for another...
  7. A

    Snow in Brazil in July!! End of times? Proof or debunking of climate change?

    These are a few of the typical headlines from internet articles AND Youtube videos... that I see EVERY year when there is a snowfall in Brazil. Yes, because it DOES snow in Brazil every year. In the Northern Hemisphere Summer, obviously, because it's the Southern Hemisphere winter! :rolleyes...
  8. grunion

    Adios Lou Dobbs

    In what will certainly be decried by his supporters as the latest manifestation of cancel culture, Lou Dobbs’ Show was dumped by Fox Business News just a day after he was named in a multi-billion dollar defamation lawsuit by Smartmatic Corporation. He had perpetuated the fictional story...
  9. JoeMorgue

    WSJ Op-Ed: Jill Biden should not use the "Dr." honorific.

    //I hem-hawed under whether or not to put this here or in politics. If the topic shifts more politically I don't object to it being moved// Long story short. On Friday Joseph Epstein, a long-time political writer, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal admonishing Jill Biden for...
  10. PhantomWolf

    Fox News goes totally insane over Covid-19

    Fox News talking idiot, Laura Ingraham, has really upset Kiwis after claiming that we are setting up Quarantine Camps and imprisoning anyone that refuses to have a Covid-19 test and that Biden and the Left want to do the same in the US, forcing Americans to give up their freedoms. The reality...
  11. JoeMorgue

    The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free

    Full Article: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/08/the-truth-is-paywalled-but-the-lies-are-free/?utm_source=digg
  12. 3point14

    Amazon buy the news

    I mean literally. A bought and paid propoganda piece where news should be. If this doesn't scare the **** out of you, I don't know what will "Local news stations across the U.S. aired a segment produced and scripted by Amazon which touts the company's role in delivering essential groceries...
  13. shemp

    11 words from John Oliver that expose Fox News' fundamental hypocrisy

    11 words from John Oliver that expose Fox News' fundamental hypocrisy I'll stop quoting there, but the point is that Faux News is telling its viewers to go out and risk their health and lives while they tell employees to stay home. They don't give a **** what happens to their viewers, it's...
  14. William Parcher

    "I hate white people"

    Black woman, 42, is arrested for allegedly punching stranger at a Portland, Oregon bus stop before telling her it's 'because you're white' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8044075/Black-woman-punched-stranger-Oregon-bus-stop-told-youre-white.html
  15. plague311

    Merged Tucker Carlson acted with reckless disregard /Tuckered out at Fox News

    You're shocked, I know. It was announced that Karen McDougal is suing Fox. I hope she wins and they're forced to ante up for some of their ******** reporting. I tried to think of a thread that this should go in but it really didn't fall in anywhere. I seriously hate Tucker and I hope he gets...
  16. Brainster

    Students Turn Against Free Press

    I have been smirking all day at the silly story coming out of Northwestern University. Jeff Sessions was speaking on campus and the student daily covered the protests. They texted individuals involved in the protest and asked for interviews. They took photographs of the protests and included...
  17. Graham2001

    Harvard Crimson: Yes, we should ask for comment from ICE

    I found this editorial from the Harvard Crimson quite interesting, the crux of the issue seems to be this: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2019/10/22/note-to-readers-ice-comment/ As with the authors of the editorial, I thought it was standard practice to contact the subjects of an...
  18. applecorped

    ABC airs Syria battle footage from Kentucky?

    https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/media/abc-news-error-video/index.html "ABC aired supposedly shocking footage Monday and Sunday purporting to be from the frontline battle between the Syrian Kurds and the invading Turks. The only problem is, the footage appears to come from a nighttime machine...
  19. Foolmewunz

    REAL CLEAR(ly biased) POLITICS

    Some people have a hobby, like tennis or philately I have a hobby, re-reading Lady Chatterley (Tom Lehrer may be the greatest source of ear worms in my life) My hobby (not that there's anything wrong with Lawrence) is watching over the liars at RCP. They've become the Go To for poll averages...
  20. Brainster

    People Who Have Glass Twitter Accounts...

    This one's almost too rich for words. Basically, young man at college football game holds up sign asking for more beer money and including his Venmo account name. Sign gets shown on ESPN's gameday, and whaddya know, a day or so later young man discovers that there's $600 in the account. So he...
  21. Foolmewunz

    Clickbait Taking Over "Journalism"

    I think there was a REAL FAKE NEWS thread somewhere but damned if I can find it. I've noticed a trend in CNN's headlines for over a year. They'll intentionally leave off a key word and post a clickable lead/headline that reads, say, "President Hiding Serious Illness" and you click it. How...
  22. Ranb

    CNN uses an innocent person's name for headlines

    So CNN has an article on their front page about a murder and the suspect. https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/30/us/cleveland-simone-biles-brother-triple-slaying-charges-trnd/index.html The above quote is the details of the incident. But the article was headlined on CNN's front page as Simone Biles'...
  23. TurkeysGhost

    Quillette hoaxed into publishing false anti-DSA hit piece

    Quillette, the conservative opinion magazine which sees itself as a member of the "intellectual dark web" not afraid to apply facts and reason to taboo political topics, got duped by an obvious hoax. Quillette published an interview with a man claiming to be a blue-collar DSA member frustrated...
  24. Cainkane1

    Massive littering at Trafalga square

    Trash including discarded signs littered the square in messy heaps. The area looked like a dump. Reading the signs I read "Stop Trump" what exactly do people want Trump to stop doing?
  25. a_unique_person

    Hannity wants to see if he can make you vomit

    https://video.foxnews.com/v/6042130515001/#sp=show-clips :boggled:
  26. theprestige

    Barack Obama: "Unlike some people *cough*Michelle Obama*cough*...

    ... I write my own books." Not a direct quote. The writing has been going more slowly than he’d expected, and according to several people who have spoken with him, the 44th president is feeling competitive with his wife, whose own book, Becoming, was the biggest release of 2018 and is on track...
  27. applecorped

    Ed Condemnations of New York Times for antisemitic cartoon

    https://m.jpost.com/Diaspora/Antisemitism/Flood-of-condemnations-of-NYT-for-anti-Semitic-cartoon-588044 "The growing list of global condemnations from different sides of the political spectrum and from politicians and journalists illustrate the wide-ranging impact the cartoon has had. Published...
  28. V

    Bernie Sanders at the Fox News town hall

    Bernie Sanders at the Fox News town hall Monday evening. I'm impressed with his crowd control there, something I haven't seen too much of, let alone in an event hosted by conservatives. He knows the stakes this time around. :D p4ozAACcc8I I do wish he did better explaining the false...
  29. Brainster

    Matt Taibbi on the End of RussiaGate and the Media

    I found this piece on Memeorandum, and didn't pay attention to the writer until I was about 1/3rd of the way through. Matt Taibbi is a liberal politics writer for Rolling Stone magazine. He gained my respect for taking on the 9-11 Truthers and here he takes on the MSM for their overly credulous...
  30. S

    The Fox News Presidency

    “Good reporting, kiddo. But Rupert wants Donald Trump to win. So just let it go.” They truly decided to become state TV.

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